December 20, 2000, 16:18
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first civ3 units revealed!
Well, isn't anybody going to comment? Firaxis has released the unit pics for 3 units that will be in civ3: panzer tank, phalanx, rifleman.
The pics look extremelly impressive. The art people at firaxis are super pros, for sure!
It looks like the civ3 units will lok very cool, indeed!
EDITED: Just thought I'd put these here for people to easily see. If the page loads too slowly, I can take them out. Thanks to Diplomat for the info (and for letting me hijack this section of his post). --Yin
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[This message has been edited by yin26 (edited December 22, 2000).]
December 20, 2000, 16:29
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I'm trying to imagine the kind of map and look Civ3 will have if the units are going to be 3D and that detailed. Actually, it makes me kind of hopefull that the units themselves will be color-coded by the color of your Empire (American musketmen have blue shirts, Brittish ones red and so forth).
It was really nice of Firaxis to give us something to think about while we wait for the new site opening `early' next year.
December 20, 2000, 16:39
Firaxis Games
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Well, we *really really* wanted to get this site up as soon as possible. With the holiday break approaching, we're all out for a few days, so the site will probably go up shortly after the new year.
At the very least, we thought you'd appreciate a little taste of what's to come. Hope you all enjoy!
Happy Holidays!
Firaxis Games, Inc.
December 20, 2000, 16:44
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I'd say those are impressive....
I've seen few games that have graphics of that quality....
don't know how they'll look shrunk down to normal Civ playing size, but if those are any indication.... looks like the wait for CivIII will be worth it
Good job guys, and keep up the good work
December 20, 2000, 16:44
I can't believe somebody beat me to the punch of starting the 'official' thread on this subject -- well, considering how busy a poor webmaster such as myself is these days, it doesn't surprise me really.
Enjoy, everyone. Thanks again, Firaxis!
Dan; Apolyton CS
December 20, 2000, 16:48
These aren't ingame shots are they??
The phalanx looks like it will be, I can see the polygons, the others are highly rendered, so if the phalanx one is the ingame shot - WOW!
If not, I can see how detailed the game is going to be, because you guys would have been using the structure of those rendered units to make the units in the game look similiar to those ones.
bloody brilliant.....I love that phalanx, he looks like he has a bit of attitude, haha
December 20, 2000, 16:51
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They look great. Not cartoony, like ctp units.
not that ctp graphics are bad. . they're decent. .
but these are better, imo.
December 20, 2000, 17:05
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I would like to see accurate modern units. Like tanks that really existed and not just Meta-tanks. Why not have a "Tiger II" or "Sherman" or "Leopard" or "Abrams" or or or?
Or name it tank but do the model after a REAL one!
The colors on the tank also makes me think that this now identifies the unit, right? Is the shield finally gone?
I do hope so!
Just an idea,
December 20, 2000, 17:07
geezuz you're right, those blue colours are representing the civ, I didn't notice that, brilliant again!
December 20, 2000, 17:23
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Originally posted by ContradictioN on 12-20-2000 04:07 PM
geezuz you're right, those blue colours are representing the civ, I didn't notice that, brilliant again!
Check out the rifleman. He dont have colour-code (unless brown is the code).
Anyway, they look great - imagine these units animated, strolling around on the map - which also have animated sea-, -ocean and river-tiles. Maybe swaing forrest-tiles, who knows.
I wonder how one see if a unit is wounded?
December 20, 2000, 17:26
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blown off arm or something I suppose... heh
Tank missing a treead....
The happy face on the shield turns to a sad face...
December 20, 2000, 17:32
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Great to see some graphics, but is this concept art or the real unit icons made large? Hard to tell. I hope we can see some shots of units sitting on the map soon.
I love the short barrelled Panzer III, with the exception of the bright red and blue bits.
The Phalanx is very colourful but seems to be a bit challenged in the spear department. I'd expect him to chuck a javelin that size not lock shields and brace for impact.
The rifleman looks really cool, especially if the uniform colour changes to represent the player.
December 20, 2000, 17:32
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Great units!!! I agree with connorkimbro, CTP units look often like toys, but these new Civ3 units are top class. My fauvorite is the Phalanx...
December 20, 2000, 17:36
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December 20, 2000, 17:59
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Originally posted by Evil
My only complaint is the rifleman: Civ 2's rifleman (in case you didn't know) was a Union soldier, presumably with a springfield. As far as I'm concerned there are three real rifleman designs you could use: Union troop, Colonial conquoror (Red coat with white helmet, a la Zulu) or Napoleonic rifleman (British regiments, green uniforms)
If it isn't too late please change the hat, it just isn;t right.
I agree totally, which is actually what I came to this forum to say. The rifleman in real life was a late-19th century unit; the musketeer was the 18th-century equivalent. The unit shown for the Civ3 rifleman looks like something out of the 18th century. Oh well. The detail on all three units is really nice.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
December 20, 2000, 18:16

Originally posted by Pangaea on 12-20-2000 04:26 PM
The happy face on the shield turns to a sad face... 
the happy face is gorgo medusa, a favorite motive on the greek hoplon (shield of the hoplites).
i really like the way these units are.
December 20, 2000, 18:23
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Originally posted by Evil Capitalist on 12-20-2000 04:36 PM
And a guarantee that there will be no unit workshop!
I didnt think of that. But now, then your mention it, i agree. No unit workshop.  good!
The rifleman (that looks like a musketeer) is likely to be available as a 18:th century tech in the game. So, it should be a quick job changing the name-convention to the proper one: musketeer.
