In case no one's mentioned it before, I thought I'd explain a little about how "random" numbers on a computer work. Computers have no way of generating truly random numbers. Rather, they generate what are called "pseudorandom" numbers - numbers that are generated using a mathematical formula but in such a way that they
look random.
Each sequence of random numbers is defined by a "seed" number fed into the random number generator at the beginning. If you start from the same seed every time, you get the same sequence of numbers every time. If you start from different seeds (for example, by basing the seed on the date/time when the program is started), you get different sequences.
What Firaxis appears to be doing is saving the current state of the random number generator in the save file so when the game is reloaded, the random number generator picks up right where it left off. That provides a simple yet elegant way of making sure if people reload a game and do the same things, they will get the same results. Assuming I'm right, all they have to store is about one or two numbers, and two entire games will go the same way from 4000 BC to 2050 AD if the player does exactly the same things. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, of course, is a matter of personal taste
