January 13, 2001, 17:52
Local Time: 01:42
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- A "spoonfeed-able" AI, there players can guide AI-civs in overal strategical/logistical areas, through tweak-files.
- That AI city-placements and AI city-area developments is done without moving around stupid AI-settlers.
- Very extensive customization-ability in each area of the game, including Windows interface with skins.
- That the Civ-2/SMAC-style clickable city-area view, is still there. For the love of God, dont get rid of that.
- That game-mechanics is "transparently" designed, so you understand "how's" and "why's" behind the interface.
- That all top-five scenario-tools/suggestions are implemented, including the "pre-designated AI-cities" idea.
- That the game can be customized to match both "micro-manager lovers" AND "micro-manager haters".
- That clever anti-ICS, anti-BAB, Rise-And-Fall and world-conquer uphill-struggle parameters is added to the game.
- New city-screen parameters like health, with related CI:s. Catastrophes preventable by improvements.
- New combat-model what do something about the "Stan/Oliver vs Finlayson fighting syndrome". Not realtime.
- An overal feeling of quality & craftsmanship of both the manual, the game-interface and to the gameplay itself.
- The anti-pode of my greatest hopes, basically.
- Halfway through the game, my strongest AI-competitor have only half the CI:s/TI:s that i have. AI crap units.
- A "detached feel" as a result of not understanding the principal "how's" and "why's" behind the interface.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited January 16, 2001).]
January 13, 2001, 18:13
Local Time: 20:42
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Greatest Fear: Opening the box and finding a skimpy instruction booklet. ( I had this trouble with CTP and RA2)
Greatest hope, really, really cool scenarios, as I'm too lazy to make them.
"People should know when they're conquered."
"Would you Quintis? Would I?"
"Soylant Green is people. PPPeeeoooppllleee!"
January 13, 2001, 21:29
Local Time: 01:42
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Originally posted by Ralf on 01-13-2001 04:52 PM
- That the game can be customized to match both "micro-manager lovers" AND "micro-manager haters".
Absolutely agreed. Firaxis would better give us that if they really want to satisfy all their potential customers...
Plus, I still think they should include more than 8 civs... at least they should introduce minor civs...
January 14, 2001, 01:00
Local Time: 00:42
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Location: hopatcong,NJ,USA
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greatist fear: i open the box and find a game so complex and in depth that i cant play it.or openig the the box and finding the handicaped version of civ2 and the game is incredibly non indepth and simple. going to game rooms with 3 people in them chatting about somthing totaly different than civ 3, playing a game that has no exitement in it and (sorry all you peeps that dont like 3D exiting graphics  ) pathetic 2d graphics, and this game turns out to be a version of civ2 -fun +retardedness and boring nothingness graphics.
greatest hope: open the box and find the super graphic in depth but simple CIVILIZATION 111 that ive been waiting for!!!!!!!
[This message has been edited by young newbie forever (edited January 14, 2001).]
January 14, 2001, 01:05
Local Time: 00:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Posts: 81
Greatest Fear: The upkeep for ip games is even slower than smac
Hope:[*]They keep the smac units generator thing.[*]War becomes more tactical rather than using numbers to invade the enemy. (if a good military player plays he can destroy a civ larger than his with good tactics)[*]Ip games have as little upkeep as civ2 mp does.[*]Able to generate scenarios like civ2gold allowed...smac doesn't let you generate your own units which I really wanted too (but with their unit machine thing it would be pretty tough to get that in--so this is kind of a far-fetched hope)[*]Gameplay runs more smoothly than smac (graphics don't slow the game down)
[This message has been edited by ajli@home (edited January 14, 2001).]
January 14, 2001, 23:40
Local Time: 00:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Hong Kong
Posts: 141
Greatest fear:
-Game speed slooowed down by 3d graphics.
-Stupid units, wonders and city improvements.
-An obscenely expanded tech tree. It forces you to research a dozen tech before reaching monarchy.
-Pathetic AI, in diplomacy and military.
Greatest hope:
-Improved AI
-Reducing some level of micromanagement
-Play time less than 10hr per game.
