November 27, 2002, 23:11
Local Time: 15:35
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The Control Center was in shambles. Captain Jones crawled out from under the rubble, he was bleeding all over. A piece of shrapnel was jammed into his thigh. He looked onwards and saw the Hiro firing their cannons. Direct hits were landing everywhere. Explosions erupted constantly throughout the USS Chicago. Men were jumping over board while others ran frantically about not knowing what to do. Some brave sailors picked up some small arms and began firing at the Hiro but it was in vain.
Captain Jones looked over to his right and spotted General Burnside laying legless and dead. The Captain was in shock, he had nothing else to was over.
The ship begun to roll over on its right side. Sailors began racing to the left side of the ship, grabbing hold of the railing in preparation of the inevitable. The sound was deafening, the combination of rushing water and screeching metal.
The Hiro had stopped firing, it stood afloat some two hundred yards away, watching the devestation like it was a movie.
"Captain! Hurry!" A sailor grabbed the Captain and dragged him to the left side of the ship. Captain Jones knew it was useless but he let the young man take him anyways. He grabbed securely to the railing and waited as his ship began to tip over. Objects began sliding down into the ocean, dead bodies began rolling down as well as the left side of the ship rose higher and higher and the right side plummeted lower and lower, below the ocean surface.
Captain Jones just kept staring at the Hiro in a trance, somewhat angry and somewhat just emotionless. Maybe it was the loss of blood that made him feel this way but either way he felt it.
Then a splash erupted nearby the Hiro. Then another. At first these unorthodox splashes did not trigger anything in Captain Jones' brain but the third splash snapped him out of his trance. A fourth splash erupted, then a fifth and sixth. The Hiro began moving again, turning around...trying to avoid these unusually reoccurring splashes.
Then he realized what it was! Two words came to his mind.......
.......USS Illinois.
November 28, 2002, 03:54
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Great stuff !
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
November 28, 2002, 04:21
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No complaints at all?
November 28, 2002, 08:47
Local Time: 06:35
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C'mon, lets see the Hiro finish off the Chicago in an inferno of savagery! It's too bad the Burnside dude got cooked. I was getting to like the poor fellow. Maybe the Hiro can take on both of the american ships. Dude, if you want to use authentic japanese names, its Musashi not Missushi. But if the name's your own invention then that's okay (a kind of sushi?).
BTW, here's for calling me a psycho
November 28, 2002, 12:32
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 771
Lol, sorry about the names I just made them up at the top of my head. Well, as for the Missushi well its dead now so who cares. If the Hiro is fine, then I'll leave it. Tell me sooner if I create unrealistic names.
November 28, 2002, 13:11
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 771
USS Chicago
The left side of the USS Chicago was at its climax. Captain Jones dangled there with his left arm wrapped around the rail. He saw the Hiro speed away trying to manuever into position to strike back. The USS Chicago began to sink lower and lower, faster and faster. Captain Jones was getting dizzy and weaker by the second because of his loss of blood. His grip began to weaken little by little, until finally his grip unconsciously slipped...he plummeted downward, he could see the ocean getting nearer and nearer until finally a strutting cannon barrel broke his fall right at the Captain's midsection. The pain he felt could not be described, he laid ontop of the cannon barrel just staring down at the sea, not able to move anything but his fingers. He felt pain inside his body knowing he probably broke all his ribs and probably punctured a lung and was now slowly bleeding internally and soon the end would be near. The ocean got nearer and nearer...the ocean once his enemy must now be his salvation. His body slid off the barrel and once again he plummeted towards the floor of water. His back was downwards and he faced the sky, he was somewhat glad his last sight would be the sky and hoped he would die a quick death by hitting the water or at least knock him unconscious. As he looked up into the sky waiting for the inevitable he was abruplty halted by the sea, water flooded his sight and now all he could see was water in every direction, a feint light from above that could be recognized as light from the sun. He would not get his quick death but finally he found peace as he silently drowned to death.
