March 11, 2002, 18:22
Local Time: 21:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 77
Grecian II--The Final War.
Athens, Greece--February 8, 1953--3:35 P.M. local time.
Couplain sat nervously in the hallway outside Alexander's offce. Some sweat gathered under the brow of his general's hat, and his woollen cavalry officer's uniform was overheating him.
Running through Couplain's head were the plans for a counter offensive against the Russians. In his head ran calculations for the French Somua tank speeds, military rations, railroad time tables--the man was a military genius, but not given ample supplies, any genius's talents would go to waste. His eyes darted back and forth calculating the rubber and oil neccessary for his tanks, where a preliminary Greek nuking would be needed, and the placing of the radar artillery for his diversionary attack with the old French cavalry divisions.
Alexander walked up near Couplain. Couplain continued doing figures in his head, muttering, moving his eyes and waving his hand around in the air. Alexander watched in amazement for a moment and then Couplain realized Alexander was standing right in front of him.
"Ah, Alexander, sorry. I was just trying to work out the details for my military assistance request."
"It's no big deal, Couplain. I'm glad to see at least someone is thinking in my little Political bureau," he said with a grin. His wife had advised him to joke; it had helped her with her cancer, she said.
Couplain smiled as Alexander pulled out his keys to his office and opened it with a push. The military could afford to spend billions on those Fancy battleships but couldn't afford the maintenance to grease the door to the president's office.
As they entered the office, Alecander sat down in his plush leather chair, and offered Couplain a seat across from him. It was a simple wicker chair with green pads on the back and seat. Alexander pulled out his folders and pulled a fountain pen out of the holder on the front of his desk. He put on his glasses and read a few forms on Couplain's military proposals. Included were approximately 3 million barrels of oil and 500 cubic meters of Rubber, an ICBM launching on Riga, Berlin, Marseilles, and Lyons, and a 50,000 man Franco-Greek Landing about 60 miles due North of London.
Alexander looked up at couplain in near shock. "Couplain, this is a lot to ask for, especially at such an early stage in the war."
Couplain's face dropped, along with his heart. "Alexander, I've calculated this all to the very last soldier. If this succeeds, the English will capitulate and the bulk of the Russian army will be blown to kingdom come."
"The Greek mobilization hasn't even been made final yet!" Alexander shouted. His glasses glared in the sunlight from his office windows, and a snarl came across his lips. He soon calmed down, and made a joke. "Well, let's see if my blunderheads on the military council approve. Maybe they'll even beef it up."
Couplain thanked Alexander as he left the building. Alexander sat down at his desk, pulled out more military budget forms, and sighed.
March 11, 2002, 23:54
Local Time: 13:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: California
Posts: 77
You should definitely destroy the Russians! They are really annoying, and she is really ugly! lol, good luck, keep writing, i want to know what happens, hope everything goes as planned!
March 13, 2002, 00:09
Local Time: 21:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 77
London, England--February 9, 1953--9:43 P.M. local time.
Elizabeth was in misery. Her frozen nation of the North had made nothing but trouble for the Russians in the war. The French had stopped the English at the first tiny bit of resistance, not 50 miles into their territory, and the English, equipped with largely winter supplies, had not been prepared for the steamy jungles of Southern Germany & Northern France.
She was scheduled to have a week-long council with Catherine. Yuck. Catherine was fat, pushy, agressive, and Elizabeth always felt so inferior standing next to the bombastic woman. Nearly 4" shorter and about 10" skinnier, it wasn't impressive for her pale, rail-thin body and made the English people look weak and sicky--at least, which the soldiers war.
Elizabeth had only been considering nuclear war. The Greeks had blitzed across the Iroquois continent & took all of England's holdings there in a mere 8 weeks. Their islands to the West of Greece's continent, too, were overran. Only a few islands to the direct North of England, and Enland herself, remained under Elizabeth's control, anda few desolate French jungles.
Her tiny little nuclear asernal had long ago been overblown by the Greek spies, she knew from Catherine's reports. As the snow fell outside of Elizabeth's palace, she sipped on her tea and continued to write her memoirs. She had nothing better to do. Unlike Catherine, she did not need to be at every general's meeting, every facet of her war; the generals could do that, she wanted no part of it.
It was quite dark outside, and Catherine's jet plane had been delayed because of the dighting of some Greek carriers headed North up the Western coast of the French, English, and Russian continent. Elizabeth thought little of it; they were probably just another rubber convoy headed into the French bays. Besides, that too, was a general's matter.
