March 12, 2002, 02:09
World At War!!!!!
World AT WAR!
Note: based on the dutcheese modern warfare scenario… American continent shaped like a fat rectangle-like thing. Western sea = ocean west of American continent east of Japanese continent. Eastern sea = Ocean east of American continent east of further away Japanese continent(other side of world) and China continent is east and a little up of American continent.
It was morning as the transport ship and two battleships (USS Chicago and USS Illinois) were sailing across the Western Sea(the ocean west of my continent) heading towards the evil Japanese empire.
(Aboard the USS Chicago)
“Sir”, says the XO (Colonel Sacks) of the Spearhead Corps, “in 3 hours we will reach the shores of Sutsuma.”
“Great”, says General Burnside, “I have my utmost confidence in our invasion fleet, we will unload the transport on the shores southwest of the city of Sutsuma, there I am sure we will take the city within a day.”
The invasion force consisted of two armor divisions, two marine divisions, and four infantry divisions, President Eisenhower called it his Spearhead Corps. Another transport of 6 armor divisions and 2 infantry divisions were 3 days behind the Spearhead Corps but General Burnside refused to wait for the transport ship to catch up. A month before, a Japanese vessel was destroyed by an American Gallileo ship who panicked when the Japanese vessel threatened to attack if the Americans did not leave their waters, after the attack Japan quickly declared war upon the US refusing any envoy the Americans tried to send. So President Eisenhower, pressured by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, decided to attack first in the war and possibly gain an upperhand in the war to come. He placed General Burnside in command of the invasion forces of Eastern Japan and General Hooker in command of the invasion forces of Southern Japan. The Spearhead Corps was quickly assembled in a month by Burnside and he decided to invade within a week, against the advisement of the Chiefs of Staff.
“General”, says Captain Jones of the USS Chicago, “How many rounds of artillery do you wish us to fire upon the city before you invade?”
“Nonsense, we do not need any artillery it will only give them time to react, besides my Corps will get through with them fairly easy without the aide of artillery.”
“General, maybe you should at least wait till the second transport arrives before you invade”
“Captain, I am the commander here and I say when and how and where we invade, understood?”
“Yes General, but maybe let us use our arti…”
“ENOUGH! Captain, do your job and shut your mouth or I will have you relieved of your command!”
“Yes sir”, Captain gritted his teeth as he said it, irritated at this man’s arrogance, “well good luck General on your way in, stay away from the bullets, eh.?
“You must be mistaken Captain, I’m not going in, I will be watching from this battleship and keeping contact with land forces via radio” Captain looked at him in disgust, “my men don’t want their leader to get shot”
Captain thought “I doubt that”.
Emperor Tokugawa’s Office in Kyoto
Keo rushed into Emperor Tokugawa’s office with a sheet of paper in his hand.
“Emperor!, I received a report from our Washington source that the Americans are planning and invasion upon Sutsuma!”
“Are you sure? How could they have created such a force so quickly? How big is the invasion force?”
“I do not know, Emperor.”
“When?” He said total disbelief at how fast this could have happened.
“Sometime today or tomorrow, your majesty.”
“Inform Governer Yu of Sutsuma of the oncoming attack, and get the 3 armor divisions stationed here in Kyoto and send them to Sutsuma quickly, under the command of General Shuti. Also inform Admiral Yamamato of the battleship Missushi to quickly intercept the invasion force.” He stood up and paced around eager to do something to prevent this attack.
“I will do that sir.” Keo was inspired at his Emperor’s incredible decisiveness.
“Is the battleship Hiro in Nara completed yet?”
“Yes sir.”
“Send that with the battleship Missushi.”
“Yes sir.”
“And inform the Governers, Keo, to put forth their cities in full mobilization. We are at war.”
USS Chicago
“Two hours, Sir” Burnside’s XO, Colonel Sacks, was starting to sweat. Burnside was sending him in with the first infanty division since Burnside himself was not going in.
“Good. Captain, radio the USS Illinois and tell them to place themselves a few miles south of Sutsuma, and tell them we will be close to the shores east of Sutsuma.”
“Yes sir.”Captain Jones quickly radioed his close friend Captain Malarkey, Commander of the USS Illinois.
“Do you want us to fire any artillery?” Captain Malarkey said through the radio.
“No Captain, you will refrain from firing artillery, the General wants to rush in as fast as he can to keep the surprise.”
“Ok, if you think that’s best” Captain Malarkey said in disbelief.
Governer’s Office in Sutsuma
“Yes?” Governer Yu answered his secretary.
“I have an urgent message from Kyoto.”
“uhhhh, well what is it?”
“oh sorry sir I was listening to you breathing. The message reads ‘the samurai defends’.” Governor Yu’s heart skipped a beat. “how could it be so quickly?” he thought to himself.
“Kiki, I want you to give that message to Colonel Yao of the guard, tell him its from me.” The Governer’s Guard consisted of four infantry divisions and 1 armored division, the city had great entrenches and was one of the best structured cities for defense in Japan.
“Will do Governer, what does it mean anyway?”
“None of your business, now shut up and give that message to the Colonel, NOW!” She quickly got up from her desk and ran off.
USS Chicago
“General, we’re in position.” Captain Jones reluctantly told him.
“Great. Land the Spearhead Corps. Colonel Sacks is with them, correct?”
“Yes sir”
Governer’s office in Sutsuma
Lieutenant Gizu rushed into Governer Yu’s office.
“Sir, we have spotted Americans landing southwest of Sutsuma!”
“How big?” Governer Yu was starting to sweat.
“We saw 4 infantry divisions as well as 2 armor divisions and between 2 to 3 marine divisions but we aren’t sure. We didn’t see any other landing crafts.”
“You fool, of course there must be other landing crafts elsewhere, they must know if they take this city they can’t hold with just that. Is the Colonel’s Guard ready?”
“Yes sir, he is set.”
to be continued.........
March 12, 2002, 02:27
Private First Class Jamison was the first one behind the transport's gate, he would be one of the first ones out, he was praying they wouldn’t meet any resistance as they landed on the beach. He took his dog tags and in between the dog tags was a cross, he kissed it and placed it back under his shirt. He was starting to sweat, his stomach felt like a bottomless pit. A few of the soldiers by him were puking they were so nervous. Burnside informed them that there should be no enemy forces where they were landing but no one trusted him. He wondered if he would ever return home, back in Boston where he was planning to marry his girlfriend in 3 months.