USS Illinois
"20 degress left rudder" Captain Malarkey ordered
"Aye, 20 degrees left rudder." Came the confirmation.
"Get a few tomahawks in the air, fellas, it's time we avenge the deaths of those brave sailors." He said calmly.
Another see battle ensues...the Hiro vs. USS Illinois...who shall be the victor?.............
November 28, 2002, 13:50
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Well I know scratch will probably disagree but I would like to see the Yanks win the day, but after a long hard struggle.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 7, 2002, 18:21
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Come on easthaven Ive gone out and bought this new larger chair but you still keep us waiting.
For gods sake man Im gonna end up on the floor again!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 7, 2002, 23:40
Local Time: 15:35
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LoL, good thing you bought a larger chair...
I'll try to get something up tonight, I just get stuck at times and lose inspiration. You know how it is, you can't write when you force yourself too. Ya gotta get in the mood. And I want to make it good so I don't write something to just get by the part. A little research on sea warfare needed, but I will try to put something up tonight, probably late since I'm a procrastinator.
EDIT: Holy moly, I'm a prince now. Congratulations to me...
December 8, 2002, 05:30
Local Time: 22:35
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Arise Sir Easthaven
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 15, 2002, 00:43
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 771
USS Illinois
"Sir, he's turning, trying to outflank us."
"Well turn with him, damnitt!" replied Captain Malarkey.
The USS Illinois took a few hits and was damaged pretty badly, but amazingly still functioned. But just one more japanese shell could be the last straw to break the camel's back. Captain Malarkey knew it, the crew knew it... Yamamato knew it.
As for the Hiro, it too recieved hits from two tomahawks and several cannon shells. But was only moderately damaged and could afford even more hits, while the USS Illinois could not. Thus, it became a game of cat and mouse, each being both cat and mouse. Both trying to outmanuever the other, trying to get the other to make the first mistake.
"Sir, he's turning back to the right."
"Right, 30 degrees." Malarkey responded.
"Aye aye."
Captain Malarkey was drenched in sweat, he felt very panicky but hid it from his men. He was annoyed at the hiro, at the ones who sunk his friends, at the damn flashing red lights in the CP. Everything angered him, he was frustrated as hell.
"Whats the status on the fires."
"They aren't spreading sir, but they ain't exactly going away either." came the reply.
"How many tomahawks we have left?"Captain Malarkey asked.
"...Two, sir."
"Lock and launch."
After a few short moments, two tomahawks were up and away. Both sailed through the sky above the ocean, one trailed the other. They sped forward getting closer and closer to their target. Then the target began firing on the oncoming tomahawks. The leading missile was hit and exploded in the sky. The second tomahawk rocketed through the debri of its sister as it sailed complete the purpose of its existence...
Battleship Hiro
Direct hit. Half the japanese command tower was blown to shards, a ball of flame rose above the destruction. Luckily for the japanese, Yamamato was unharmed, and part of the Command post was still operational. Everything seemed to be still in working order. So Yamamato ordered a major barrage on the american ship.
USS Illinois
One shell after another hit the dieing American vessel, sailors were mutilated and fires erupted. The Communications tower collapsed much like what happened to its sister ship, it fell and killed even more sailors.
"Sir, weapons systems are offline..."
"Captain, a breach in the hull, 4th and 5th deck."
"We're sinking sir, we're sinking..."
Everybody started talking at once, informing the Captain of one disaster after another.
"OK! I get the point, we're taking a beating. Can we lock up the bottom decks?"Captain Malarkey interrupted the panicky commotion.
"They're trying, Captain, I'm sure they will be able to get it done." Came the response.
"Ok, what about the weapons system, can you bring them back online." He asked another.
"It's unlikely sir, but I'll try my best."
It was over, he knew it. What was he going to do now? He stood, arms crossed, face hard. Thinking of his next course of action, thinking of what he could have done before to have prevented this. Thinking of how many men are now going to die...
"Sir, maybe we should retreat as far as we can, then get our sailors off onto lifeboats then..."Rambled his XO, Major Mike.