Just as Elizabeth began to sip her tea again, her door flew open and slammed up against the wall. In came Catherine, in a dress that was 3 sizes to small, red in the face and waddling in with 3 suitcases.
"Don't just stand there, Lizzie, give me a hand!" Catherine bellowed, struggling under the weight of her own luggage.
Elizabeth did not get up, returned to her memoirs, and muttered "why didn't you have one of the servants help you?"
"None in sight! The saps must have forgotten I was coming. Some reception for a chairmain of the great Russian nation!".
Elizabeth sighed. She continued writing.
In Elizabeth's palace room, the floor was of a furnished cherry oak. A large bay window with a marble seating and gold frame across the room from the doorway, to the north, and a grand mosaic of the founding of London on the East wall. To the west was Elizabeth's grand canopy bed with English red satin sheets and some fine French silk pillows. Catherine's guest bed and short-stay dresser were pushed up against the mosaic. It looked like an English army cot, with 3 heavy quilts and one rough wool pillow. Elizabeth had searched the palace for the most uncomfortable bed makings possible.
"Fine bed you made for me, Lizzie!"
"It was the best I could find," Elizabeth contorted. "If you hadn't been so insistent on sharing a room..."
Catherine snorted. She plopped down her luggage and lay on her bed. It squeaked and bent under her tremendous weight.
"Just like a sorority, eh Lizzie? You, me, and this frozen wasteland of a North."
Lizzie continued writing, as Catherine dozed off into a snore. What she wouldn't do to get rid of this woman...
March 13, 2002, 00:14
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Alaska
Posts: 434
This is execellent. Keep at it, I want more.
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
March 13, 2002, 15:54
Local Time: 21:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 77
London, England--February 10, 1953--2:17 A.M. local time.
Elizabeth kept on working into the wee hours of the night, ignoring Catherine's snoring and enjoying the constant flow of tea her servants brought her. It kept her mind flowing, but it did the same for her bladder.
Elizabeth soon dawned on the Iroquois war from 1852-1880. The Iroquois had declared war on England, and her country was aided first by Greece. Soon the Iroquois would be carved up by all of the now remaining four nations, but Alexander had rushed to Elizabeth's aid with iron so that she could continue construction on her fleet after the Iron just South of Canterbury exhausted.
Elizabeth sighed. Her country, tired from the war, soon demanded a switch to Communism. As Greece had for centuries been a democratic state (their proletariat state only lasted for about 15 years), she naturally began to drift towards Russia diplomatically. After a small skirmish on the Iroquois continent that almost lead to another general war, England was firmly in the Communist camp.
She continued to write. It stated that Elizabeth had no choice but to go to Communism; her citizens refused to work, the government almost collapsed under the economic weight of the war. If she could have, she would have surely stayed with Alexander, but alas, it would be for naught.
She looked back and noticed she forgot to write in when the first Greek Caravel had docked on the English shores. The Paenthon, so the ship was named, appeared only a few miles North of London at the very tip of England. It's Captain, Dionysos Solomos, had been very anxious to open trade from the fabled Europeans, of whom artifacts had washed up on the beaches of Sparta. Stories of the Great Wall of Berlin and the Giant Pyramids in France had long intrigued the Greek scholars.
She saw the Greek caravel headed back for the port city of Sparta, loaded with French wines, German silks, and English spices. A new door had been opened, and the meeting went incredibly well for the two nations.
England and Greece's past friendship, she feared, would instill a war fever in Greece against the people of England. England's economy was dwindling from not being able to trade with the French, the country's largest exporter, and from the losses that were needing to be replaced in the English ranks. Skilled factory workers and engineers would have to fight on the front lines instead of being in the production lines.
As Catherin let out an unusually loud, choking snore, Elizabeth turned to look at her. Was this woman really where England's destiny lay? Was she trustworthy? Should Elizabeth align herself with this lumbering dinosaur simply because of a friendship long gone sour?
Elizabeth realized she had been writing this. In the fireplace that had only been going for about an hour, she threw this into the fire. She had to look like a woman of decision; even if she wasn't.
March 13, 2002, 22:53
Local Time: 21:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 77
London, England--February 10, 1953--10:00 A.M. local time.
A gentle rapping on Elizabeth's door disturbed Catherine's long snore. The chamber door creaked open as Catherine rolled over in her bed while Elizabeth woke up gracefully and walked over to her bay window. She pulled open the blinds and the ice from the windows created a concentrated sunbeam that found it's home directly upon Catherine's eyes. Elizabeth chuckled but as Cathine jumped out of bed she turned back to the window.