“5 minutes.” His nervousness was beginning to pass, his adrenaline was pumping now at full power. He was ready, this is what he was trained for. Then he heard a whistle, a whistle that came from the sky. It was the sound of a bomb dropping from a thousand feet in the air. It exploded 50 feet from the transport, he was shocked, they were being fired upon! Then the transport jerked to a complete stop and the gate fell down.
“Charge!!!” his CO yelled. A hail of bullets rained on them, the guy next to him fell. PFC Jamison looked forward and was shocked to see the beach 40 yards away, these damn transports are suppose to actually land on the beach! rIght? He charged forward falling into the water. He could see bullets flying through the water when he was under, he just kept swimming forward. All he could hear was explosions and bullets wizzing by like an army of flies buzzing by your ear. Little splashes were all around him where the bullets fell. They were to take the beach and secure it for the armored divisions, if they even could reach the beach!, he thought. One guy was helping him along and PFC Jamison looked to see who was helping him and as he looked the guy’s head exploded and he never saw the person helping him.
The first division was on the beach spread out all over.
He was in a little pit trying to catch his breath from the swimming but the constant explosions and bullets whizzing by kept him from trying to stay calm. He took the plastic off his rifle that protected it from the water and he looked over the pit and started firing at the flashes. He had to keep ducking behind the pit because of the constant firing. He was getting frustrated. He looked around and saw fellow soldiers falling down, getting their heads blown off, legs blown off, they were getting maimed. He looked back and saw his CO yelling at him to keep going forward. This angered him but he did what he was told. He quickly got out of the pit and ran forward and fell into a trench that was about 15 yards in front of him. He was relieved that he didn’t get shot.
His division was making progress, they were edging further and further up the beach. He looked to his left and saw Colonel Sacks, Burnside’s little pet.
“Cover me!” Colonel Sacks yelled at him.
PFC Jamison looked over the trench and started firing and saw the Colonel run forward. The Colonel ran about 10 yards than was stopped and killed by a series of enemy hail fire to his chest and face. PFC Jamison realized it was a machine gun so he crept to the left and towards the machine gun under the cover of the trench and then the trench ended. An explosion erupted about 15 yards to the left piling him in dirt. Another one hit. He wiped himself off and decided to wait for another explosion to cover him so he could race towards the machine gun under the dust cloud of the explosion. About 20 seconds later he got his explosion and he raced over the trench for about 20 yards screaming his war cry and emptied his magazine into 9 surprised Japanese soldiers. He took over the pit and the machine gun and began to give cover fire for his fellow soldiers.
A few soldiers joined him in the pit and fired with him. He stopped to reload his machine gun and saw the Private next to him receive a bullet through the helmet. The Private collapsed and PFC Jamison got his machine gun loaded and firing. He was very effective with the machine gun. A wave of 20 Japanese soldiers charged his pit and the intensity of the firing increased dramatically. The wave of the 20 Japanese soldiers got within 10 yards of the pit before they all were killed.
D-DAY to be continued…
March 12, 2002, 22:47
(small note for future reference, 1 gold = 1 million dollars)
After hours and hours of intense fighting, the American infantry divisions finally secured the beachhead as well as the nearby forest. The 2 armor divisions and the 2 marine divisions landed on the beach after it was secured. The 4 Japanese infantry divisions were routed and they retreated to the nearby hills northwest and west of the beachhead. The first infantry division suffered extremely heavy losses, only 130 men survived, 35 of which were wounded. PFC Jamison was one of the survivors. Lt. Colonel Barrett, who took command of the infantry divisions after Colonel Sacks was killed, ordered the 1st infantry division(which only had 95 capable men) to join up with the 2nd infantry division who also suffered heavy casualties. The 3rd and 4th infantry divisions had light casualties.
“Captain, give me a sitrep” Lt. Colonel Barrett asked one of the officers from the 2nd infantry division.
“Well Colonel, none of our soldiers are in contact with the enemy anymore, the Japs retreated to those hills over there about 2-4 miles away, there’s nothin between us and the city sir.” The Captain said in his obvious Texan accent.
Lt. Colonel Barrett stood in silence for awhile thinking of what to do next, being in command of all these men was getting him nervous, it was a huge responsibility for just a Lt. Colonel.
“Ok, Captain, go ahead and send out a patrol down the beach towards Nagasaki so we don’t get hit from behind and send another patrol towards those hills to keep an eye on those Japs. We don’t want to get hit on our flank while we besiege the city.”
“I will do that Colonel, and sir?”
The Captain looked a little uneasy.
“Well sir, this sure is a large group of soldiers for a Lt. Colonel to be in command of, shouldn’t the General be arriving any minute now?” The Captain said with a small quiver in his voice.
“Don’t worry son, he’s watching over us from the sea.” Lt. Colonel Barrett said while patting the Captain on the back. “Now get those patrols movin, Captain.” The Captain ran off. Barrett looked at him run off, for the first time a look of worry appeared on his face.
Washington D.C. The White House
President Eisenhower was looking at a map on the wall picturing the plans of Operation Spearhead (Invasion of Sutsuma). Then there was a knock on the door.
“Come in” he said still looking at the map as his military advisor entered the office.
“We have the first report sir, from the USS Chicago”
“How is Operation Spearhead going?” He said turning away from the map, anxious to hear any kind of news from the Eastern Front.
“Sir, our forces have secured the beachhead southwest of Sutsuma, they will invade once Burnside gives the order.”
“Was their any resistance as they landed on the beach?”
“Yes Mr. President, the 1st division was destroyed, the 2nd division lost 1/3 of their men, and the 3rd and 4th divisions lost 1/4th of their soldiers.”
“We lost one division! And nearly half of another one? It was only the beachhead for crying out loud, they still have the city to attack! Wasn’t the artillery effective?” Eisenhower said in disbelief.
“Sir, Burnside didn’t use artillery, he thought it would be best if they quickly went in.”
“What?! When you have artillery you use it! I should have never put that moron in command. You send a message to Burnside, he does not invade until the second transport arrives with its reinforcements, and when they do arrive he will USE the artillery from the battleships to soften up the city’s defenses before he invades! Until then, the Spearhead Corps is to entrench themselves and be ready for any counter-attack the Japanese throw at them before the reinforcements arrive.” He said trying to calm himself down.
“Yes sir” The Foreign advisor said, he gave a salute and left the office.
“What a damn joke that General is, I can’t believe how poorly he executed the invasion” He said to himself, partly disgusted, in disbelief, and in frustration all at the same time.
“May God protect those troops under his command” He said regretting ever putting that man in command. He wished he was out there in command of his troops instead of sitting here thousands of miles away in an office.