"Then what, Mike? We are the only ship out here in the middle of the goddamned ocean! The Hiro will only chase us down, and finish us off." He continued his train of thought...
He stood there silently, staring at the blip on the radar screen that was the representation of the Hiro. He stood, as his XO continued to ramble...
Battleship Hiro
"Sir! weapons system is offline! And our power keeps turning on and off, we're sitting ducks, Admiral."
"What? Fix it Lieutenant!" He said, realizing that these are probably the late effects of that last tomahawk strike.
"But, I don't th..."
Yamamato interrupted.
"I don't want to hear excuses! We are now a heap of floating metal, I want us back to being terminators who walk on water! Now do your job! Give me a time estimate."
The young man truely did not think he could fix it, but to tell the Admiral was just suicidal...
"Umm...20 or so minutes sir, as fast as I can do it." He turned back to his console.
"Good." Yamamato replied, somewhat afraid what might happen if this kid couldn't fix it. What was he going to do? Sit here at sea, hoping for rescue? At least the American ship was not a threat anymore, at least the weapons systems were functional long enough to give the final blows to disable the enemy...and ultimately send it to its grave.
USS Illinois
His mind was empty, until his brain suddenly and abruptly snapped into activity. As he stared at the blip he noticed something. He noticed it not moving one inch...then the next second he noticed the sounds around him did not include explosions that reverberated throughout his ship.
Then he interrupted all the ramblings and commotion taking place with a stern voice, not exactly loud but loud enough to be heard.
"Ram it."
The entire room fell silent. The XO heard, and turned towards Malarkey.
"What do you mean, Captain?"
"I mean what I said, Mike. Ram the sonofab**ch." He turned toward his questionner, and looked him in the eye.
"Do you know what you're saying, Malarkey? It's plain suicide."
"Mike! We are sinking by the second, we are alone in the ocean with a stack of floating Japanese metal to accompany us. We ain't going to survive! And even if we do retreat, and successfully abandon ship, all of us will be stranded at sea in a bunch of lifeboats with no chance of rescue, with the most deadly battleship still alive and well. A battleship that can kill even more men with its artillery, a battleship that will gain superiority of the seas, and no hope for help or rescue for those boys in indian country! We have our duties, Mike." He looked earnestly to his friend. Time was of the essence.
Major Mike was hesitant. But he saw Malarkey's reasoning, and it was true. Everything he said was true.
"You all heard him..." He gave Malarkey a small smile, he was with him to the end.
Captain Malarkey smiled back. He turned and grabbed the microphone as he placed it to broadcast throughout the ship.
"Fellow sailors, fellow brothers. As you probably know, our beloved USS Illinois is going down, in a few hours it will be no more...we will be no more. We could abandon ship, but we will be stranded at sea...with no chance of a rescue, unless we are taken prisoner by the japanese. For the Hiro is still afloat...its weapons seems to be out of action, and it doesn't seem to be moving...but it is still afloat, and we will soon not be. So I am about to give the order to ram the Hiro, the USS Illinois is going down, but we are going down with honor as we take those bastards down with us. I refuse to die without experiencing justice and vengeance for our lost comrades. And I refuse to let the japanese be the sole victors of the sea! We will give a chance to our army bretheren who are fighting in Japan, they will have a chance for rescue and reinforcements. But they will only have that chance if we sacrifice. It's been an honor serving with each and every one of you. God Bless."
He hung up the microphone. He felt total sadness and guilt for giving an order that would surely kill every man on the ship. He sat down in his bridge chair and adjusted his cap.
"Ok, aim this sucker at the Hiro. Full Throttle! Every damn bit of energy we can muster you give it all to the engines. Full speed, fellas."
There was complete silence as everyone stood in anticipation. A few minutes eroded away.
"Its at full speed sir."
"Ok, brace yourselves men."
Another period of silence, as the huge ship sped forward crashing through the waves.
