January 8, 2001, 14:12
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Civ3 site is here!!!!!!!!!!
January 8, 2001, 14:35
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-insert the sound of a falling chair here-
January 8, 2001, 14:39
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Yes, it's true! Viva Firaxis!
I'm checking it right now...
Rather be first in a village than second at Rome
January 8, 2001, 14:49
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Now that I have caught my breath.
The site is great. The units look absolutely SUPERB!! The graphics will be amazing in civ3 if these units animations are any indication.
The site has a few tidbits on combat. It looks extremelly promising. I can't wait to find out about the rest of the game.
It also looks like civ3 will have much more diversity in units. There are a panzer tank and a abram tank, also a F-15 and a MIG unit. This is excellent!
Also, in the community section, you can ask questions about the game.
Now I am going back to the site. see ya later...
No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
January 8, 2001, 14:59
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(Pure conjecture)
I think it would overcomplicate the game and be very un-Sid Meier-like to have multiple versions of the same basic unit (i.e. F-15's/Mig's, Panzers/Abrahms).
Thus, I propose one of three things is going to occur.
1) They're going to ultimately use only one of these graphics for a final version (most likely).
2) The units stats will remain the same statistically (jet fighter/tank), but a different graphic may be used as the civilization becomes more advanced.
3) The unit stats will remain the same statistically, but a different graphic may be used depending on the civilization (tileset) utilizied (i.e. different civs already have different looking cities).
Once again, pure conjecture.
[This message has been edited by Frugal_Gourmet (edited January 08, 2001).]
January 8, 2001, 15:18
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it showed an error when I tried to enter in the first couple times so I sent 3 letteres to the webmaster and then pressed the refresh button and it worked...
January 8, 2001, 15:21
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BTW, what the hell does that ace-swinging guy have between his legs?
January 8, 2001, 15:33
Firaxis Games
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Sorry about the errors, hopefully that's been ironed out now.
Firaxis Games, Inc.
January 8, 2001, 15:45
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I have the same problem Stefu has. There's a big puddle of drool at my feet now!!!
Frodo lives!
January 8, 2001, 15:51
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Anyway, Dan, now that you are here, are there religions in Civ3? Cause if there aren't, my work and all work done by contributors to Religion list thread is going to be wasted...
January 8, 2001, 15:51
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Originally posted by Frugal_Gourmet on 01-08-2001 01:59 PM
(Pure conjecture)
I think it would overcomplicate the game and be very un-Sid Meier-like to have multiple versions of the same basic unit (i.e. F-15's/Mig's, Panzers/Abrahms).
Thus, I propose one of three things is going to occur.
3) The unit stats will remain the same statistically, but a different graphic may be used depending on the civilization (tileset) utilizied (i.e. different civs already have different looking cities).
[This message has been edited by Frugal_Gourmet (edited January 08, 2001).]
I was thinking the same thing - Assuming that they're not recreating the unit workshop from SMAC, then the idea of having different looks for a given unit based on the civ that built it is sensible.
Did anybody else also catch the part in the FAQ where they say "In Civilization III you'll find ... unique benefits depending on the Civilization you choose ..."
Excellent! The one thing in SMAC I liked even better than the unit workshop was the 'Social Engineering' table, and the different benifits that each faction had. Including this type of feature will no doubt make the Civ's more fun to choose.
Excellent. Now if only there were some way to expect this game some time in 2001.  Ah well.. quality takes time.
January 8, 2001, 15:56
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Right on, buddy.
Knights in a Western European Civ would be Samurai in an Asian Civ would be something equivalent in a native American Civ, etc....
Just give a little flavor to different civilizations.
Or, they could give each Civ a unique unit/tech. a la Ages of Empires (i.e. Janissaries, Tarkans, Mangudai, Huskarls, Cataphracts, etc.)
January 8, 2001, 15:57
Firaxis Games
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Originally posted by Stefu on 01-08-2001 02:51 PM
Anyway, Dan, now that you are here, are there religions in Civ3? Cause if there aren't, my work and all work done by contributors to Religion list thread is going to be wasted... 
I'm not really sure if there are or not. Of course, even if I *did* know, I probably couldn't comment on that right now =)
I'll see what I can find out.
Firaxis Games, Inc.
January 8, 2001, 16:08
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I don't think they're different versions of the same unit. The F-15 is a Fighter/Bomber aircraft, but the Mig 29 is just a fighter. The Abram's is a advanced form of tank, one of these could take on 10 PanzerIII's and still win!.
These are seperate units, with very different capabilities. To suggest each Civ has it's own version of a unit doesn't make sense. Where's the Zulu equivalent of a Stealth Bomber? Also, such a game model would require a massive amount of artwork!
January 8, 2001, 16:15
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Obviously these things only need to be added when units parallel one another historically. For flavor, surely.
And both the Mig and the F-15 are capable strike fighters which -- in a game like Civ -- would perform virtually the same role and appeared at the same time in history.
The Panzer/Abrams update makes me think #2 -- that the graphic may evolve as technology evolves. Otherwise, it would be horrendously beareaucratic and boring to develop a whole new slew of tanks 10 turns after your first collection was built.
Like I said, it would be very un-Sid-like to bog down the game with too many units. Either there will be a way of upgrading/updating units, units will have parallel graphics, or only one of these graphics will be chosen in the final cut.
