I realize that this topic has been discussed before and many ideas have poped up about it, what id like to see is all the best ideas for religion in one place and I for one hope its implemented since it has had an impact on both economy and millitary throughout the years. what i dont want to see is another game were religion just makes people happy like civ 2.so feel free to post ideas on religion here.
a few ideas i had for religion is percentage of followers in cities. so i can bring up a city veiw and see how many people in the city follow my religoin and others. for example if my religion is named hanibalism(I think religions if they are implemented they should be the leaders name with a ism on the end)and i meet a guy whos religion is called ceaserism, and weve both descovered religion, the next time i look in my city some where i think it should say somthing like
hanibalism 85%
ceaserism 15%
and as I come accross other civs there religion meets mine and ads an interesting aspect to the game.now some obvious ways to increase religion are things like building tempes/churches/cathedrals also turning like a few people (not 1 point of population just a few people) into monks and preists will ad followers in the city ther in. I also think the city with the most religiuos improvments and preists in it should be called the holly land and owning that city boosts happiness and religion in your other cities.
a few religios units would include monks and missionarys. Early on, after you discover religion, you build monks, who can build temples/shrine in 1 turn, churches in 5 turn, and cathedrals in 10 turns, in enemy cities wich will increase your religous percent in those citys by the obvious way of longer to build = stronger influence when at war with a civ that you have buildings in there citys they are closed down once it starts but not destroyed. they are reactivated once you get peace or capture them. but haveing war with someone who has a strong influence on your cities can couse pilgrimiges to there cities and lower your population.monks can also couse revolts in citys if your influence is strong enough. missionarys, the later version of monks, can do everything monks can but better and can start missions wich increase your influene on there citys but it costs a liitle food from your cities. if yuor influence on a city is 100 the people leave the city and join your nearest city.
ok, those are my ideas please ad some of your own and i only hope something that relates to religion is included in civ 3, or else it will be very unrealistic becouse once people started forming religious groups the different beleifs coused many wars and changed the world drasically. And i think it would be fun to have your own religios crusades becouse the church demands you do