Then someone in the CP began humming...America, the Beautiful. Captain Malarkey smiled at the cornyness of it, but he was still forced to hold back his tears. Soon the melancholic gloom of the room disappeared as everybody began singing the words out loud.
Major Mike leaned toward Captain Malarkey.
"...God shed his grace on thee..."
"It's been an honor serving with you, sir." He said over the singing as he held out his hand.
Capatin Malarkey accepted his hand and shook it. He then turned and switched the microphone on. Soon every room and corridor the song, America the Beautiful, could be heard. Sailors sang along as others remained silent as they prayed quietly waiting for the thunderous clash...
"...from sea to shining sea..."
OOC: what do ya think? too many " "? feedback welcomed...
December 15, 2002, 06:57
Local Time: 22:35
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Location: Staffordshire England
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Do you really need to ask ?
Fandabulous! I cant even get my words out right! that was the best part yet! although its taken you a while to post this its well worth the wait!
Since you restarted this story I have followed it, and I can tell you that it has got better and better. Your writing skills have definitely improved and Im convinced that you have researched this subject matter. It certainly shows through in the story and enhances the readers experience of this tale.
Great work Easthaven 1 keep it up
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 15, 2002, 12:58
Local Time: 06:35
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I wish I could have been on one of those ships and enjoyed the battle. I felt seasick after reading this I was so immersed in it. Good job!
Easthavendude, did you consider the possibility of manually fired guns? Usually when a battleship's fire control system is knocked out, the commander orders the gun turrets to fire on their own. The chances of scoring a hit are very low of course, depending on the level of crew training. I know some of the British gun crews in WW2, particularly on the older ships, could still hit ships without the fire control system on because they practiced a lot before the war started. The Japanese crews on the Yamato, however, couldn't hit the broadside of a barn if it were falling on them.
December 16, 2002, 00:08
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 771
Cool. Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated! I'm very glad you're enjoying it!
Scratch, thanks for the info. I did consider manually firing guns but just left it out, thinking no one will notice  ... But since ya brought it up...well...the battle ain't over yet....
December 16, 2002, 23:21
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 771
Battleship Hiro
The USS Illinois was gaining speed and closing the gap very quickly, and the Hiro could do nothing to avoid the collision. They noticed the intentions of the American ship just a few minutes after it began moving.
"Lieutenant, status..." Yamamato said.
"Umm...uh..I don't know, sir," said the young man reluctantly, "I'm still trying, I just can't get anywhere..."
Yamamato figured this when the 20 minute marker passed. He did not get angry, just realized he couldn't count on a weapons system.
"Very well, keep working on it. We can not wait any longer, though. Major-Colonel, begin firing the guns at the oncoming ship, you'll have to do it manually until we are able to get weapon systems back online." Yamamato sat down in his bridge chair.
"Yes sir."
USS Illinois
"...amber waves of grain..."
They were still singing the song, continueing it again everytime it ended. It was their only morale boost they could muster.
Then a young petty officer called the Captain.
"Sir, they've begun firing their guns. But it seems they're doing it manually sir, their accuracy is horrible."
"Just ignore it, Petty Officer. Keep the ship steady, its all we can do now..."
"...For purple mountains majesty..."
The space between the two metallic monsters was eroding away by the second. The japanese sailors fired their guns constantly but it was futile, they scored a few hits and killed a few men but they could not stop the momentus giant. Men of both ships stood in anticipation as the two ships became closer and closer in distance. The USS Illinois was driving at an unrelenting speed. A person observing from afar would clench their teeth and grab hold of something because of the pictures that would enter their minds of the oncoming catastrophe about to unfold.
80 yards....
"...America, america..."
50 yards...
"...God shed his grace on thee..."
30 yards...
"...And crown thy good with brotherhood..."
15 yards...
"...from sea to shini...................