USS Chicago
“Ah ha,” General Burnside shouted with glee as he was looking through a pair of binoculars, “ you see Captain, we have control of the beach, now its just a matter of time for our troops to regroup and take the city.” Captain Jones stared at him.
“Sir, they’ve reported the loss of 1 division and heavy casualties on the other divisions, and that was just the beachhead, the city is going to be more difficult.” Captain Jones responded to the General.
“A sailor does not need to tell a land commander how to run an invasion, CAPTAIN, casualties are to be expected, besides, now we will have the 2 armor divisions and the 2 marine divisions to assist the infantry in taking the city.” No doubt whatsoever was on the General’s mind.
“Yes sir.” Captain Jones gritted his teeth wishing he could just smack this son of a *****.
An enlisted man walked up to Captain Jones and stood at attention.
“What is it Petty Officer Macloy” Captain Jones could see a paper in the Petty Officer’s hand.
“A message sir, from Washington.”
Captain Jones grabbed the paper from the Petty Officer. He read it and looked up at the General and smiled.
“The President has ordered you to wait for the second transport.” He said quite contentedly. “ And you MUST use our artillery to barrage the city before you attack it. Here are the details.” He handed the piece of paper to the puzzled General and walked away.
Washington D.C. White House
President Eisenhower was looking through the proposed war budget and how much the price would be for the new proposed armor units to go into production. Then his Secretary buzzed him on the intercom.
“Mr. President, a French envoy is here to see you.”
“Send him in Leslie.”
The Frenchman entered his office.
“Good to see you Mister President” The French envoy said in a French accent.
“It is good to see you too…..Mr….?”
“Charles, just call me Charles. I am an ambassador from France and a close friend of Napoleon Bonaparte. He would like to tell you that France will assist you anyway they can in the war against the Japanese. He also agrees to the Mutual Protection Pact you have proposed, he signed it and I have it here for you.”
He placed a treaty on Eisenhower’s desk.
“I am very glad to hear that Mr. Charles. It is good to have such a close ally we can trust.” He stood up to shake the ambassador’s hand.
“Mr. President, there is one minor problem.”
“Oh? And what is that?” He look at him in curiosity.
“France cannot afford such a conflict at the present time, Emperor Napoleon requests aide in the funding of our military.”
Eisenhower looked at him knowing there was a catch. He placed his hands on his desk and looked straight into the ambassador’s eyes.
“How much?”
“Mister President, we would not ask this if it wasn’t absolutely necessary for doing our part for the war. We will need 1 billion dollars.”
“I have a country to run here Mr. Charles and a war. 750 million dollars is the best I can do.”
“Very well, I completely understand. We accept. You will not be disappointed Mr. President, we are already mass producing naval ships so that we can control the seas.”
“Very well Mr. Charles, give Napoleon my best wishes. I have matters to attend to so if you don’t mind, kind sir.” Eisenhower said while nodding towards the door.
“Well of course Mr. President, and good luck with the war.” The ambassador then stood up, shook the President’s hand and walked out.
to be continued.......unless it sucks so bad you don't wanna hear it anymore
March 12, 2002, 22:48
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Ham grass chocolate.
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"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 12, 2002, 22:49
March 12, 2002, 22:58
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 12, 2002, 23:33
March 13, 2002, 01:05
Spearhead Corps Encampment (southwest of Sutsuma)
For two days the Spearhead Corps held their ground. They had no more casualties and the only engagements they had with the enemy were little skirmishes in the forests below the hills. Then Lt. Colonel Barrett got a radio call from the USS Chicago.
“Uniform two.”
“This is Uniform two, over.” Responded Lt. Colonel Barrett.
“Uniform two this is Top Dog, reinforcements have arrived at objective point, repeat, reinforcements have arrived at objective point and have secured it, over.” Burnside informed Barrett of the arrival of the 2nd transport ship and its landing on the beachhead northwest of Sutsuma.
“Copy, over.”
“Roger, over and out.” Lt. Colonel Barrett handed the radio back to the radio operator.
“Major Kale!” Barrett called his XO (executive officer).
Major Kale came running, he stopped and saluted Lt. Colonel Barrett.
“You called sir?”
“Don’t salute me here Major, there could be snipers around, how would you feel if your commanding officer got his head blown off and left you in charge of this invasion?” He glared at the Major.
“Sorry sir, I wasn’t thinking.”
“No problem, Major. I know your use to that desk in Washington, just start thinkin, will ya?”
“Yes sir.”
“Anyways, bring me the commanding officers of each division so we can have a meeting, tell them Operation Spearhead is to commence.” He walked inside the Headquarters Tent.
Outer Defensive Line of Sutsuma (Southwestern Line)
Colonel Yao was looking through his binoculars checking for any sign of the enemy marching forward when his XO Major Shoko approached him.
“What is it Major?” Colonel Yao said in Japanese while lowering his binoculars.
“A second American landing force has been spotted landing 3 miles northwest of us, Colonel”
“Very well, I don’t think an attack from the sea will occur, so relieve the troops posted at the east and northern walls of the city and send them to the northwestern defensive line, Major. And do you know how big this 2nd landing force is?” He said still looking out into the fields.
“No sir, not yet.”
“Very well. And what of General Shuti’s Army?” He said looking back through his binoculars.
“They are still about a day or two away, sir. They had a slight accident on the trains, there was a collision and it took a while before they could get back on the move.”
“Well Major, I hope he does not arrive too late.” He said.
“Yes sir.” The Major saluted, got in his jeep and drove off to do as he was commanded.
Spearhead Corps Headquarters (the Tent, Southwest of Sutsuma)
“Well gentlemen, regroup your men and get them ready to attack the city. We attack once we get confirmation that the Spearhead 2nd Corps is in place, both Corps will perform a coordinated attack.” Lt. Colonel Barrett said while pacing around the table which seated the 7 commanding officers. “Now, we must plan our attack, officers, do we send in the Marines first, or the Army?” He sat down at the head of the table.
“Well Colonel, I say send in the Marines first, they are better trained at this kind of invasion. Then send in one of the infantry divisions to reinforce the initial attack. Then send in the armored divisions with the rest of the infantry to strike the final blow,” said Major Smith, Commander of the 1st Marine division.
Lt. Colonel Barrett took this into consideration.
“I disagree,” Major Jack Mckensey Commander of the 2nd Armor division, “ this country hasn’t been in a major war since Independence Day! The only ones who have actually spilt blood and have tasted the true atrocities of armed combat are the infantry divisions. They have the experience, they are the vets. The Marines are just green troops, they won’t know what hit them when they enter that city.”
