October 21, 2002, 18:58
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
Colonel MacArthur's 2nd Landing Force CP(Command Post), Northern Sutsuma
Major Garcia received the proper treatment for his wounds, it only took an hour. He walked downstairs to where the Corps CP was. The officers, including Colonel MacArthur, were huddled around a table where a map of Sutsuma was set out. As Major Garcia walked towards the Colonel a nearby Japanese mortar round hit an already crippled building next to the Command Post which made it collapse causing the CP building to shake. Dust fell from the ceiling and lamps were tipped over. Mortar rounds began to fall consistently in the past hour or so. Major Garcia approached the Colonel.
“Major Garcia reporting for duty, sir.” Major Garcia said as he saluted the Colonel. The Colonel turned around, his teeth clenched together around a cigar as he smiled at the Major. He returned the salute.
“Very good, Major, earlier than I expected, very good.” Colonel MacArthur said as he turned back at the table waving the Major onwards as an invitation. The Major approached the table.
“Major, as I told you, you are now in command of the 5th infantry division, 2nd Corps. They’re stationed here in this building, about two blocks down the street, it’s an old bookstore.” Colonel MacArthur said as he tapped his forefinger on a spot on the map.
“1st Sergeant Lictus here,” he said as he nodded at a man standing at attention a few feet from them, “ is your Division NCO, he will take you there and show you the ropes.” He returned to the map.
“Anyways, Major, I want your new division to take a position at our eastern most flank in this apartment building here,” he placed a red tack on the designated area, “ your goal Major, when I give the order, is to march straight for the government building, take it, and hold it till we arrive. My tank divisions will make a huge sweep through town until we reach the government building where you should be by the time we get there. Understand, son”
“Sir, why don’t we just go together?” Major Garcia asked.
“Well, if you cut through with your division we can seriously damage there forces by ‘cutting off the head’, in other words- taking that government building where the governor and all his high ranking officers are. That’s where they are sending out their orders, Major. You must achieve that objective. And I have to sweep this portion of town clean because I don’t want any enemy forces hit me from behind when we take the government building, so its logical to take out all the Japs from here to the government building. Understand, Major?” Colonel MacArthur replied. Another mortar round hit nearby causing dust to fall again. Two wounded men were carried in and taken upstairs. One of them had his right leg missing from the knee down.
“Yes sir. And sir? When will I get back in command of my 3rd Infantry Division?” Major Garcia asked more out of curiosity on the status of his division.
“Son, I don’t even know if your division still exists. Lt. Col. Barrett is taking quite a beating on the southern part of town, we lost contact with him about an hour ago. We’re probably gonna have to take the whole goddamn town ourselves, it’ll take a miracle for the Spearhead Corps to break through those Jap lines.” Col. MacArthur explained to the Major simply. “It was a miracle itself to see you run across the whole Jap town with nothin but a few scratches. If you haven’t noticed, the whole damn city is on our asses. We ain’t just fightin Japanese soldiers we’re fightin their civvies too!” The Colonel then put on his cap, unholstered his .45 and walked out of the CP to check on his lines and give the plans for the next move.
Major Garcia had no reaction to the news, he half expected it. He grabbed an M4 Carbine from a stockpile in the corner, it was covered in blood…he dropped it and grabbed a cleaner one. He then took four magazines from the table next to the stockpile and placed them in compartments on his fatigues.
“Ok Sergeant Lictus,” He said to the man who was behind him, “ Lead the way.”
“Yes sir.” The two soldiers walked out of the CP and headed to the 5th Infantry Division.
October 21, 2002, 19:36
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
Barrett's stalemate
Southern edge of Sutsuma. (Lt. Colonel Barrett’s position)
“SNIPER!!!” Lt. Colonel Barrett yelled over the gunfire and explosions. The sniper was in a 2nd story window across the street. One of Barrett’s men quickly threw a grenade into the room taking the sniper out of action.
