March 15, 2002, 22:31
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Originally posted by orange
Top ten ways to muck it up completely and scare her away for ever...
1) Mention the word "Marriage" on the first date
I'm not an idiot, orange. I am merely pitiful.
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March 15, 2002, 22:53
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A few friends of hers have already said that im probably the nicest and best of the guys who like her and the guys who like her include our 'jocks', etc. as well as various people. it was real disturbing to be right there near her when a random person on a bus asked her for her phone number... but anyway, so she can get anyone but these friends of hers say i'm the nicest. so im not some little nerd boy contrary to what some of you think...
You live waaaaaay too close to me to be insulting me. I've lived nearly my entire life in philly. you don't want to mess with a city boy
March 15, 2002, 23:08
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Albert- omens: dreams, etc. They may tell you what realy will happen.
Example: one of my dreams, I had interpreted ti as I valued people who I did not know very well over this girl... I SPECIFICALLY TRIED NOT TO MAKE THIS MISTAKE... however, the one minute I forgot it and participated in a hacky sack game- I saw her and was going to wave, but the sack came in my direction and I was distracted for a minute and I missed waving to her and grabbing her attention so that I could have gone over and talked with her
And other dreams...
Also- before this I wouldn't have reccommended Tarot readings- I jsut did one on Love for a joke- but I had an amazingly crazy reading in which I pulled all the same suit- that in itself was strange... All wands, and nearly all face cards!
I know they can be interepreted in amny ways- but I interpreted it in both the traditional and the nontraditional way as the Wands and the Fire they stood for were symbolic specifically to me of something that was not mentioned in the reading book.
I still dont' puyt much stock in tarot- but that reading was disturbing.
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March 15, 2002, 23:13
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nah I'm christian. i put my trust in God not in cards...
March 15, 2002, 23:22
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Originally posted by BlackStone
Are you the one that started all this Banana bollax?
That's either Snapcase or Stefu. It was an instant hit that became a 'Poly classic.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
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March 15, 2002, 23:35
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Damn it Speer  we told you about this about a gadzillion times what to do in your "Love thread, part MM" etc. You never paid any attention, all you did was just whine and whine some more.
This is one of the worst things that a man do: whine. Nobody likes whiners, but partiular women. Stop whining and start acting more like a man. That will be a good start.
You don't want "pity" to enter the picture, ever. Take any necessary step to stamp it out. Stop whining is a good start.
Don't yak off about yourself, pay attention to her. Use your ears, use your eyes, use your heart. If you pay as much attention to her as you to our previous advices, you're dead. Hang it up now and stop wasting time.
Don't force the issue. Maybe she really isn't interested in the moment. Respect her wishes. That will separate you with all these other suitors.
Find something in common. If you don't have anything in common with her, forget it. It won't work out.
Learn body language. I have told you this a million times at least. Did you listen? No! So why the hell are you asking for advice now? Bah!
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
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March 16, 2002, 00:22
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body language? Lol... isnt that the thing that men can never figure out
March 16, 2002, 01:05
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Albert, I wasnt suggesting you were a geek. I have spent my forst 18 years being 'nice' and it never got me anywhere. It's just not worth chasing the 'perfect' ones because in my experiece, it just doesnt work.
My current girlfriend seems to be absolutly crazy about me(dont ask my why,i'm convinced she's mad), sure, she certainly doesnt fit my idea of 'perfect' but it's sure nice to be on the recieving end of somebody's affection.
Up The Millers
March 16, 2002, 01:12
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Originally posted by Albert Speer
body language? Lol... isnt that the thing that men can never figure out
That's just a myth.
Really, get cracking on it. Some knowledge of body language helps a lot, as at least 80% of information is communicated through non-verbal channels.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
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March 16, 2002, 01:18
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Yep, body language is very useful if you want to know how others feel about you.
Definately find out about it if you are serious, and even if it doesn't work out with her, being able to read body language is useful whenever you talk to other people IRL.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
March 16, 2002, 01:56
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Pop Quiz
How do you distinguish a genuine smile from a forced smile?
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
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March 16, 2002, 02:31
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Speer, you are such a little wussy.
March 16, 2002, 03:39
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Originally posted by BlackStone
Are you the one that started all this Banana bollax?
sorry this question was for Kamrat X
Nope, I canīt take credit for that one. There was a "who dunnit" thread a while back where this topic was discussed.