“Your right, Major Mckensey,” chimed in Lt. Colonel Barrett, “ but they are still a little bit hurt from the landing, rested yes, but hurt nonetheless. And it won’t do well to their spirits if we send them head first, AGAIN, into a hail of fire.”
"Ok then," Major Garcia, Commander of the 3rd Infantry division, “we send them in a style where they will complement each other.”
“Would you care to elaborate, Mike?” Lt. Colonel said. Major Garcia served under the command of Lt. Colonel Barrett in Fort Bragg years ago, so they’ve known each other for quite a while.
“Well sir, you send them in a way where you could use both their strengths. Send the 3rd Infantry division first, they aren’t totally wasted however they have experience in combat. Then send the 1st Marine division close behind them, then either send the 2nd or the 4th Infantry division next, then the 2nd Marine division and then both Armor divisions will follow with the 2nd or 4th Infantry division mingled with them.”
“Great plan Major, you always seem to amaze me.” Lt. Colonel Barrett said.
Major Garcia just shrugged as if to say ‘ hey, what can I say, I’m just damn good.’.
“Ok, so who will go after the 1st Marine division, the 2nd or the 4th?” Lt. Colonel asked the group of men.
“My division will go next sir, they were bit pretty hard during the landing but they are tough men.” Major George S. Patton Commander of the 2nd Infantry division, Top of his West Point Graduating Class. A brute when it came to fighting and a tactical genius when it came to warfare. Even Lt. Colonel Barrett held high respects for the man.
“Very well George, you will be the third wave.” Lt. Colonel Barrett said.
Major Patton nodded his head in acknowledgement.
Lt. Colonel Barrett stood up.
“Very well gentlemen, get back to your stations and get your men ready, its gonna be one hell of a day tomorrow!”
Lt. Colonel Barrett stood there, oblivious to what the outcome will be for the battle to come….
to be continued…
Last edited by ; March 13, 2002 at 01:16.
March 14, 2002, 01:30
Map of WORLD AT WAR!!!!!
Thanks for the tips civman
March 14, 2002, 22:57
(still part of SIEGE OF SUTSUMA)
(Spearhead Corps Encampment, 3 hours after the meeting)
It was 0000 hours (12:00AM) and PFC Jamison and Private Kimmons were on guard duty. The encampment was shaped like a diamond and PFC Jamison and Pvt. Kimmons were in a foxhole on the western most tip of the encampment, that’s where their zones of fire were. Their foxhole was even deeper in the forest then the center of the encampment was.
“What was that?” whispered Pvt. Kimmons. It was a moonless night and 5 to 10 yards was as far as a person could see. PFC Jamison and Pvt. Kimmons were hunkered down low in their foxhole peeking over to see any sign of enemy activity.
“How the hell am I suppose to know, its probably just a raccoon or somethin,” answered PFC Jamison.
“A raccoon? There’s no raccoons in Japan.”
“Who says there’s no raccoons in Japan. What’s so different about Japan?” questioned PFC Jamison.
“Everybody knows there aren’t any raccoons in Japan, its common sense man, geez,” remarked Pvt. Kimmons.
“Yeah? And who the hell is everybody?”
“What? What do you mean who the hell is everybody? Everybody’s everybody. Man, sometimes I think you’ve lost it.”
“Yeah, and sometimes I think your full of ****. And one of those sometimes is now.” Said PFC Jamison as he squinted to see out in the distance, between the trees.
“You sayin I’m full of ****? Are you insulting your good ole friend here, man? Are ya? If I was in the right mind I’d smack you right now, give you a nice ass whoopin…….”Pvt. Kimmons trailed off mumbling to himself.
“Shhhh. You're never in the right mind Sam, now be quiet, I think I heard somethin.” PFC Jamison cuffed his ear straining to hear just one little sound.
“Now your tellin me to shush? Geez, what a friend. Maybe it’s one of your raccoons,Pete, eh? What do you think of that?.”Pvt. Kimmons snickered.
“No I’m serious, where I live there’s lots of raccoons and that was no raccoon sound.” PFC Jamison edged forward trying to hear what he heard.
PFC Jamison jerked.
“Did you hear that.” He asked.
“Yeah, what do ya think it is, Pete.” Pvt. Kimmons asked as he search aimlessly with his eyes in the dark distance.
“I don’t know, but I sure don’t like…..
“Maybe we should call one of the mortar platoons to fire a flare.” Pvt. Kimmons said after hearing the sound again.
“You think we should, Sam. We’d look kinda stupid if it was a monkey or somethin. They say there’s lots of monkeys here in Japan.”
“Have you seen a monkey here lately, Pete. And what if it wasn’t an animal but the Japs getting ready to pounce on us, eh? Then we’d look really stupid.” Pvt. Kimmons whispered back at PFC Jamison.
“Ok then. Give me the radio, I’ll tell them.” Pvt. Kimmons handed PFC Jamison the radio.
“West Point to HQ, West Point to HQ, we need flare fired above our position, we have reason to believe enemy activity in the area, we wish to confirm that, over.” PFC Jamison whispered into the radio.
“No problem West Point, we’ll send that sucker high above makin it as bright as day for ya fellas.” Someone answered through the radio.
“Thanks HQ, over and out.” PFC Jamison placed the radio down.
“Alright Sam, we’ll find out in a few moments.”
They waited and in a few seconds they heard a whistling sort of sound then a bright flash making the forest almost daylight, like a giant light bulb was hanging in the sky. When the light came PFC Jamison and Pvt. Kimmons saw about 40 to 50 Japanese soldiers creeping towards them. 5 of which were nearly 10 yards in front of them.
“HOLY ****!!!AHHHHHH!!!” Pvt. Kimmons yelled as he started firing his rifle, and a sudden explosion of gunfire erupted. PFC Jamison sprayed the first five enemy soldiers with a quick burst from his M60 machine gun nailing all five of them, then he started firing into the enemy soldiers beyond with one long spray of bullets. Pvt. Kimmons was firing his M4 Carbine in small bursts of fire. Both were yelling at the top of their lungs but neither could be heard of the immense volume of fire. So much firepower it was as if it was one constant noise that never ended. The foxholes that were 20 yards on each side of PFC Jamison’s foxhole was also firing at the enemy.
“I GOTTA RELOAD!” Pvt. Kimmons yelled as he took out his magazine and placed in another.
“OK, AND GET ON THAT RADIO AND CALL IN SOME MORTAR ROUNDS!” PFC Jamison yelled back. Pvt. Kimmons got on the radio.