It was morning now and the rain eased into a sprinkle and the grey clouds covered every inch of sky. The Spearhead Corps was halted just 40 or so yards into the city. The Japanese soldiers were a lot tougher than they expected. American Casualties were high, Japanese casualties were even higher but they could afford to lose men. The Americans couldn’t. They had to hold the city when and if they captured it and wait for reinforcements from Los Angeles, which was estimated to be weeks ahead, in reality it would take over a month. Lt. Colonel Barrett was losing control in the chaos of battle, he was losing track of where all his men were. The Japanese seemed much more organized. He also had no idea where Major Patton and his men were for his last contact with Patton was when he ordered him to attack the flanking enemy back in the forests, he hadn’t been able to raise him on the radio since then.
“Private, where are our mortar rounds!” Lt. Col. Barrett yelled at his radio operator, both situated in a trench built between two 2-story buildings, from one side of the street to the other. Across an intersection the enemy were entrenched amongst rubble and stacked sandbags.
“They’re out of ammo, sir!” The private responded over the gunfire.
“Well, call in artillery from the USS Chicago!” Barrett yelled back as he fired a 3-round burst into a Japanese soldier charging at him with a bayoneted rifle. The Japanese soldier collapsed in a heap.
“Yes si….” The private was knocked into the wall of the trench as a bullet slammed into his chest and broke his spine. His body went limp.
Lt. Col. Barrett looked up to the soldier next to the dead private.
“Sergeant! Get that radio on and call in art…
A bullet hole suddenly appeared in the Sergeant’s helmet. A second later blood flooded down his face as he fell lifelessly onto his comrade’s corpse.
“Goddammitt!” Lt. Col. Barrett cursed over the constant sounds of gunfire, the rumble of explosions and the screams of dieing men.
He hurried towards the dead private and began stripping the radio off of him. He put the radio on himself and began calling in artillery….only there was no answer. After a few tries he finally got an answer but not what he wanted. The response was garbled and noisy. He could hear sounds that could be explosions or just static caused by a storm, either way he was on his own.
He picked up his rifle and began firing at the enemy, while thinking…searching throughout his mind for some seed of hope. Anything to help his men survive this encounter and then have the strength to advance.
Suddenly a soldier jumped into the trench next to Lt. Col. Barrett.
“Major Patton, reporting for duty sir!” Yelled the soldier next to him. Barrett looked over. Major Patton was there kneeling with a shiny white smile on his mud covered face. He winked at Lt. Col. Barrett then he turned towards the enemy and began firing his Colt .45.
Barrett began firing his rifle again. A second after he contemplated Patton's arrival he felt his battle-hardened face smile, a second later he noticed the increase of volume of gunfire among his men, a second after that he realized that his "seed of hope" was just starting to sprout.
October 22, 2002, 02:34
Local Time: 22:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Excellent! I was wondering where patton had got to,I think hes great.Almost like the real thing.
Its good to see you come back after so long, I bet there are loads of unfinished stories in this archive.Lets hope your continuation of this encourages others to return and write some more.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 22, 2002, 21:28
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Good! Glad you liked it, it's kind of hard getting the story going again after leaving it idle for so long.
You're right, lots of great stories need to be finished, hopefully they'll get it done sometime.
October 23, 2002, 00:41
Local Time: 06:35
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Sounds like them poor americans are having a rough time of it. Hopefully Patton can even things up. Did the real Patton ever smile? I heard he was a real hardnoser who was so scary everyone moved asap whenever he gave out orders. Kinduv a fear-based respect. Good action story. Keep it coming.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
October 27, 2002, 12:41
Local Time: 22:35
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Hey come on wheres the next bit, Im on the edge of my seat here and I dont want to fall off.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 29, 2002, 00:44
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 771
Sorry man, I've been a little occupied recently. But don't worry, I promise I will get the next part up by the end of the week, hopefully two parts. Don't change the channel!
Dont' fall off your seat just yet!