The initial clash was magnificent. Men were hurled 30 feet towards Japan. Men fell overboard. Men drowned. Metal ripping upon metal. The screeching sound of the metallic bonds being broken apart by the monumental forces of inertia. The sound was deafening, men screamed just from the painful sound. Many men died just from that collision. The two titanic ships became enmeshed into one deformed body of steel. After the initial shock, sailors grabbed their small arms and ran to the railing ignoring all the fires and dieing men. They began firing at the enemy. The ships began to sink slowly. Both ships would go down in a fury of violence, all the way to the end. Some men were even able to climb onto the Japanese vessel and fight hand to hand. The Japanese did likewise. The collision was suppose to be the end, instead the fight continued, man's instincts of war did not stop until they breathed no more.
Captain Malarkey woke up on the deck of his battleship after the collision. Bones were broken, and he couldn't feel a thing. He just stared aimlessly into the sky...then an angry japanese face came clearly into view. A Japanese sailor found him, and ended him with a swift stroke of his knife across Malarkey's neck.
His last thought...was his 1 year old child...
THe fighting died down as secondary explosions erupted from unseen chambers.
Soon, the deformed bloodbath of what was once two magnificent beasts of cycloptic scale, were nothing but rust at the bottom of the sea...
Not one survivor...
OOC: End of the sea battles, now back to Sutsuma!!! So what did ya guys think? I'm not sure about the last part of SEA FIRE, I think I was not up to par, feedback wanted....
December 17, 2002, 03:34
Local Time: 22:35
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Poppycock that was great as was the whole story of the sea battle. youve done a great job with this and Im looking forward to the rest of the fight for Satsuma.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 17, 2002, 05:21
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I felt a tremor go through my cave as I read about the collision. The mutual destruction idea was good. I like MAD. I still wish I could've been in the battle and then escaped in a lifeboat.
I think that diet pop-up ad is getting out of hand. It comes up every time I switch a screen. I've already applied for dieting 3 times even though I'm trying to gain weight. I think the Before pictures of those people in the ad look much better anyways.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
December 20, 2002, 18:55
Local Time: 21:35
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Location: UK
Posts: 84
The Sea Battle was great!  I'm loking forward to seeing how the battle in Sutsuma goes plus it'll be great if you bring the Chinese in.
December 20, 2002, 19:44
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Posts: 771
Thank you all for the feedback. Much appreciated. Battle of Sutsuma shall come soon...brace yourselves....
December 22, 2002, 18:59
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 771
Battle of Sutsuma
The Americans, after a few days of the fiercest fighting to date, finally had complete control of the city. A few resistors caused some trouble here and there in the city, but too small to be significant. The Americans had lost most of its 3rd infantry division, the survivors were incorporated into Patton's 2nd Infantry division. There was also only a few tanks operational. The combined force of MacArthur and Barrett consisted of now only 1 marine division, and 3 infantry divisions, and only a handful of tanks. Roughly 30,000 men under the combined force of the two Colonels now consisted of the invasion force which reached nearly 100,000 strong in the beginning. But they were victorious, they took Sutsuma, no matter how Pyrric it was. Now holding the objective was the next trial by fire…
Barrett and MacArthur both were in the Command Post, which was in the former government building. Both just received the count of available men, and were now discussing on the next move.
“Well, we have no word from the navy therefore we are without arty support. We have no idea when reinforcements will arrive, and I highly doubt if Washington even knows we’re still here…” Said Colonel MacArthur.
“We received 70% casualties taking this god forsaken hell hole, we’re to weak to keep advancing. We are now sitting ducks, stranded in enemy territory. Outnumbered probably over 10 to 1, we’re backed into a corner completely surrounded. They’ll attack us soon…. Oh yeah, and we’re starting to run low on ammo…”continued Lt. Colonel Barrett on the situation.
“Heh, we got the bastards right where we want â€em.” Chimed in Major Patton, a cigar protruding from his smile. MacArthur was hardly amused, but Barrett couldn’t help but grin at the overconfident remark.
“Well, it sure as hell don’t look good.”
