It would be better just to impliment a better system of trading units, resources, cities, and technologies between players, that way a "Black market civilization" could indeed evolve, one based on piracy and trade. For example crete and persia/Islam in the real world history acted in this way.
Persia/islam situated between rome/europe and the chinese empire acted as a middle man buying luxuries and gadgets from china and selling them to europeans at a high price.
Crete however was an island civilization specializing in trade and piracy, it's fleets fared accross the seas trading and stealing as they went, they were the first of the so called "sea peoples" the ancestors of all later europeans. Greeks stole the beginings of their culture from crete, which at the time even had running water!
If players can buy, sell, and trade things between them, negotiate wealth for political favors, pirate trade routes, steal units, capture/sell slaves, and all the rest then black market civilizations will rise by themselves, as well as normal civilizations that seek wealth through legitimate trades.