November 1, 2002, 23:57
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
Aboard the Battleship Missushi
Admiral Yamamato had been sailing across northern Japan day and night in the purpose of striking the American battleships off the coast of Sutsuma. His target…USS Chicago. The newly made Battleship Hiro departed Nara, Japan and was a little short of a day behind the Missushi.
“How much time Lieutenant Captain Yang?” Admiral Yamamato asked his XO. He was on the bridge looking out to sea. The sky was filled with darkness. The stars once visible back near Nara, was now behind a veil of ominous clouds filled with lightning as if Death itself was purposely invited and was now savagely collecting the souls of the dead. You could sense Its thirst and anticipation for more victims.
“Five hours, Admiral.” Replied the XO as he stood to the side of the Admiral.
The Admiral continued to stare out to sea as he absorbed this new information into his thinking.
“Very good Lieutenant Captain, we are making excellent time. The Americans will not know what hit them once we arrive and demonstrate Japan’s naval strength right before them. They will be crushed, I assure you.” Said the Admiral. His eyes turned a different color…a darker color…a deeper color…the eyes were the fierce eyes of a warrior waiting patiently for battle.
“Maybe you should get some sleep Admiral, for the coming battle.” The XO suggested.
The Admiral chuckled.
“Nonsense Captain, the fire has been ignited in my veins. I would not be able to lay my eyes to rest, not even for a second.” The Admiral’s face grimaced. “Not until we send the USS Chicago to the bottom of the Sea.”
Aboard the USS Chicago
The artillery stopped firing once the ground forces invaded the city. Artillery would be fired when called upon by the individual ground troops, once they were out of mortar rounds. The ships as well as the foot soldiers were a long ways from home so ammo conservation was a priority.
“Give me a sitrep, Major Benz.” Commanded General Burnside. Major Benz was appointed new XO of Spearhead Corps by General Burnside once he got news of Colonel Sacks' death.
“Well sir, the Spearhead Corps has met heavy resistance and has halted their advance just 40 or so yards into the city. Their casualties are high. Patton’s Division, well… we have no idea where they are, they ran into the forest and no one’s seen or heard from them since.
MacArthur’s Corps on the other hand has been doing fairly well. They have secured a large portion of Northern Sutsuma and have halted only to consolidate their gains, regroup, and develop a quick plan to sack the government building of Sutsuma and possibly aid the Spearhead Corps.” The XO replied. A distant thunder erupted in the sky from Sutsuma and a flash of lightning lit the sky momentarily. Light rain was falling upon the USS Chicago, nothing compared to the hell storm the soldiers and marines were enduring in no man’s land.
“That is good and bad news, Major. But we will win this battle, no matter how many men die.” Stated Burnside. He looked out towards the distant distant land of Japan with his binoculars as if he could actually see anything. They were in the command tower and he began looking at all the computers as if he was doing something of importance.
“Maybe we should start giving them some artillery support.” Said Captain Jones suggestively.
“No Captain, not until they run out of mortar rounds.” Replied Burnside.
“Yes sir.” Captain Jones said as he turned away and asked for updates from members of his crew .
“Oh and Captain. Send a message to Washington… Tell them…American forces of the northwest campaign making progress on Siege of Sutsuma.” He pulled up his binoculars and began looking out towards Japan again.
“Yes sir.” Captain Jones then relayed the orders to his communications officer who in turn began delivering the message.
Aboard Battleship Missushi
“Sir! We have the USS Chicago on our scopes.” Lieutenant Captain Yang exclaimed, half hiding his adrenaline rush.
“It has begun,” Admiral said very calmly, “All men to their battle stations! It is time to show the Americans that they can not stop Imperial Japan!"
He looked at Lieutenant Captain Yang. Captain Yang has been his XO since he took command of the Missushi. Admiral Yamamato was like a father to him and he a son to the Admiral. They would follow each other into hell.
"We will be victorious my son,” He looked away into the thunderous sky, a flash of lightning illuminated his face and inflamed his eyes, they blazed with a brilliant fury , “Our Emperor and our Honor demand of it.”