“Ok, well an offense is out of the question. Now the mission has changed to survival. Defenses need to be sparked up a bit. Mines, claymores, barbed wire…hell, put up some damn picket fences. They’re gonna hit us hard and fast…and soon. So we’ll set up our grunts on choke points throughout the border of the city from one sea to the other, since we can’t afford to spread them out too thin. We’ve got 25 tanks. We’ll hold them at the center, near the government building, they’ll be our only reserves. The tanks that don’t work, well we should try and get them to the edge of the city where our boys could use them as cover. Help in the defense. We need to move fast though, sirs. It is likely they won’t wait long to strike.” Patton gave his plans that he had just brainstormed on the spot.
“I also think we should have signals for retreat once Japanese offensives begin to gain ground. Lines of defense, if you will. After Japanese forces seem to flood the first line, we’ll signal our forces to retreat to the next line, once and if that is compromised, we retreat into a third line…then finally, when we have no choice we retreat into the government building in the center of the city, its on a hill so if we put up the right defenses around it, we could hold it for quite sometime.” Major Garcia spoke. He was quiet throughout the meeting, until now.
“Looks like a plan, good enough too. Start organizing the defenses. Get our engineers workin. I’ll go inform the eastern forces.” Lt. Col. Barrett responded.
“Ok, I’ll go to the west and do the same. It’ll do good for morale.” MacArthur said.
“Well alrighty, I’ll go and begin getting the defenses ready. No jap’s gonna take this city without getting a lickin.” Major Patton then stormed out. After of course saluting his CO’s.
Lt. Col. Barrett and Colonel MacArthur also exited the CP.
The evening was nearing when most defenses were completed. Cars were tipped over, barbed wire carelessly sprawled out onto the ground. Machine gun nests placed in crossfire positions, Booby traps placed in every open spot, mines laid here and there, claymores placed where they could cause the most damage. One man was brave enough to venture out unto the field outside the city. There he raised a sort of small flagpole. He attached a claymore mine ontop of it, where it liberaly dangled around.
Major Patton covered the western side, while Major Garcia covered the south. Lt. Colonel Barrett was in the southern CP, while MacArthur was on the western CP. It was now dark, the half moon as the sole source of light in the world of darkness. The young men of the USofA waited in anticipation.
“What’s the status on the patrols?” Asked Lt. Colonel Barrett.
“Sir, enemy movements reported in the south, AND west. They’re gonna hit us from both sides, sir.”
Lt. Colonel Barrett just soaked in the information, trying to picture the battle to come, and think up decisions he would have to make.
Just then a whistling sound interrupted the eerie silence of the night. It was soft at first, but grew louder and louder until...BOOM! an automobile on the side of what use to be a road, erupted in flames. The doors and hood were ripped off, sent flying into the night. The car was launched 10 feet into the air, and landed back onto the earth. More artillery shells fell, one after another. Buildings exploded, pieces of rubble fell on American soldiers and Japanese citizens. Whistling sounds of destruction came from the sky and battered the earth into submission. Explosions were everywhere. A few shells scored hits on the helpless Americans, tearing away their limbs or just sending painful shrapnel into their flesh. The screams wounded morale. Medics rushed here and there at the distant calls of “MEDIC!!”. It was as if God ordered the destruction of the city, sending a hail of fire and hot metal from above. You only heard a whistling sound, then destruction followed immediately after. The men feared that whistle.
Zeus was throwing bolt after bolt, making wives into widows, children into orphans.
The Americans stayed hunkered down, helplessly in their foxholes. Lt. Colonel Barrett himself in a foxhole, near the southern front. He heard the cries, he heard the destruction…but could do nothing about it. Only wait for the attack.
“It has begun…” He whispered to his rifle…
to be continued…
December 22, 2002, 19:10
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A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 22, 2002, 19:19
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Great stuff! I look forward to reading more!
December 22, 2002, 21:49
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
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I'm looking forward to a good mutual slaughter. I hope the americans fight to the last man in the city hall hill like Custer did and leave heaps of japanese throughout the city for the vultures.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
December 22, 2002, 23:13
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 771
I'm looking forward to a good mutual slaughter.
Behold, Scratch's dark side...or is it his good side?