[This message has been edited by Frugal_Gourmet (edited January 08, 2001).]
January 8, 2001, 16:33
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Yeah.. I obviously wouldn't suggest that there's a different design for each civ. Just as there were several architecture types in Civ2, such as oriental, greek, and european, there would only need to be several flavors as each unit. Otherwise (as someone else wrote - I forget who) you end up with an unlikely situation like in CTP2 where you are fighting battles in Europe with armies comprised of Confederate Cavalry, Oriental Samurai, and European Musketeers.
In later ages though, as the distances between civilizations become smaller, the differences between units need not be so great, (or need not exist at all).
ie: In 18th/19thc, maybe there are different city types and different 'versions' of riflemen for European and American Civs, however by the modern age, the buildings can all look similiar, and the 'fighter plane' units might also be the same.
After all.. Nowadays, armies look pretty similar the world around. Not ENTIRELY, but enough for game terms.
January 8, 2001, 17:37
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Looks good to me.
They seem to be aiming to do the right thing - keep the best of civ1/2 gameplay, selectively add features, especially using SMAC as source, but going at least a bit beyond, and improving graphics (and presumably AI)
Not a Simnation, but not Civ2.5 either.
Oh, and an emphasis on customisability.
I will say nothing about the graphics, in keeping with my earlier promise. All I WILL say is that it is a wise marketing move to shoot for excellent graphics - this is a mass market game, with appeal to the owners of the 4 million copies of civ out there, as well as other who have never played civ. Excellent grpahics will help set it apart from all other TBS games, and hopefully draw people to the genre.
January 8, 2001, 17:54
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The unit animations look good. And it's about the right size for the map too. There's another point for the argument that the shots released earlier were in game graphics. I hope I'll be able to turn off the animations though. I don't want to sit through all the animations of every battle during 3 hour game sessions.
January 8, 2001, 18:05
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Originally posted by eNo on 01-08-2001 04:54 PM
The unit animations look good. And it's about the right size for the map too. There's another point for the argument that the shots released earlier were in game graphics. I hope I'll be able to turn off the animations though. I don't want to sit through all the animations of every battle during 3 hour game sessions.
Civ:TOT allows you to turn off animations, which really helps on a slower system - otherwise things start to really creep in late game (on a Pentium II!)
I assume it will still be possible to turn off animations on Civ3.
BTW, Civ:TOT also had animated terrain (spouting whales and such like). I wonder if Civ3 will have that?
January 8, 2001, 18:05
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Thank you Firaxis!
Now lets hope for update more periodically then the ones that Dinos got
The animation looks nice, a lot like a RTS game. Which means Firaxis is doing the right thing. They realize they must have the graphics to compete with the popular RTS. It looks like this early art will compete.
Keep up the good work!
January 8, 2001, 18:48
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Yeah, can you imagine having a force of 16 Phalanxes and 12 catapults, all animating its way to Rome...let's see...that 28 * 250KB = 7MB just for 28 units!!! I can see the minimum requirements now... Pentium V with 1.2GB RAM and a GeForce 8.
January 8, 2001, 19:19
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Wow, someone up in this thread said sumpthin' like, "If only there was some way to expect it in 2001..." Do you guys really think that it might slip [if it's not already planned for next year] to next year? If so, That SUCKS!! I love the Civ series as much as anyone as will wait if that's what they do, but **** that's gonna blow if it doesn't make this year!!!
January 8, 2001, 19:27
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Compare the rendered images too the wire-frame. The rendered don't have the blue marks on them, while the wireframe do. May I suggest individual markings for each faction(wwhich it also appears there will be)
PS: What's the bet those guys are 3dMax users? I'd recognise some of those textures anywhere
January 8, 2001, 19:52
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The Civ III website is Great, the new units are even better, and I like the way there are choices of several tanks.
Goodbye, I going back.
PS does anyone know how many units are to be included in Civ III
January 8, 2001, 19:59
Wrong. These animated units are equivilant of Age of Empires (the first one), which can easily run on 100mhz
and 16RAM (I've done it).
Great site, great artwork, I woohoo'd when I heard it was up :]
January 8, 2001, 20:00
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Beautiful - just beautiful....
Can't wait to see more of this game.
This is THE strategy game of the year.
Go tell the Spartans, passerby:
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
January 8, 2001, 20:06
btw I love the warrior animation, lol
January 8, 2001, 20:14
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Actually I think they look a little better than the AoE1. It could have something to do with my at 1280*1024 screen resolution though, making all the details look finer.
January 8, 2001, 21:51
Fantastic. The site looks great. I love the animation. one comment, the neck under the turret of the panzer is a little too tall. On the panzer III there was a very short neck (I'm looking at a picture of it in the book Military Hardware of WW II, and it look like about 4 to 5 inches tall). On the panzer IV there was none. I also build model for a hobby and I have build several German tanks in 1/35 scale.
The Abrams M1A1 comes with a 120 mm smooth bore and the Panzer III Ausf F came with a 37 mm, Ausf J with a 50 mm, and the Ausf N with a 75 mm. I thing it would take more than 10 to hurt a Abrams.
January 8, 2001, 21:58
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I just hope they haven't gotten too carried away with the graphics and forgotten the important things...
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