About the hat: well, im sure that the graphic artist in question have worked from some authentic military costumes history-book. It seems to me, that this would be the most likely method to go about it.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited December 20, 2000).]
December 20, 2000, 19:04
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When I just got on Apolyton just now, that is the first thing I saw!! Finally! They look awesome!
December 20, 2000, 19:09
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It's quite interesting that Firaxis have named one of the units the Panzer Tank because it's names specific to one country i.e. Germany.
It just could be that they are acknowledging the ones who were the first to take real advantage of the Tank in warfare, or maybe is it that the Technology around World War 2 is more represented in Civ3.
I've seen posts from Firaxis which have stated that Leader Unit's, and the ability to cut certain supplies to a Civ are featured in the game. All feature's suited to WW2 Style Warfare, especially Supply.
So are we perhap's going to see unit's such as Dive Bombers (Stukas), or Stormtroopers, U-boats, Flying Bombs or Suicide Pilot(Kamakazi)? All Units which hint at a particular country, but named in a way not to sound too specific to one particular Civ, but rather specific to a Facist or National Socialist Goverment type.
Will there be an advanced type of tank that comes available later in the game that replaces the Panzer Tank?
This is all speculation of course, but I think there's more to the Panzer Tank than meets the eye!
December 20, 2000, 19:25
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Very nice. Well the graphics are good...I hope that's a GOOD sign...yes the 'rifleman' looked a lot more like a 18th century musketeer.
December 20, 2000, 19:26
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um, no one jump on me, or start an argument, cause thats not what I am trying to do here, but I just want to make a comment:
'Panzer' tanks could belong to any country, but the worrd 'panzer' is not a military unit in Germany, its word that means, "Tank" in the German language (so essentialy it is a german), so I dont know why they called it the 'panzer tank'. cause thats just like saying tank twice in a row, once in English, once in German. please, Firaxis, if its not too late, please change the name to something more realistic, something like, 'MBT', meaning: Main Battle Tank. or just something way simpler, like, Heavy Tank, or something. oh well, if you cant, thats alright, I wont complain about the very first thing we've gotten for civ3 from you.
[This message has been edited by Diablo, Bro. of Mephisto (edited December 20, 2000).]
December 20, 2000, 19:28
The way that phalanx is designed makes me think the interface(land) for civ3 is going to look a lot like warcraft 3's. whaddya think?
December 20, 2000, 19:29
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First off, I'd like to say that those units look amazing. However, "Panzer" could refer to any tank built by the Germans. I hope that the actually names of tanks will be used in the final release, it would make it that much more like if one was actually leading a civilization.
On another note, the release of unit graphics means that there will not be a unit workshop, unless Firaxis decides to make both the workshop as well as some default units, for the not so customization-inclined.
December 20, 2000, 19:41
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I believe that these unit graphics look much to like Test of Time's to, and thus are horrible for the game; but If you showed me all of them on a real map then perhaps I may like them, but right now I believe they are rendered badly (Test of Time style)
Test of Time was far too dark; now these are not dark, but they look so much like the ToT units it makes me suspicious.
December 20, 2000, 19:52
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On another note, the release of unit graphics means that there will not be a unit workshop
Well, to be fair also SMAC unit has some graphics 
but I see your point and I'm afraid you are right.
What a pity!
To be true I think that released images are more artwork than real unit look, because that detail can't been sustained at normal unit dimension... at least if not played on a 42" screen at ultra high resolution.
Also CTPII first images come from artwork AFAIK...
Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
December 20, 2000, 19:58
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I believe "Panzer" in German actually means "Armour" not "Tank". Although tanks in Germany are refered to as "Panzer's", it's only like how in the UK/USA a Division of tanks is refered to as a Armoured Division (German=Panzer Division). It's just that when it comes down to individual unit's we like to call them "Tank's".
December 20, 2000, 20:13
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The Kraizer:
first of all, please dont miss-understand this, I do NOT want to start an argument, I just want to verify your post. In English terms today, 'Armour', and 'Tank' are pretty much the same when it comes to military divisions. also, I am studying German right now, the word 'Panzer' does fit with both phrases, 'Armour' and 'Tank'. I was just saying that Panzer Tank would be like saying, "Armour Tank." (as you put it) or "Tank Tank." in English. but then again, I am not exactly sure, if there is a German guy here, please verify this.
sorry people, dont mean to start a conversation right in the middle of the favorite thread on the page at the moment.
December 20, 2000, 20:28
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I'm not entirely sure how you infer the lack of a unit workshop ipso facto from the publication of concept art for three units. It is possible for Civ3 to come with a unit workshop which offers you a choice of appropriate unit graphics for whatever you construct. All we can tell is that it wont be using the SMAC 'paper doll' technique. Hurrah!
The description panzer tank for a unit that looks almost exactly like a Panzer III is a good idea IMO. We don't even know what tech it is linked to (assuming no unit workshop.) Fascism could, for instance, deliver the Stormtrooper, Panzer, Stuka, Doodlebug and Gestapo units if they wanted to go wild  It certainly looks like there will be a variety of tank types at last! WWII scenarios with different tank models for different sides will be so much more atmospheric.
December 20, 2000, 20:51
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These graphics are unbelievable! All to all those crybabies that are upset over the riflemen: Get a friggin' life! These graphics are better than you could ever do so I don't see any reason to complain about them. My heartfelt thanks and congrats go out to the Civ3 team on this one! Absolutely beautiful!
December 20, 2000, 21:00
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