November 2, 2002, 00:00
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
A little somethin to hold you off untill probably Sunday. I got to think up some ideas on how to do a sea battle.
I will finish this story somehow...someday.....
November 2, 2002, 07:18
Local Time: 22:35
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Great really looking forward to it!!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
November 4, 2002, 01:02
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
Aboard the USS Chicago
0400 hours
“Captain Jones! Enemy ship on radar!” Petty officer Clemenze exclaimed as he pointed at the radar screen before him.
Captain Jones rushed over and looked over Clemenze’s shoulder at the blip on the radar screen.
“What is it, Clem?” A bead of sweat rolled down his brow.
“Its an A-class Japanese battleship, sir, my guess is it’s the infamous Missushi.” Replied Clemenze.
Captain Jones walked over to his command center and grabbed the radio. He clicked the switch so his words would broadcast over the intercom throughout the ship.
“This is your Captain speaking, all men to their battle stations! I repeat, all sailors to their battle stations! We got a live one, boys. An A-class Jap battleship. This toy gots everything the Chicago has and more, more range, more ammo, more speed. Lets get to work.” He placed the radio back on its handle. He crossed his arm and began predicting the battle to come.
“Captain, we should turn back…back to Los Angeles, surely we can’t handle this battleship.” General Burnside said nervously.
“To hell we can’t. We ain’t retreating General. We turn back and our boys on the ground will have to fend for themselves. Its our turn to do battle, General. Brace yourself.” Captain Jones said as he sat down in his bridge chair.
“I will not die needlessly out at sea! I order you…
“This is MY command, GENERAL!” Captain Jones interrupted. “I am in command of this ship, you’re just along for the ride! Your duty is the ground, mine is the sea! Now I am going to engage that Jap ship whether you like it or not. If you try to interfere with my DUTY, I will have no choice but to place you under arrest for attempting to sabatoge this ship’s effectiveness in combat. Do you understand…sir!" Captain Jones’ face was red hot. He had enough of this General’s cowardice and stupidity, it was getting in the way of the mission.
General Burnside was surprised. He stood there silently for 5 seconds until he finally said…
“Yes Captain.” He strutted off to his cabin, highly embarrassed.
“Right fifteen degrees rudder! Come right to two-eight-zero, we’ll circle them to their left until our guns are within range, then the fun will begin.” He stood up from his bridge chair and waited with his arms crossed.
“Aye aye, sir! Right fifteen degrees rudder!” Replied a sailor sitting at his console.
Captain Jones grabbed the radio again.
“Connect me to the Illinois.” He said.
“Aye Aye, sir!” Came a response. The order was delivered.
“Captain Malarkey,” Captain Jones said after he had gotten a response from the radio, “We’ve made contact, A-class Battleship Missushi. We are engaging, we need support. How long for you to get here.”
“Hard to tell, Gary, we were recently attacked by a squadron of JAG fighters. We destroyed about two thirds of ‘em and received no serious damage. We’ll be ready to move in about 15 minutes. We’ll make a beeline straight for ya, full speed. That’s all I can say, Gary. We’ll do our best.” Replied Captain Malarkey of the USS Illinois.
“That’s all I’m asking for, Jim. Over and out.” He replaced the radio. He expected a better answer then what he got. He’d just have to do with what he had.
Aboard the Battleship Missushi
“Admiral, our guns are within range, do you wish for us to begin fire?”
“No, wait until we get closer, I want our first shot to be a direct hit. Giving them a disability in the first minutes of battle.” Admiral Yamamato responded as he sat down in his bridge chair.
“Yes Admiral.” acknowledged the sailor.
Aboard the USS Chicago
“We’re coming within range to fire, sir.”
Captain Jones was sitting in his bridge chair calling out orders left and right, preparing for the worst. The last few minutes he sat quietly as seamen and officers were working busily around him.
“How long have we been in range of their fire?” Responded the Captain.
“A few minutes sir.”
