Sorry to keep on about this. So if a unit RoF is 2 it WILL remove 2hp in a successful attack or CAN remove 2 hp (ie sometimes 1 sometimes 2). Thanks
Sometimes 1, sometimes 2.
Rate of Fire just means how many pops with one bombard. RoF=2 can result in 2 hp being reduced from a unit, or two improvement ruined, or 2 citizens killed with one bombard.
Hmm. I have never seen one artillery take out 2 pop points or 2 buildings.
Just posted this on Giovanni August's strat. thread.
"In my experience catapults (and other bombard units) ARE effective in THEIR proper/own era.
Catapults do frequently weaken ancient units and even knights and pikemen. Usually quite useless against other more advanced units though.
Catapult production itself is kind of a 'luxury unit': if I have time/room to build them, I will.
A massed attack or defense force supported by many catapults is a real appealing and fun way of warring I find...