hey i got a great map idea but i'm to lazy / busy / unskilled to do it.
theres takes on this so i'll give you both.
you make a small (10 city) island, and place 2 start points on it. then you make rings around it, like 5 rings with varying distances of ocean between them (gets bigger as you get towards the outside).
the idea is that you have to build boats to get to each ring. and because each ring is like 3 terrain suqares wide, you have to build coastal cities on BOTH sides of the ring. and then you would have like 5 or six different navies for each ring / the outside world.
you could also make it so the outer rings have more and more advanced resources, or that the outer rings have worse terrain, so you have to make an effort to terraform it to a habitable place.
then you do that 4 times (make 4 rings across the map), and you have a kickass 8 player map that would be INSANE for multiplayer games.
think of invading someone. you have to take over part of the outer ring, and then take part of the inside of the outer ring, and build a whole new navy to fight in the next ring.
i think it would be awesome, but i'm too lazy to put in the effort.
the other way (my friend suggested after hearing my idea) is that you start 8 players on the outer ring ans make them work their way in (maybe the inside has the only uranium or something cool).
well let me know if anyone wants to do it (preferably the first one) post a reply please

just put "idea by Joseph 'UberKruX' Moskie" in the description for me. danke.