“Why aren’t they firing then?” He began rubbing his chin trying to answer his own question.
“I dunno sir. Maybe his weapons system malfunctioned.” Said the Petty officer optimistically.
“No no. He’s just waiting for the perfect shot. Well that’s his mistake,” Captain Jones answered, “ begin firing all twelve 5”/38 GP(General Purpose) cannons. Get two tomahawks airborne and locked on. We’ll keep maneuvering ourselves closer. When our 16”/50 cannons are within effective range then begin firing for effect. Remain a steady course of 20 knots. Got that Commander?” He asked his XO.
“Aye sir.” His XO relayed the orders.
Within minutes the ship began bouncing side to side from the force of the 5” GP cannons. The ship kept its course, circling the Missushi. A few minutes after the first volley of cannon fire, the Missushi began firing their 8” cannons. Because the USS Chicago was moving and firing at the same time, Admiral Yamamato did not get his ‘perfect’ shot. The Tomahawks did not get direct hits either. One clipped the starboard side of the ship, killing a dozen sailors but no serious damage to the ship itself, the second Tomahawk was shot down and missed its target entirely. The Missushi began circling the USS Chicago as well but at a slower pace to gain accuracy. No one would have a clue as to which ship would leave this fight the victor.
“Sir! We got a call from the Spearhead Corps for artillery support!” called the communications officer over the commotion.
“Tell them we can not lend support at this time. We are in an engagement with the enemy.” Replied Captain Jones.
Suddenly, a Japanese cannon shell lands a direct hit to the USS Chicago’s communications tower. It explodes and comes tumbling down killing 20 sailors and wounding several more. Sirens erupt and sailors scramble to put out the flames. Because of the destruction of the tower they are unable to respond to the Spearhead Corps’ plea for artillery support and they cannot contact their sister ship to coordinate each other’s moves. But the USS Chicago, with their new disabilities, are still in the fight…
To be Continued…
November 4, 2002, 15:19
Local Time: 22:35
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Phew exciting stuff this keep it coming. 
Dont know if youve read Mikes Story yet but Id be pleased to know what you think.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
November 4, 2002, 22:58
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
You've been really cool in replying to all my story posts and I haven't even returned the favor, sorry. But, I have been reading each part of your story as soon as you post them since the beginning. It is a very entertaining story and I always want to come back and read on to see what happens with mike, waiting for him to become some great hero or other, I like how you developed the character since he was a wee little lad. Most stories focused on heros don't start when they're wee little lads.
But seriously though, I really enjoy your story, I'm usually just interested in gory, blood-filled, epic battle, violent stories, but this is definately an exception, much more personal depth. Very enjoyable and entertaining and thats what its all about.
November 5, 2002, 03:22
Local Time: 22:35
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Thanks friend and keep writing!!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
November 5, 2002, 22:06
Local Time: 16:35
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Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 2,824
A good read, although ' “ ' got annoying.
The only criticism I have is, work on depth - especially in dialogue. Imagine yourself in their role. Picture how they would react, both physically and verbally. I realize this was more combat-oriented, and dialogue is limited in such situations. Just adding my two cents.
November 5, 2002, 22:13
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated. I will keep your advice in mind while I write the next part.
November 6, 2002, 07:16
Local Time: 06:35
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Exciting story. Keep going dude  I wanna see how this naval engagement turns out.
Is it only me that's getting a lot of weird symbols and what not mixed in with the text, particularly where there should be quotation marks. It makes it a bit hard to read. I wonder if it has something to do with language settings? Mine's outfitted to handle both english and japanese so there maybe some conversion screw-ups happening.
Originally posted by Easthaven I
I'm usually just interested in gory, blood-filled, epic battle, violent stories
Alright dude! If you like blood and carnage, come and read my new story The Devil of Nkwalini. It's a little more graphic than I intended it to be but it should satisfy your cravings for gore. There's a fresh battle coming up shortly too with loads of blood, violence and flying body parts in the works.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
November 6, 2002, 21:37
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
lol. If its got blood and guts then I'm already there!
