yes solver please include some of the wackier questions from this thread, i have seen stefu floating around apolyton for years but i don't know who he is...
except, i would not consider him to be some one topic rules guru
so instead of focusing on question about obscure civ3 rule changes or something focus on the personality
anyways here is my list of questions
1) stefu tell us a little about yourself, where are you from, how old, etc
2) so do you take part in many of the political discussions in the OT forum? how would you describe your political leanings?
3) do you know how the whole banana thing got started? any insight into this would be help
4) if you were a mod for a day what would you do?
5) so who are some of the people here that made the biggest impression on you that no longer visit apolyton?
6) your favorite topic in the OT?
7) if you were stranded on a desert island with one other person from apolyton who would it be?
8) what is the funniest thing in your opinion that has ever happened at apolyton?
9) if apolyton had an animal as it's mascot which one would you choose?
10) have you ever been able to meet anyone from apolyton?
11) do u own any apolyton merchandise?