“HQ! HQ! THIS IS WEST POINT, WE ARE IN COMBAT, WE NEED IMMEDIATE MORTAR ROUNDS.” He yelled into the radio, he then picked up a map and started yelling the coordinates. “ONE-ONE-NINER-LIMA-NINER-FOXTROT-FOUR-ROMEO-ZERO!”
All of a sudden an explosion erupted 24 yards in front of PFC Jamison, then another erupted then another. Those mortar platoons were going to give it all it took to help out their comrades. Another mortar round hit right in the middle of a crouched group of Japanese soldiers, sending them flying in all directions screaming in their spoken language. There were more Japanese soldiers than the Privates first thought. PFC Jamison and Pvt. Kimmons just kept firing and firing and reloading magazine after magazine. Dozens of enemy soldiers were falling, getting there limbs cut to pieces by hundreds of American bullets as well as having their bodies blown apart by dozens of American mortar rounds. The Japanese attacked wave after wave but the Americans held, turning the enemy back every time.
After hours of intense fighting the Japanese attempt was turned back and the fighting ended. PFC Jamison and Pvt. Kimmons were part of the small group of soldiers assigned to search the dead bodies for intelligence and weapons. They were walking among the dead Japanese soldiers
“Damn! Those sons of *****es sure did come at us! Racoons you say? Well these damn raccoons sure can fight back!” exclaimed Pvt. Kimmons as he looked down at the numerous dead Japanese soldiers.
“Hell yeah.” responded PFC Jamison.
Pvt. Kimmons knelt down beside a Japanese soldier.
“Hey Pete, come here, this one’s still alive, dude.” He said while looking down at the man’s face.
PFC Jamison walked over and saw the man open his eyes and just stare at the American soldiers. He tried reaching for his .45 Colt Pistol but his hand kept falling back down. He kept trying and trying but kept failing and failing. He was losing strength.
“Damn, this little sucker still wants to waste our asses.” Pvt. Kimmons remarked. He then picked up his rifle and shot the Japanese soldier in the head.
PFC Jamison jumped back.
“Damnitt Sam, why the hell you do that for!” He scolded Pvt. Kimmons.
“What the hell did you expect me to do? Hand him the .45? And maybe aim it at my head pull the trigger for him too? Geez, he was gonna die anyway, might as well put him out of his misery.”
“Yeah, whatever. Just hold your fire for now will ya? I hear that in a few hours we’ll be paying Sutsuma a visit, lots of firecrackers to celebrate our arrival.” PFC Jamison said without a smile and while tapping his M60.
Pvt. Kimmons looked out towards the direction of Sutsuma with his face starting to sadden, and said, “Well hot diggity dog, I guess I can’t wait for the chance receive a gift Japan has been so persistent in giving me……a nice lead tipped 7.62” He looked back at PFC Jamison.
To be continued………
March 15, 2002, 19:55
No replies at all? Geez, is my story that bad?  Could you guys give me some suggestions, this is my first attempt at a story. Thanks.
March 16, 2002, 00:24
Local Time: 12:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Alaska
Posts: 434
This is really interesting. Keep it up.
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
March 16, 2002, 00:48
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
yeah, it's really good....
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 16, 2002, 18:10
Sutsuma, just before the attack commenced
Sutsuma, before attack commenced. Spearhead Corps present, 2nd landing force present. USS Chicago off the coast of Sutsuma, its sister battleship USS Illinois a few ways south of Sutsuma.
March 16, 2002, 18:19
Map of the World, since the other post the map doesn't show. I just figured out how to post.
March 16, 2002, 20:13
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
nice pics!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 16, 2002, 20:40
March 16, 2002, 20:48
Washington D.C. The White House
President Eisenhower was sitting at his desk smoking on a cigar when his phone rang.
“Mr. Prezident, I’m Mao, great Emperor of the Empire of China.” The caller said in a chinese accent.
“I know who you are Mao, what do you want?” Eisenhower said knowing nothing good can come out of this phone call.
“Very well Mr. Prezident, the Empire of China would like you to stop your aggressive actions towards the peaceful nation of Japan and end the war.”
“We already tried giving them peace but they didn’t want it. And cut the crap Mao, your only involved in foreign matters if it can turn a profit for you.”
“Hehe,” chuckled Mao, “ you seem to know me too well Ike. Well if you will not back out of your war you will leave no choice but to face yet another nation in this war of yours. The Chinese will annihilate your armies, Mr. Prezident. We outnumber you 10 to 1, you have no chance of surviving the onslaught of two powerful nations from two different fronts. I give you one more chance Mr. Prezident, give up your war.”
“Mao, you, like many other nations underestimate the resolve of the American soldier. I will NOT let any bullies try to run my country and if you want a war you will have a war, a war you have never seen before! This country is prepared to fight to the last bit of American blood and you, Mao, will regret the day you ever dialed the number of the American Prezident!” Eisenhower said with the vein in his forehead nearly exploding.
“Very well, you will get our declaration of war through the fax, good day to you Mr. Prezident!” Mao said just before he hung up the phone.
President Eisenhower hung up the phone then he picked it back up and called his military advisor.
“Max, hello? Max? I want you to put this country into full mobilization, alert the domestic advisor and work with him. I want every factory, household, and f**kin Mcdonald’s producing something for the war. Cut the gasoline and oil supply to the civilian sector and use it for the military buildup of armor units, mech infantry units, stealth bombers, jet fighters, any damn thing that can be used against the Asian alliance. Understood?” He said rubbing his forehead.
“Yes sir I’ll get with it right now, I’ll also inform the Chiefs of Staff to get their military in good shape.”
“Very good, Max, Very good.” Eisenhower hung up the phone. He sat down and thought to himself.
A 2 front war….Geez if our armies in Japan don’t win, this country will be on the defensive for years.
Spearhead Corps Encampment 1400 hours(0600 hours until the invasion)
The Encampment was moved further to the edge of the forest, closer to the city, just in case they had to retreat they would have someplace to stay for the night. The 3rd division was on the edge of the forest, deep enough into the forest so no one in the city could see them. Their wave would be first and probably suffer the most casualties(PFC Jamison and Pvt. Kimmons are with the 2nd Infantry Division). All the waves were close together, each wave would move to the edge of the forest when the wave before them ran to attack. Lt. Colonel Barrett was with the 3rd division for the time being, he will be going in with the Armor Divisions, the last wave. They all stood or crouched or sat there as they watched in the distance, artillery shells bombarding the city. Some soldiers were smoking, some were checking their weapons, and others were writing last minute letters to their loved ones saying goodbye just in case they didn’t return from this fight.