In from the hallway came Jenkins, Elizabeth's butler (it was ironic that he got paid just as much as her physician). He carried two English crumpets and a cup of more English tea for Elizabeth. Catherine swiped off her crumpet immediately and almost made Jenkins fall over.
As he walked over to Elizabeth, in her nightgown and scratching her back, Cathine continued to wolf down the crumpet with loud lip-smacking. Elizabeth took the plate from Jenkins, and set it on the marble in front of the window, and proceeded to pull her chair up.
London had already been awake for hours. The tall office buildings were lit and she saw a few people simply dozing instead of working at their computer. She watched the little cars buzz around her streets as she put on her glasses.
Jenkins had long left and Elizabeth soon directed Catherine down the stairs to the kitchen. She knew that Catherine would hate English food, so she had the cooks prepare a Russian breakfast for her.
"Well, Lizzie, where's your War Room? You know we have military matters to discuss."
Elizabeth choked on her tea that was halfway down her throat. "War Room? Oh, I leave that to my generals. If you want to speak with them, they're on the other side of town in the Military Academy. I believe General Montgomery is giving a lecture on winter tactics to the cadets."
Catherine slammed her vodka down on the table. "Don't meet with your generals?! What do they do, run amok like Chickens with their heads cut off? Come, we must leave immediately."
"But Catherine, I'm sure they'll seeing you in your nighties."
"Embarassed nothing! Come now, we must go."
Catherine grabbed Elizabeth's arm and pulled her out of the kitchen. She told Jenkins to bring her clothes over to the academy and to make sure Catherine's got there ASAP.
English Military Academy, London, England--February 10, 1953--10:20 A.M. local time.
"Ah, Lizzie, now THIS is where we belong!" Catherine bellowed. There were men in uniforms marching all around her, and the room was tinted red from the lights. A huge map of the world and all of the major cities imposed the room in a free-standing frame in the center of the room. There stood one Russian general, Phloffosov, and two English generals, York and Wallace. They were drawing up scematics for a puncture of the French battle lines, which thus far had held strong on both fronts in their jungle fortifications.
"Ah, you see, this is the problem," Phloffosov said. "The French XVII Infantry corps is pushing your right wing, currently in formation horizantally, into a vertical position. While your generals have the concept of strangthening your right wing, as the bulk of the French forces are in the XVII Infantry corps, they are moving your center and left wing southward into a similarily vertical position. Then the French left wing, made up of the II tank corps and the IIX & IX Cavalry corps will encircle your forces. Instead of trying to strengthen your right, you might want to consider having it retreat from the French to leave their infantry chasing while the Tank & Cavalry corps are taken care of."
York and Wallace congratulated Phloffosov on his plan.
"See Lizzie, this is what you get when you come to the War Room!" Catherine said slapping Elizabeth on the back and almost knocking her over. "Phloffosov was trained by me personally, and look how he's bailed you out."
Elizabeth forced a smile.
on the other side of the Map, there was a large group of generals trying to figure out what to do with the French.
While Southern France was more temperate, it was hilly and to the East very mountanious. The French had the high ground and their I, II & II Mech. Infantry crops were all placed along the border. As the Russians had yet to succeed in stealing Synthetic Fibers from the Greeks, their tanks were far inferior and were being slaughtered. Catherine had ordered a general charge, with there being no retreat. So far the Russian Tank Casualties amounted to over 650 tanks and 25,000 men and tankers. Catherine was sure to walk quickly by.
"Oh, Catherine, can't we leave? War is so depressing, and I don't enjoy it even to the least extent."
"Nonsense! You have to learn the ways of the military, or you'll never succee-"
Catherine was cut off by a loud buzzer. The red light began to haze in and out, and soldiers began running.
"What in the devil is going on, Elizabeth?!"
"I believe that would be the foreign nuke siren. It would seem that your cities of Marseilles, Riga, Lyons, and Berlin have been hit by Greek ICBMS."
March 14, 2002, 09:16
Local Time: 21:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 77
Moscow, Russia--February 10, 1953--10:30 A.M. London time.
Yuri Joshifensky had been promoted to Keresnky's spot after he had been removed from office (they said he died of a heart attack after learning that the Greeks & French knew about Majenour). As head of KGB, he had taken Catherine's place while she was at summit in London; but, appearantly, now was not a good time to be in charge.
What puzzled Joshifensky was that the Greeks had nuked all non-Russian homeland citizens. Logic would say that the Greeks might hope to cause unrest in the Russian People's Republic by making the French and German minorities more of a force by eliminating the Russian population, but instead they did the opposite.