December 23, 2002, 00:14
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 771
Battle of Sutsuma
Patton’s Front
“I can’t see sh*t.” He yelled over the never-ending bombardment of Japanese artillery.
He was in a trench looking down upon the grounds outside the city. The Japanese would have to come up a little to take the trench, through the most hideous of defenses. No easy task. Major Patton was confident, but aware of possibilities.
“Keep alive, boys. They’ll be comin around any second, I guarantee it.” He held a Colt .45 in each hand. Staring into the darkness beyond.
Then the artillery stopped.
It was completely quiet, not even crickets could be heard.
Patton stared harder into the dark, straining to see a clue of activity.
Then he saw a small light appear, like a distant firefly, with a feint pop! And it came to him and passed over his head with lightning speed. Then hundreds more tracers followed. First in just one spot, then from everywhere, out of the darkness. He quickly ducked behind the cover of the trench as tracers skimmed off the earth. A man to his left received a heavy caliber through the eye. Then he heard them. War cries from the Japanese.
“Call in some flares!” He yelled.
He looked back over the trench, still a world of darkness with tracers coming from no where, searching for a victim. His men did not fire yet. Nothing to fire at. Ammo was low and they did not want to waste bullets just to hit thin air.
Then from up above, as if somebody ripped a hole in the sky, light showered down upon the battlefield. Hundreds upon hundreds of Japanese soldiers were charging across the plain towards the American positions, firing their rifles as they sped across.
The Americans opened fire, their own tracers raining down upon the enemy. Sending many to meet their maker. The constant volume of fire became one constant roar. Patton was firing his .45’s, picking targets liberally. To his right was a machine gunner, screaming as he hailed hundreds of bullets upon the human waves. To his left, was a sniper, carefully selecting the more valuable targets, picking conservatively, hunting for the leaders…for the head. Ejecting cartridge after cartridge from his M-40 sniper rifle.
Another flare erupted, regaining the fabulous light the dieing flare once had.
Then, in the center of the plains…in the center of the human waves…an explosion occurred. A hundred or so Japanese men were ripped apart by thousands of small steel balls and wire. The claymore mine that was placed upon a pole went off, it spun in all directions, sending death and destruction in all directions. The waves faltered and slowed. In one hit, over a hundred enemy troopers were annihilated. The Japanese morale was given a crushing blow, while the Americans were now high on such morale.
Patton witnessed this event, at first he was puzzled but after a few seconds he realized what it was. He smiled and began laughing out with pride. And extra boost of adrenaline pumped through his veins, in awe at his men’s creative thinking and initiative. Even more proud to be leading them.
to be continued...
December 23, 2002, 03:36
Local Time: 22:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Yuk East the blood and guts are seeping from my moniter, Therell be plenty of fresh meat for the crows in the morning.  Good writing.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 23, 2002, 11:40
Local Time: 06:35
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 839
Originally posted by Easthaven I
Behold, Scratch's dark side...or is it his good side?
Shut up.
As for the fight, keep it coming. That claymore trick seems a little unlikely though. Like, don't they disgorge their contents in one blast rather than in a stream? And all the opposite reaction force would knocked the claymore off the pole anyways. I think the biggest kills in Viet Nam might have bagged up to 6 or 7 of the bad guys with one blast. Man, am I ever picky or what? Oh well. It's been awhile since I used a claymore so I'm not sure.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
December 23, 2002, 19:42
Local Time: 21:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: UK
Posts: 84
It's looking great, especially with Claymore! Also, an idea I thought of which you might be interested in. The Japanese soon outnumber the Americans that they have to retreat. Soon, men become separated from their sqauds, lost in the forests with little or no ammo. What do you think? Add a bit of survival?
December 24, 2002, 01:38
Local Time: 15:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Battle of Sutsuma
Patton’s front
Private First Class Jamison reloaded his M4 Carbine as fast as he could. Hundreds of Japanese men came nonstop, hundreds fell…dead. A lucky few reached the trench, but were quickly bayoneted to death.
