January 12, 2001, 05:01
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non- historical scenarios
Here you can debate whether to include them at all, with the original game or in an expansion, and list the ones you want. It might also be fun to categorize them. Maybe the categories would be historical, biblical, mythological, fantasy, and science fiction. Nonhistorical ones might have particular need for less dependance on land/ water balance, but I'd also want this for historical ones in landlocked regions or in places like the pacific. And for any who think alternate histories like the civ games themselves are not science fiction, well history is a science.
January 13, 2001, 12:08
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Speaking for myself, I have little time for fictional/sci-fi/fantasy scenarios. One of the beauties of the original two Civs is that they really conjoured up the spirit of humanity's struggle through the ancient age, the dark age, the renaissance, industrialisation, and the triumphs and problems of the modern age. Along side this, fantasy scenarios seem...well...A bit 'silly', really.
The exception to this rule is the possibility of playing out historical 'what-if...?' type scenarios:
I.e: What would Hitler's Britain/Russia/Africa have been like?
What would Stalin's Europe have been like?
Could Britain have kept America as a colony to this day, had it managed it more carefully?
Etc. etc.
Coupled with dynamic government models, (see If Only One Idea... list v.2 for suggestions) and a versatile scenario editor, Civ III could answer all these questions, and be a lot of fun at the same time!!
In the face of this, I think fantasy scenarios should be left to the independant, home developer, using the scenario tools laid on by the Civ III team.
Josef Given
January 13, 2001, 15:33
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I have one request for a non-historical scenario, the name, and its storyline is listed below:
Word War III.
this scenario would take place one month (january) before the winter olympics start in Salt Lake City (I happen to live there,  ). THe Russians have had a coupe, the military is now in control of the country, and they want to obliterate the US with all there nuclear weaponry, the reason being is they want to get back at them for Vietnam, and the COld War. the scenario starts out with a timer, 30 minutes 'til the first Russian nuke lands in the gardens of the White House, Washington D.C., USA. What will you do?...
I have several other suggestions for later in this scenario, some twists and turns you could say. if you want to hear them, just say, and I'll continue.
January 13, 2001, 16:12
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Diablo, please continue. I would love to hear more.
January 13, 2001, 17:23
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Originally posted by Socialist Dictator on 01-13-2001 03:12 PM
Diablo, please continue. I would love to hear more.
later in the game, after most of Americas major cities are decimated, Cuba, ancious to get back at the US after that thing in 1962 with those Russian Missiles. Since miami is gone, witht he surounding country side scorched, the Cubans have nothing to fear for invasion of florida. they invade, and claim florida for their own. while at the same time, China is also anxious to get at the United States, so they send in there troops and land on Hawaii. America, now decimated, and the only major city left standing, is Salt Lake City. although, they (meaning me, and the rest of Salt Lake citizens) know it will soon be attacked also, since there is a large rocketry factory out on the west side of the Salt Lake Valley (I happen to live 2 miles from this factory, so I have much to fear if war does come, since rocketry factories are bound to be the most important targets). We utahns start building up our own defenses, but it is too late, the Russians send in Paratroopers and quickly take hold of Camp Williams and Fort Douglas (main 2 military bases for the city). While all this is going on, the rest of America is obliterated, more then TWO HUNDRED MILLION americans are now dead, and the military is now down to less then 200,000 troops, most of them NOT within the USA.
Anyway, later in the scenario, the Russians now occupy all of Eastern United States, while they freely give the Western part to China. during the occupation, the remaining US troops that didn't get captured, or killed, started a resistance (much like the French resistance during world war II, but this one is much stronger).