“Right now our battleships are bombing the hell out of Sutsuma to soften up their defenses, and the second landing division under Brigadier General Williamson is in position, hopefully the coordinated attack of our two forces will split the enemy defense enough to make it a little more easy than it should be.” Lt. Colonel Barrett said to Major Garcia, they were both standing with the 3rd Division’s infantry soldiers.
“The bombardments should end at 2000 hours, we’ll attack in the night.” Lt. Colonel Barrett said once more.
“Sir, attack in the night?” a nearby buck Sgt. said.
“You heard me, soldier.” Lt. Colonel Barrett replied.
Battleship Missushi
Admiral Yamamato was in the Headquarters of the Battleship Missushi. He was looking out to sea thinking of what he was going to do when he ran into the American Battleship off the coast of Sutsuma and whether they knew he was coming and if they were worthy adversaries.
Then Captain Jigo entered the room with a piece of paper in his hand.
“Admiral, a message from Kyoto.” He said in Japanese as he handed Admiral Yamamato the piece of paper.
He read it.
“Well, Emperor Tokugawa wants to know of our progress.” He handed the paper back to Captain Jigo.
“Well Captain, tell him we will be in contact with the enemy in a few days, maybe a week, and the Battleship Hiro is a few days behind us.”
“Yes sir.” The Captain ran back to the communications room.
Spearhead Corps 1955 hours (5 minutes until invasion)
All of the men were ready, none were smoking or writing letters anymore, they were saying their last prayers and kissing their crosses and stars of david and any other religious relic they had. They were all cocked and locked and ready to go.
“Alright men,” Lt. Colonel Barrett said loudly so most of the men of the Corps could hear him, “we are about to take the first major step of this war. You all performed brilliantly at the beachhead a few days ago. You have my highest respects. You all have my faith, and my confidence…I am very proud to have served with all of you, and I pray I will continue to serve with all of you after tonight,” He said looking at his troops. “You boys look at the man next to you, and you help one another survive and we will come out of this alive and victorious.” Lt. Colonel Barrett then locked his chin guard of his helmet in place and he cocked his rifle. The men felt proud of their commander, he was young but they held him in high regard, they were glad he was here leading them and not General Burnside.
“Ok, Major Garcia, get your men ready, in a few moments I’ll tell you to move out and you move as quickly as possible, I’ll move you during the last barrages of the battleships.” Lt. Colonel Barrett said.
“Yes sir.” Responded Major Garcia.
Then all of a sudden there was an explosion to the left side of the 1st Marine Division. Then, small arms fire erupted. The Spearhead Corps was being attacked on their left flank.
‘Sh*t’, thought Lt. Colonel Barrett, ‘this can not ruin our whole offensive, I will not let it.’
“Major Patton! Get your division and move them up to the flank, I want you to annihilate them. I want no more trouble from these flanking bastards! If they retreat you chase them down and kill them all!” Lt. Colonel Barrett yelled over the gunfire.
“But sir, this could disrupt our offensive, we should repel the attack, yes, but not split up our forces, wait for my men to get back in position.”
“We don’t have time Major, we will do it without your division for now, now do as I have ordered you to do, NOW!!” Lt. Colonel Barrett yelled back at him.
Major Patton got his division in order and he moved them around the Corps in two different groups. One holding off the enemy frontal assault, and another to attack the flank of the flanking enemy.
“Major Garcia, move your men out now!! GO GO GO!” Lt. Colonel Barrett yelled over the gunfire to Major Garcia.
“Move out, men!” Major Garcia ordered his men. The 3rd Infantry division began to move forward at a fast pace towards the city of Sutsuma. Then as they began moving there was a thunder in the clouds and it began to rain, like it has never rained before. It was pouring ‘cats and dogs’.
Outer defensive line of Sutsuma, battle begins.
Garcia’s men reached the outer defensive line of the city and made contact with the enemy. They battled it out for about 5 to 10 minutes alone then the 1st Marine division came up behind them. The familiar intense feeling of battle quickly returned to the 3rd infantry division as they fought the outer defensive line of Sutsuma. This new feeling frightened the Marine green troops but they quickly got over it, the necessity of survival quickly overcame their fear.
“Major Smith! Move half your division to reinforce the enemy’s left flank, and send the other half to reinforce the right flank.” Major Garcia told Major Smith. Major Smith didn’t mind being told what to do by an officer of equal rank, he understood Garcia was here longer and would know more about the status of his men. The Marines were sent.
to be continued......
March 16, 2002, 20:53
Patton’s Front with the enemy.
Their battle was as intense if not more intense then the battle on the outer defensive line. It was a run and shoot battle. The men of the 2nd infantry division were scattered throughout the forest running between trees, jumping over hills, shooting at the enemy as the enemy shot back. Then Major Patton and about 15 of his men were pinned down by an enemy machine gun firing at them from behind this small hill of rock. The bullets kept zinging off the ground around Major Patton and his men. They tried throwing grenade after grenade but it was too difficult to get one into that small spot.
“Those damn sons a bit**es are starting to annoy me!” Major Patton yelled in his shrill raspy voice. He then stood up and ran towards the hole with his .45 in his hand and a grenade in the other. He ran through the storm of bullets and he threw the grenade into the hole, after it exploded he ran into it and shot 8 Japanese soldiers that survived the grenade blast. The men watched in awe and admiration. They got up and quickly ran to their commanding officer. PFC Jamison and Pvt. Kimmons were two of those 15 men.
“Well don’t just stand there soldiers! There are still Japs in these woods! MOVE MOVE MOVE!” He exclaimed as he waved his arm carrying his .45 forward and he jumped out of the foxhole and started running after a group of 20 or so Japanese soldiers running through the forest.
His men followed.
Spearhead Corps (edge of forest)
Lt. Colonel Barrett was watching the action through a pair of binoculars. He hoped the absence of Patton’s division wouldn’t greatly upset his plan. So he got ready to send in the 2nd Marine Division that was suppose to go in after Patton.
“Ok, Major Puller,” He called Major Chesty Puller, commander of the 2nd Marine Division, “Move your men out. GO GO GO!”
“Move out men,” Major Puller ordered his men. They began running forward eager to help out their fellow comrades.
“Ok, get ready Major Mckensey, we’re next,” He told the commander of the 2nd Armor Division.
“Major Alexander,” Lt. Colonel Barrett called the commander of the 1st Armor Division, “you will move your men after us when there is a hundred yards in between us, understood?”
“Yes sir.” Major Alexander answered.
Outer Defensive Line of Sutsuma
Major Garcia’s men took over the first muddy trench of the line, they began moving forward through the hard rain after the retreating enemy. They halted when they discovered another enemy trench. Their fire wasn’t very effective on the entrenched enemy yet his men were still receiving casualties.