November 7, 2002, 20:43
Local Time: 21:35
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Location: UK
Posts: 84
Great story! I've been reading it for about 2 hours and couldn't stop! Keep it up!
November 7, 2002, 23:09
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 5,725
Very interesting story, indeed. Keep the goods coming
Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
Is it only me that's getting a lot of weird symbols and what not mixed in with the text, particularly where there should be quotation marks. It makes it a bit hard to read. I wonder if it has something to do with language settings?
Yes, unscratchedfoot, the language settings of the browser do mess the stuff up. I see all the weird little squares, and other symbols when I set the language to Russian as well. Here is how to solve it though:
(I assume you are using MS Internet Explorer.)[list=1][*]Right-click somewhere on the page. (Not on an image though.)[*]In the pop-up menu, select Encoding.[*]Note, which encoding is currently set - you will need it later. It should be "Japanese (Auto-select)" or some such thing.[*]Another little menu pops up. There, select "Western European (Windows)"[*]That will take care of the quotes and such stuff for you.[*]Now, once you are done with these here stories, you will need to set encoding the same way back to japanese, because otherwise you will see ugly weird symbols instead of japanese characters on pages written in japanese.[/list=1]
Hope that helps.
November 8, 2002, 00:24
Local Time: 06:35
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Thanks, that's good to know. However, even on Western european I still see weird symbols all over anything written by Easthaven. Looks like aCce or something.  By the way, is there a way to doctor these "smilies". I want to have an angry Zulu with brown skin, not red and braids/dreadlocks sticking straight off his head.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
November 8, 2002, 00:35
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 5,725
Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
However, even on Western european I still see weird symbols all over anything written by Easthaven. Looks like aCce or something.
Grrr. You are right. On western european, I see euro signs instead of quotes
 I found an encoding that works  Follow the same procedure: right-click -> Encoding -> More -> Unicode (UTF-8)
That encoding works for me. Hope it helps you, too
November 8, 2002, 23:27
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Cool! Thanks for all the feed back, much appreciated. I will post the next part Saturday to Sunday. I'm kinda stuck on how I'm gonna do the sea battles. But thanks for staying in tuned!
November 10, 2002, 09:01
Local Time: 22:35
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Blast Ive gone and fell off my chair now and smacked my head on the desk.
Come on Easthaven give us some more please
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
November 14, 2002, 17:49
Local Time: 21:35
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Location: UK
Posts: 84
I hope you write some more soon! Also, on some other forums, they ask other members if they would like to contribute to the story if the author is stuck. I'm not sure if you do this here on Apolyton but it seems like a good idea.
November 14, 2002, 18:42
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
I've got a few ideas I'm trying to implement, I feel this story is neverending. This part is a little hard for me whether it's because I have writer's block or its just a hard part to do, I will get it up by saturday, I promise. I'm sorry to keep you fellers waiting and getting the story lost in those brains of yours.
November 15, 2002, 01:55
Local Time: 06:35
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Originally posted by Easthaven I
I'm sorry to keep you fellers waiting and getting the story lost in those brains of yours.
I don't have brains. I'm a human synthesized robotic entity designed to simulate a somewhat off the wall personality. It's part of an online experiment being conducted by a company called Cyber Dynamics Corporation.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
November 15, 2002, 19:41
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
uhh......my...mistake......................psycho. .....
November 27, 2002, 19:14
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 771
OOC: I can't let this die, it must go on! Chrisius, get your bum back on your seat...please...
After a few hours of maneuvering and firing the battle at sea finally ended. The Battleship Missushi was disabled and sinking. The USS Chicago was still afloat and weapons systems were still operational but they were seriously wounded. They needed to go back to America and get repaired, if only they were capable of making it back...
Sirens were howling, medics were running around aiding as many wounded sailors as they could. The firefighters did their best in putting out the fires. The bottom sector had to be sealed off because of a breach in the hull...a tough decision Captain Jones had to make, sealing off the sector drowned 121 sailors.