January 15, 2001, 04:40
Local Time: 00:42
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My greates Fear is, it's just SMAC with earth based graphics.
My greatest hope is the best game for five years.
I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow
January 15, 2001, 15:09
Local Time: 19:42
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Posts: 162
Quoth grrr: quote:

Greatest Fear
No bugs!
Fear not, Grrr: I'm sure there will be bugs.
OK, my list:
Hope: Civ3 will be the greatest game I've ever played.
Fear: Civ3 will be the greatest game I've ever played. Those of you who have poured your lives into other "gaming black holes" will know what I mean.
January 15, 2001, 18:16
Local Time: 19:42
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 67
Greatest hope: beautiful, in-depth maps and diplomacy
Greatest fear: a 4000 year war between nations of nearly independant city-states that civII almost was (there was enough building to keep me happy though)
January 15, 2001, 19:06
Local Time: 18:42
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Location: Terre Haute, IN USA
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Greatest fear: excessive micromanagement
Greatest hope: the player completely forgets what time it is as they are so caught up with negotiating with foreign civs, putting down rebellions, building great wonders etc...
No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
[This message has been edited by The diplomat (edited January 15, 2001).]
January 15, 2001, 20:59
Local Time: 00:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Georgetown, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 86
My greatest Civ3 fears:
It'll be too heavily focused on the military at the expense of other strategies.
That the wonderful strategically advanced AI everyone's asking for will lead to *every* civilization you play against being that good. Not all civs should play as well all the time.
That fear of new ideas will keep them from playing with new concepts like 3D graphics, which do not necessarily need to slow the game down.
My greatest Civ3 hopes:
That it will keep me happily entertained for weeks, no... months... no, wait. Years.
Gordon S. McLeod
October's Fools
January 15, 2001, 22:28
Local Time: 20:42
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 5,605
Greatest Fear: Civ II in 3D.
Greatest Hope: Firaxis actually reads the list!
January 16, 2001, 17:04
Local Time: 20:42
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greatest fear
they try to turn civ into 6000 year, turn-based version of "Age of Empires"
Greatest hope
They keep game true to civ spirit, and use some of the great ideas from this forum.
January 16, 2001, 20:05
Local Time: 00:42
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Location: Honolulu, HI USA
Posts: 60
Greatest Hope: That the AI will simulate the experience of playing alert, intelligent human opponents.
Greatest Fear: That the system requirements will be too much for my 3-year old Dell P-300.
January 16, 2001, 21:31
Local Time: 18:42
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Posts: 229
My greatest fear is that Firaxis will focus too much on making the game fun and not real, or vice versa. IT IS possible to make a game both fun and realistic at the same time. Just use the brains God gave you!!!
Zero (formerly jrhughes98)
January 16, 2001, 21:47
Greatest Fear: After playing a few games and finding it to be the same old stuff, except playing much slower with hardly imporved graphics at all, I look at the customisation tools and find that (a) Units are only modifiable using 3D Studio MAX, (b) Everything which was easy to change during the last game is now a bugger to change, including a buggy and incomprehensible "elevation system", and (c) That the few files that are customisable are only so within a range of three or four colours, because the game uses the other colours for shading. Oh, whoops, that was SMAC!
January 18, 2001, 12:05
Local Time: 19:42
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Location: Illinois
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Greatest fear: it will be too difficult, just as in Civ I and Civ II to maintain a real, massive army because military costs are based on each city rather than the entire civilization. It will also take longer to produce each successive unit (each city only able to support specific number of units rather than whole civilization supporting a realistic military force)
Greatest hope: they will increase the length of the game a little by more years or more turns. They will have larger sizes for each map size.
January 19, 2001, 01:16
Local Time: 20:42
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Greatest Hope:
Truely competitive AI, or even close
(At least give us a deity level you can't win hands down every time  )
Greatest Fear:
Same old bumbling AI with a few tweaks.
In which case I probably won't buy it...
[This message has been edited by Mark_Everson (edited January 18, 2001).]
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