“OK men!” he yelled over the explosions and gunfire, “FIX BAYONETS! We’re charging the trench!”
After about 2 minutes his men as well as the marines had their bayonets ready.
“Alright men!” He held his bayoneted gun up high, “CHARGE!!”
The soldiers and marines all got up and charged forward in one big wave. They all yelled their war cry in unison. They received heavy casualties but they stayed their course. Soldier and Marine, side by side, charged as fast as they could while spraying the enemy with American bullets. They reached the trench and they dove in, yelling their war cry as loudly as they could. They stabbed their enemy with their bayonets, firing into them with their rifles, and beat the Japanese soldiers with the butts of their weapons. The Japanese soldiers were terrified. Within half an hour the mile long trench was in American hands and the two Japanese infantry divisions holding it were totally annihilated.
After the encounter the Japanese forever called the American soldiers and marines ‘Hell’s Fury’ and they called the battle in the trenches ‘The Battle with Hell’s Fury’.
The marine division and the infantry division was badly hurt but after that encounter they had a new sense of hope, they fought with more vigor. They had a spark rekindled within and a great fire burning in their hearts. They were elite…
Spearhead Corps (where Lt. Colonel Barrett was)
He kept watching through his binoculars as he sat at the gun turret on top of the lead-armored tank.
“Alright, change of plans. The rest of us will move out together. I don’t want to leave anyone here.” He said letting his binoculars fall to his chest resting on the sling around his neck.
“Move out men!” He yelled over the rain.
The last of the Spearhead Corps move forward as fast as they could towards the city of Sutsuma.
Patton’s Front With the Enemy
Patton and his 15 men were running through the forest firing at Japanese soldiers that were all over the place. They quickly killed the 20 enemy troopers they saw after the machine gun encounter, they killed nearly 200 more Japanese men after that. Then they saw 30 soldiers in a clearing ahead and Patton and his cadre of 15 ran at full speed towards the clearing firing their weapons as they dodged low branches and jumped over small hills and dead Japanese soldiers. Their boots splashed in the mud puddles as they charged the 30 enemy troops through the pouring rain. It was dark but they could see the enemy by their flashing guns. PFC Jamison was surprised by how the 30 Japanese soldiers were being ripped apart by his group’s bullets, but then he realized that another group of American soldiers must be firing at them too.
As the last Japanese was shot, Patton and his 15 men ran into the clearing, right at the same time other groups of American soldiers ran into the clearing. They nearly shot each other in surprise. They stood there in silence for a few seconds just staring at each other and the heap of 30 dead Japanese soldiers.
“Well holy sh*t,” Patton said with a surprised expression on his face to his division in the clearing, “I think we just kick the sh*t out of three Japanese infantry divisions!” He said in a loud voice so he could be heard over the hard rain.
“HOOOAHHHH!” responded his division.
“How about we go back and help out our brothers kick the sh*t out of the b*stards in Sutsuma!” Patton yelled. He felt a new rush of adrenaline run through him.
“HOOOOAHHH!!” his division responded in return. Although his troops were very tired they had a new fiery blood boiling in their veins, they were elite soldiers and they knew it.
“Alright men! Follow me!” Patton said waving his arm carrying his newly loaded .45 once again while his division gave another HOOOOAHHH. He ran back into the forest.
His men followed.
to be continued......
Last edited by ; March 16, 2002 at 21:05.
March 17, 2002, 22:41
Battles in the Streets of Sutsuma
Outer line of the Sutsuma
Major Garcia’s 3rd Infantry division and the 1st Marine division as well as the newly arrived Major Puller’s 2nd Marine division, were already inside the city battling their way in, they were about 20 yards inside the city. There was non-stop explosions and gunfire. The Japanese were putting up one hell of a fight.
“Give me some mortar rounds Sgt., ONE-ONE-ECHO-NINER-ECHO-FOUR-SIX-TWO!” Major Garcia yelled into the radio to the mortar platoon that was hunkered down back at the trenches providing mortar fire. Major Garcia called in the mortar rounds on a well entrenched, sandbagged group of Japanese soldiers that kept Major Garcia and a few of his men from advancing forward.
Two mortar rounds exploded into the buildings to the right of the sandbagged enemy.
“You missed! Try this, ONE-ONE-ECHO-NINER-ECHO-FOUR-SIX-ONE!” Major Garcia yelled back into the radio. A few seconds later two mortar rounds hit directly in the middle of the well defended enemy. They were all killed.
Major Garcia and his men started advancing forward, giving cover fire as they crossed the intersections of the streets.
As they advanced through the streets it seemed the whole world was shooting at them. People from the windows were shooting, from around a street corner a soldier or citizen would shoot pop shots at them. Major Garcia was about to call in a status report when an explosion erupted behind him. When the dust settled he looked back and 20 of his men were killed, including his radio operator. He himself had pieces of shrapnel in his upper back and left arm, he was bleeding but his wound was not fatal. He got up and took a right at the next intersection in search of American soldiers.
The Outskirts of City (Lt. Colonel Barrett, the Armor divisions and the 4th infantry division)
Lt. Colonel Barrett in his lead tank and the wave of Armored tanks and infantry troops scattered around just arrived at the trenches. He saw mortar platoons firing mortar rounds after mortar rounds into the city. His tanks quickly ran over the trenches and the Armored wave began to move into the city. The rain kept pouring from the night sky and the sounds of gunfire could be heard from miles away and the constant explosions shook the earth. Lt. Colonel Barrett’s tank was receiving sniper fire from a nearby building. The sniper already killed two men.
“Major Mckensey, take out that sniper!” He yelled as he pointed toward the building.
“Where is he?” Major Mckensey answered from a tank next to Lt. Colonel Barrett’s.
“The 3rd floor! 3rd window from the left!” Lt. Colonel Barrett answered over the thunder and rain and constant gunfire.
Major Mckensey’s tank’s cannon began to move towards the building. It aimed then it fired. The cannon blast caused an enormous secondary explosion from the snipers room. Debris fell all over the place. There must have been an ammo cache stored there.
The Armored divisions advanced. They ran into an enemy Armor division and the two opposing tank divisions battled it out causing enormous explosions that could be heard from all over the city. It was as if giants were throwing boulders at one another. The Japanese Armor division was seriously damaged, they had only a few tanks left and they retreated. The American 2nd Armor division was destroyed. The 1st Armor division was badly damaged, leaving them with no choice but to stay where they were, defend themselves, and wait until they had more energy to advance. Lt. Colonel Barrett didn’t know of the progress of Major Garcia and his divisions but he could hear them battling it out with the enemy, deep inside the city, and he knew they were in a fierce fight for their lives.