“we’re gonna run out of bullets before they run out of men!” PFC Jamison thought to himself, as he inserted another magazine.
He fired three round bursts at clusters of enemy soldiers, leaving the ones who stood by themselves alone.
Soon, the mines were all blown up. Claymores were expended, booby traps gone off, and the barbed wire was now covered by a layer of dead Japanese. A bugle call sounded from the darkness beyond, and a new rush from the enemy commenced, more intense than ever.
“BASTARDS!!!” He yelled, as he stood and sprayed at the banzai charging soldiers. 8 Japanese men were killed. He ducked back behind the trench. He placed the bayonet on his rifle, the Japanese were getting closer by the second. He looked back over the trench at the same time a Jap was but a few feet away. He thrusted his bayonet into the man’s gut as the Japanese soldier held his bayoneted rifle high above his head. He collapsed next to PFC Jamison in the trench. He removed his rifle from the corpse, and turned back to fight the others.
The numbering enemy troops were just overwhelming, soon the mass group enmeshed themselves with the Americans. Hand to hand fighting broke out in the trenches, the houses, the courtyards, the streets…
PFC Jamison was tackled, he was on the ground of the trench wrestling with a man he’d never met, and well…hasn’t even seen. He managed to gain leverage over his opponent as he threw him to the ground. Jamison was ontop of him as he began swinging punches with all his might. He felt a crack everytime his fists made contact with the enemy’s face. He then grabbed his rifle that was laying to the side, he turned it upside down and began beating the man beneath him with the butt of the weapon, he felt the warm blood splattering onto his face and on his hands, but could not see it. Fury burned through him as he continued to pound his foe, even when his foe was but a limp soulless corpse. He was oblivious to the world, it seemed as though his only purpose in life was to beat this man’s face into pulp.
His blind carelessness nearly cost him his life. Another Japanese soldier rushed from behind, he thrusted his bayonet into PFC Jamison’s shoulder. It wasn’t a fatal wound, the man probably lost balance or maybe it was just fate. Jamison reacted, he spun not heeding the pain that erupted from this wound and he stabbed the Jap with his own bayonet, and fired a three round burst into him.
Then the signal was heard, for a general retreat to the second line of defense.
Soldiers struggled out of the trench as they began running towards their destination. But it was difficult, Japanese were everywhere!
PFC Jamison ran as fast he could, in front of him he saw a Jap running in the same direction. He fired into the Jap’s back, then jumped over him. It was total chaos! He turned to his right, there was a jap, he turned to his left…there was a jap. He spotted an American, but the man collapsed. Wounded or dead, it didn’t matter, it was every man for himself!
He took a sharp turn and entered a house. He quickly slammed the door shut behind him. It was much quieter in here, besides the constant pop pop sounds and KABOOM! going on outside. PFC Jamison looked around and saw a small Japanese woman with two little kids, a boy and a girl who were no older than 7 years old. They looked frightened to the very marrow of the bones. He stood there, not knowing what to do, somewhat embarrassed being stared at.
Then the door slammed open startling everyone. PFC Jamison turned and fired his last rounds of the magazine into the body of the intruder. Little bloodspots appeared on the man’s chest as each round pierced and entered his body, ripping away vital organs and tearing holes in his heart. The impact forced the Japanese soldier backwards out of the house. PFC Jamison immediately slammed the door shut again, and locked it. The small event snapped him out of his trance and reminded of him of where he was. He quickly ran through the house looking for a back door…
To be continued…
I kinda rambled on here, but who cares. As for the claymore, killing over a hundred might have been a bit exaggerated, but being on top of the pole is possible. Still it’s a story so relax with the nit picks, man, but still thanks for the feedback and it is welcomed. Thank you all for the feedback and suggestions, I will definitely consider them all.
December 24, 2002, 04:12
Local Time: 22:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
I like that last part , Its always good to change focus and direction in a story and closely following a particular character is one way to achieve that.
Great stuff Easthaven keep it coming.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
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