While america is overrun, the British and the rest of Europe join an all out Alliance, and invade Russia. Canada is also occupied, since the Russians know that it would help the US if it could. Heres something of interest for those of you that do not live in Canada or the US: the border of Canada and the US is and has been the ONLY border of two countries that has NOT been occupied by troops for the longest period of time, says something about us (meaning canadians and americans), doesn't it. anyway, getting back to the scenario: while over in europe all the nukes have been used up, so the war has turned into tanks and howitzers and such. FOr the next ten years after World War III, Europe is ingulfed in warfare, while the western hemisphere is just a large nuked up hole in the ground. After the ten years, one american scientist that escaped capture and joined the resistance, managed to rebuild a nuclear missile. The resistance lauches it from a hidden underground bunker out in the great basin desert. it lands in moscow, and obliterates the Russian government. THe russians, now confused, and frightened that there mother land is under threat, sends 50% of their troops over to the mother land. now the rest of the american resistance fires a load of cruise missiles at Russias occupation capital, a city named Shalev, it rests on what used to be Rocky Springs, wyoming. the city is destroyed, and the resistance uses all there manpower they have and attacks several russian strategic targets.
the Cubans, now have Florida as part of their country, occupy it and mexico.
well, thats about all I could come up with, some of these 'twists and turns' were just thoughts, so dont jump on me if you dont like them. IF you have any thoughts on how to expand this scenario, please say so.
January 13, 2001, 19:01
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Bah! This is the ultimate scenario:
The Great War: The American Front
The Year is 1914, and the world is engulfed in flames. Twice in the past 50 years, the Southern Confederacy with the help of France and Britain, has humiliated it's northern neighbor. Seething, the USA seeks help from the one nation that could counterbalance the Anglo-French-Confederate alliance: Germany.
A new American Empire is formed. Conscirption turns the US into the most powerful military force o the planet.
Then a Archduke in Sarejevo is killed, and president Theodore Roosevelt, hero of the last war againest the South, plans to destroy the CSA and it's northern ally, Canada.
World War 1 has begun.
"People should know when they're conquered."
"Would you Quintis? Would I?"
"Soylant Green is people. PPPeeeoooppllleee!"
January 14, 2001, 08:43
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Historical "what if" scenario's do have a LOT more pull to them, who in their right mind wants to play "the white fairy" against "The Black Knight" on a world shaped like a giant checkerboard? Or something equalling silly.
I personally favor geological scenarios spun off fromt he world map. For instance what if north and south america had remained seperate continents insteead of colliding? What if a narrow sea cut off africa from eurasia? And of course "What if the berring land bridge had never sunk?"
January 14, 2001, 10:47
I'm personally a big fan of non-historical scenarios, think Fantastic Worlds. What a great collection! The possibilities are, of course, infinate, but I'd rather see the ability to create truly comprehensive new ones (Say, Deadly Virus vs. Immune System in the Human Body) rather than having them create new ones for us. Just IMO, of course. An expansion pack would always be welcome.
January 14, 2001, 16:50
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Well, for one thing, I want the editor to let me create a scenario of ancient Vulcan history. One on a two-dimensional map of space between the big five trek empires is another thing I want to create. I personally do not care for fantasy, but I figure it should be included because others want it. At least, if sci fi and mythology are. Maybe the main point is that the editor should be designed to easily handle scifi, fantasy, etc, but Firaxis wouldn't need to make the scenarios. I still want to see what they'd come up with however, and an expansion or more than one would do the trick.
January 14, 2001, 23:17
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'Fantasy' usually refers to Elves, Dwarves, and co. battling it out.
On a side note, of my last four scenarios three were fictional (fictional Roman city, Vikings in North America, Venice in North America) and one sci-fi (7of9 assimilating the Alpha Quadrant).
St. Leo
January 15, 2001, 04:31
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I don't know how many I speak for, but I think the best scenario ever made by microprose was WW3 (C in C collection). This had everything, including that sense of triumph when you managed to capture all of 'Turkey' or 'the Ukraine', as opposed to some fantasy plain with no link to your knowledge.
January 16, 2001, 21:16
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I hope that Firaxis makes the game so that the scenarios are easy to create. For the actual game Firaxis should include a couple historical scenarios and leave the fantasy games to us on the internet.
January 18, 2001, 20:41
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