Since Regent level is suppose to be the standard that other levels are judged against, wouldn't it seem appropriate for the city limits to be set at 100% for regent?
As it is, chieftain is the only level that gets 100%. Then it is all downhill from there. Regent gets 90%. Wouldn't it make more sense if it went 120, 110, 100, 90, 80, 70? Deity and emperor would still be the same.
I believe this to be *part* of the reason ppl have so much difficulty when they increase the level of play. And yes, i know i can change it myself, but shouldn't it come that way or similar?
Also... what is the new city limits? I have 12, 14, 16, 24, 32. Tiny use to be 8 if i remember right. But then i might not remember right