All along the French front the armies were at a bloody standstill, the Russians being slaughtered by the Mech. Infantry fortifications. Word was it was working so well the French were working on a massive chain of forts to stop the Russians. The French were half way through encircling their English allies; appearantly, Couplain was the military genius he had so often claimed to be.
But Joshifensky continued to wonder: why would the Greeks nuke such un-strategic locations? No resources, no luxuries--the only thing was they were all near the French. Yet the French had no troops to spare for an offensive, and no Greek ships had been reported by the coast guard.
...But what about the English coast guard? All of these territories, if taken by Greece, would create a large beachead bordering all 3 nations, France, Russia, and England! If he landed North of London, he could quickly take it with his modern armor, and drive directly down to these territories.
Joshifensky ran to Catherine's office and picked up the hotline for London.
"Is Elizabeth there? It's urgent." Jenkins had picked up the phone.
"No, I'm sorry sir, Catherine has taken Elizabeth to the English War Room for the day. There is only a phoneline between the palace and the War Room--there is no other way to reach it."
"Okay. Thank you."
"Good day".
As Joshifensky slammed down the phone, he began to wonder what he could do. All Russian forces were along the French front; the English were almost encircled; there was nothing he could do.
The Greeks had the Russians cornered. The only thing at this point that could save Russia at this point would be all out nuclear war.
Joshifensky ordered every last Russian ICBM to be targeted at cities in Greece.
March 14, 2002, 17:18
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alaska
Posts: 434
This is getting exciting. Don't leave us hanging.
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
March 17, 2002, 18:14
Local Time: 21:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 77
Athens, Greece--February 10, 1953--10:32 A.M. London time (7:02 A.M. Local).
Maximus ran at full speed from the Greek War Room. Greek sateliettes (launched at the beginning of last year) had detected a Russian ICBM aimed at Athens, including many other towns. Alexander was to be taken, by helicopter, to Pharsalos--a small Greek town on the semicontinent of Crete to the West of Greece proper.
He slammed on the door. Alexander had been stupid enough to lock it. Even with their inferior fuel, Russian ICBMs only took 6 minutes to make it across the world.
Maximus began to yell. "Alexander, a Russian ICBM had been aimed at Athens. If you can not make it out of bed and on to a helicopter in 4 minutes, you will die. Now, UNLOCK THIS DOOR!"
Alexander's sickly wife appeared at the door. "Alexander always took forever to wake up," she said. Her lips were thin, dry, and cracked."
Alexander came through behind her. "Rosa, come on, let's go, now."
Rosa just stood there for a second. Her paleness was astonishing. In her long gone says of beauty, before Alexander had arisen with his ambitions, she had been bouncy and youthful.
"Alexander, both you and I know I have but a week left."
Alexander didn't understand. Rosa put her warm hand on his face.
"I'd only slow you down. Your nation needs you know and tomorrow. I'd rather not die of the cancer. I think I'll just go back to bed."
Tears began to well in both of their eyes.
"Alexander, we have to go now or we won't make it out."
Alexander paused a moment. He wished Rosa goodbye as she closed the door and went back to bed.
Maximus and Alexander gathered the general staff and they all piled up into a single helicopter. Just as the helicopter took off, Alexander saw the missle coming towards Athens. The pilot pushed the helpicopter as high and as fast as she could go. Alexander looked back after a great white flash as a mushroom cloud formed where his great city had once been.
March 17, 2002, 22:12
Local Time: 15:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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is that the end?
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 18, 2002, 14:28
Local Time: 21:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 77
Not quite, my good civman  .
March 18, 2002, 16:05
Local Time: 21:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 77
The Aftermath--January 1st, 1957.
Long after the devastation that befell the Greeks, we find ourselves upon a truly different world. A few months after the Russian nuclear strike on Greece, Alexander went insane without his wife. She had represented what had kept the world going and, when she died, the hope that had brought the world to it's glorious standpoint before it destroyed itself died along with her.
Alexander now resides at the Sunnyfield mental institute, 1633 Phillip dr.
Maximus inherited the Greek democracy in a state of chaos, but instead granted the Roman cities independence and would rule over them while the Greeks collapsed into anarchy and self-destruction.
In Russia, Catherine died in a cavalry charge against the French forces. She went first, donning the Soviet flag above her horse, and was soon mowed down by the French Mech. Infantry. Joshifensky permanently ran the country and rid of Catherine's mad determination was able to make peace with the French.
The English, who switched sides upon the nuclear strike on Russia would find glory in the absorption of the former German territories. The French would get half of the German territories also, and Couplain once again made France a major world power.
The world found itself destroyed and impovershed, but rid of the power-hungry rulers would once again find it's glory.
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