Major Garcia in Sutsuma
Major Garcia was running for about 10 minutes dodging bullet after bullet when he saw a group of American marines ahead. They were huddled behind a white car that had hundreds of bullet holes in it. They were firing at the enemy that was down the street. Major Garcia couldn’t see the enemy because of the darkness, rain, and fog of war. He started running towards them as he waved his arms and hollered that he was American. He got within 15 yards of the Marines when the group of marines exploded into a ball of fire, the force of the blast sent Major Garcia flying 20 yards back. He got up and looked back at the burning car and heap of bodies that used to be marines.
“Sh*t.” He thought to himself.
Then he looked past the burning car and saw 20 Japanese soldiers spot him out and they started running towards him yelling at him in Japanese. They began firing as Major Garcia sprinted across the street into a small alley. He ran as fast as he could, bullets kept zinging off the walls and bouncing of the ground as he ran through the streets of Sutsuma hoping to find an American soldier somewhere.
The Japanese soldiers were catching up to him. A bullet grazed his shoulder but he didn’t care, he just wanted to survive. He ran down this wide street, he didn’t care that he was running right in the middle of the street he just wanted to get away from the chasing Japanese soldiers behind him.
He looked ahead and just saw a wall of fog 50 or 60 yards ahead blocking his view of what lay beyond it. He nearly gave up, but then out of that wall of fog an M1A1 American Tank came into view as it rolled towards Major Garcia.
“Thank God!” Major Garcia thought to himself as he kept running.
Behind that lead tank was 4 other tanks covering the width of the street completely as they rumbled forward. At first, Major Garcia thought it was Lt. Colonel Barrett’s arrival but Major Garcia was actually on the other side of town, the northwestern part of town. He had just met the 2nd landing force.
The Japanese soldiers finally saw the tanks and they stopped dead in their tracks. They turned around and started running away but it was too late. 4 cannon shots blasted them out of existence.
Major Garcia finally stopped running as he stood in front of the lead tank trying to catch his breath. Then the top hatch of the tank opened and a man came out of it. He stood on the tank and looked down at Major Garcia. He was wearing these big sunglasses, and a military cap with the visor very low covering his forehead. He had a Colt .45 pistol holstered to his side.
Major Garcia looked up at him and felt this man’s commanding presence. He also noticed the man wearing sunglasses.
“Sunglasses?” He thought. “ Doesn’t this guy know its nighttime?”
“Who are you, son?” The man said in a southern accent.
“I’m Major Garcia, commander of the 3rd Infantry division of the Spearhead Corps, sir. I got separated from my men, we were getting hit hard. 20 men that were with me were killed I was started to be chased by these Japanese soldiers…and….and….these marines…exploded…..” He said still panting from the long run.
“Well son, you sure are a long ways from home. I’m Colonel Douglas MacArthur, Commander of the 6 Armored divisions of the 2nd Landing force, under Brigadier General Williamson. We have complete control of the northwestern part of Sutsuma, we’re regrouping and getting ready to hit the government building and hopefully connect with the Spearhead Corps by midday tomorrow.” The Colonel said.
Colonel MacArthur then got out of the tank and walked up to Major Garcia. He put his hand on the Major’s shoulder.
“Well come on son, let’s get out of the rain. I’ll bring you to our Command Post.” He guided Major Garcia past the tanks and down the wide abandoned street. There were a few posts with soldiers in it manning machine guns to defend against a Japanese counter-attack. They kept walking and finally Major Garcia was brought to a 3 story building that use to be some sort of clinic or medical facility. Guards stood at the door. The Guards saluted the Colonel as he and Major Garcia entered the building. Officers were all over the place, with maps on the tables as well as pinned on the walls. There was a stockpile of weapons and ammo to the far right wall. The Colonel took Major Garcia upstairs where the medics were treating the wounded.
“I’ll leave you here for now Major, your wounds aren’t that bad, and when you’ve been patched up I’ll put you in command of our only Infantry division, their commander was killed by sniper fire a few hours ago.” Colonel MacArthur then left the room. Major Garcia stood there waiting to be treated by a medic, he was thinking of how his own division was doing back in the southern part of town.
To be continued…..
March 17, 2002, 22:49
Do I go into too much detail? or not enough? Are my stories just plain boring?
Any tips, advice, or plain criticism is greatly appreciated!
March 17, 2002, 23:11
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
it's good as it is!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
October 17, 2002, 23:06
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
I haven't been on these forums since forever, lots of great stories. Anyways, this was my first and only story I have posted here and I realized I never finished it so I would like to finish it if that's ok. I am determined to end this story before I begin any other.
I would appreciate any criticism and tips so I can maybe write a better story in the future.
October 18, 2002, 03:12
Local Time: 22:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
No problem mate Ill read it later and give you my two cents worth,but dont let us down we crave fiction here and will do just about anything to get it apart from sell me PC and CIV3 CD that is.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 18, 2002, 17:17
Local Time: 22:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Well Ive just read the whole God Damn Son Of A *****,
phew it was almost like watching a movie,seriously this is great.You kept asking if you were going into too much detail,well sometimes that can be a bad thing but it does not apply to this.Youve managed to keep the story moving even with the long descriptive text.I actually found it quite exciting and tense you certainly get a thumbs up from me,definitely on a par with the best stories ive read on this forum.My advice if you intend to continue this is keep it as it is dont change the style of writing at all and dont worry if not many people post it has been a little quite lately but theres always plenty of people viewing the storys.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 18, 2002, 19:44
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Thanks man! I appreciate the feedback. I'll try and get the story started again soon. I didn't know my story was any good. Thanks for your two cents, much appreciated.
October 19, 2002, 00:08
Local Time: 06:35
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
I just read your story. Keep it going. The Americans still have a lot of Japanese cities to take-over so there should be more fighting.
The only thing I think you should be careful about is repeating the subject. For example, "the 30 Japanese" was repeated in several sentences in a row so you could have used something different like "the enemy" or "their prey" (meaning the Americans were hunting down the Japanese) etc to mean the same group of Japanese and avoid repeating the same term.
Looking forward to the rest of your story. Yeah!!! Kill them japs!!! What am I saying?
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
Last edited by unscratchedfoot; October 19, 2002 at 00:21.
October 21, 2002, 18:46
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Thanks unscratchedfoot. I realize I did use some words repeatedly. I'll keep the tip in mind as I write.
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