Captain Jones had a cut on his forehead from a piece of broken glass when a shell exploded near the control center causing the windows to shatter and explode inward.
"Commander, try to set up a temporary comm tower, we need to contact the USS Illinois."
"I'll try sir."
Battleship Hiro
When it was obvious that the end to the Missushi was imminent, Admiral Yamamato escaped on a small water craft, and headed towards the arriving Battleship Hiro. He arrived and took command, by this time the Missushi had sunk.
"The Americans are hurt, now is our time to strike!"
The body of metal raced forward...
USS Chicago
"When can we begin to set sail, Commander?" asked Captain Jones.
"In a few hours, sir."
"Make it quick, we don't know if they have any friends near by."
Then, off the horizon...he saw it. His worst fear...His heart nearly lept out of his throat...he knew...the end was near...
He grabbed the mic and set it to broadcast over the intercoms.
"Everybody back to their battle stations! Repeat everybody back to their battlestations! There is another battleship out there, heading straight for us!" He hung up the mic and went back to his bridge chair, ready to do battle once more.
Battleship Hiro
The newly created Battleship Hiro, more capable then even the late-Missushi was cutting the distance between it and the Chicago fairly quickly.
American shells began falling from the sky, nearly hitting the ship several times.
"They are firing sir! Shall we fire back?"
"Get closer, then we shall fire." Yamamato said calmly.
USS Chicago
The USS Chicago began firing even when the Hiro was still out of range. They were desperate sitting ducks awaiting their ultimate destruction by their hunter.
"Hit them with all we got! If we fail, we die..." Captain Jones told the men of the Control Center.
It was very busy, the sirens had to be turned off. The firefighters remained and fought desperately with the flames. Some sailors had to be left on the dock wounded and dieing while the rest resumed their positions for the oncoming attack.
"They're coming closer and closer. Ok, here is what I want...begin firing in a spot they will pass through, about 100 yards or so ahead of them, they will run into it and hopefully we will gain some advantages if we're lucky."
The order was taken and performed, they began shedding a rain of steel upon a designated area, soon the Hiro will pass through it, they must.
Battleship Hiro
"Sir, they're firing into a spot directly 90 or so yards ahead of us."
"Damn! Sharp turn, right full rudder! Avoid it!"
"Sir, we are going to fast, our momentum will prevent us from totally avoiding it...."
"Right Full Rudder! Do as I say! I know about momentum you fool! Do you want us to instead waltz directly into it? Now DO IT!"
The order was carried out, the whole ship leaned left as it made a sharp turn to the right, trying to avoid the rain of terror.
They saw the splashes get nearer and nearer, hope was in the air that they would avoid the hailstorm....closer...closer....it came...
One hit 10 yards to the ship's left, the next splashed 15 yards in front before the ship passed through...
Then suddenly a helicopter parked on the left dock exploded, sailors were launched overboard while others simply were blown out of existence.
Another shell hit on the front dock, but it did not explode...the unexploded shell bounced off the ground and slid down the ship ripping sailors apart. Finally, it was halted by one of the 18' cannons...then unusually...it exploded into a ball of flame! The sound of metal ripping apart could be heard, the screams of mutilated men filled the air.
Admiral Yamamato did not flinch...
"Keep going!"
USS Chicago
"Sir! I think we've hit them!"
"It don't mean nothin if it didn't stop them, keep firing, everything we've got!"
The Hiro kept coming full speed...closer and closer...
Then suddenly it slowed down immensely and nearly came to an abrupt halt.
"Maybe we've disabled their engines." said a hopeful.
No, he thought to himself as his eyes widened, It's too late...
The Hiro fired...
Last edited by Easthaven I; November 27, 2002 at 19:24.
November 27, 2002, 19:28
Local Time: 22:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
"Gunner Chrisius ! get back to your station," cried Captain Easthaven.
"Aye Aye Cap'n," replied Chrisius.
 and about time to.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
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