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March 16, 2002, 04:21
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Re: Pop Quiz
Originally posted by Urban Ranger
How do you distinguish a genuine smile from a forced smile?
The eyes, the curvature of their lip, hell, there are a thousand clues. With a genuine smile, their eyes wrinkle, with a false one, they don't. Those eyes remain on you after the smile if the person is truly happy to see you, but they slide over your shoulder if they aren't. Genuine smiles are more likely to be open-mouthed, while fake smiles are generally closed-mouthed affairs.
Anyway, what's the answer your looking for?
March 16, 2002, 04:47
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Just tell her God wants you to put your hand up her skirt.
Actually, forget that. Just get her drunk.
March 16, 2002, 05:11
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My guess is about ten guys like her right now and these arent losers either.
March 16, 2002, 07:03
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Forget. Leave well enough alone. Walk away. Remove all knowledge of her existence from your mind.
Otherwise, we'll surely be flooded with 20+ threads about this woman and how you continually continue to be unable to get her. Then, we'll be forced to give you advice, which you won't obey. Then, you'll whine some more here, until skaters come back and re-kick your ass.
"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
"Thats the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
March 16, 2002, 07:05
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Hey Speer, girls really like it if you talk about yourself all the time.
March 16, 2002, 11:22
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kick her in the nuts.
Seriously, just go to church and go from there. It don't matter if you don't like it there, just think about the punani you're gonna get. It's worth it.
March 16, 2002, 12:02
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Re: Re: Pop Quiz
Originally posted by JohnT
The eyes, the curvature of their lip, hell, there are a thousand clues. With a genuine smile, their eyes wrinkle, with a false one, they don't. Those eyes remain on you after the smile if the person is truly happy to see you, but they slide over your shoulder if they aren't. Genuine smiles are more likely to be open-mouthed, while fake smiles are generally closed-mouthed affairs.
Anyway, what's the answer your looking for?
Close enough.
What you look at are the eyes. If a smile is genuine the muscles around the eyes contract, otherwise they remain relaxed.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
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March 16, 2002, 12:22
Apolyton Legend
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Albert you have the answer right in front of you. You said she is involved with other things which from your inference she basically ignores you and the other guys right? The more she ignores you the more you guys want to go out with her correct? I can't explain it but the more someone ignores someone else that makes them that much more alluring.
Reverse it. She knows how you feel. If you are constantly there and underfoot then there is no chance for her to be ignored or "miss" you as the case may be. If you change your habbits around her she will notice you. Don't be mean or rude, still be your nice poliet self. Light up when you see her etc.... just don't be as available to her as you have been. And if you are talking to her friends or your friends about her......then STOP!!
You would be a fool to think that in some way that isn't going to get back to her. People talk. End of story. Even if someone says they will keep your confidence at some point it will slip out. Maybe not on purpose but it will. So if you reverse how you act and the information stops getting filtered back to her she will beging to wonder. Trust me there is nothing that will get a girl/woman to give you another look or chance then if she thinks you might not be interested anymore when you were for so long!
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Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
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March 16, 2002, 12:26
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Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny
Just tell her God wants you to put your hand up her skirt.
Actually, forget that. Just get her drunk.
A swift whack over the head with something hard might just do the trick. Remember, if she donīt say no itīs a yes!
I love being beaten by women - Lorizael
March 16, 2002, 12:27
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Originally posted by Tiamat
Even if someone says they will keep your confidence at some point it will slip out.
Not me
There are secrets I have been keeping for decades. Okay I am not that old
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
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March 16, 2002, 14:03
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In my opinion, you have problems, and you would stand a better chance of people in general liking you if you got psychological help. Barring that, if you can't get a girl, don't sweat it. If girls will not go out with you, there is no sense in getting depressed over it, focus on areas of your life where you are more sucsessful.......
Oh, and I am pretty sure that Imran could beat you into a bloody pulp.
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March 16, 2002, 14:09
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Hmm, winning a girls heart. Well to us evil scientist and reincarnated Aztec types, thoracic surgery comes to mind.
March 16, 2002, 16:54
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Oh, and I am pretty sure that Imran could beat you into a bloody pulp.
I think so too
March 16, 2002, 18:06
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Originally posted by Kamrat X
A swift whack over the head with something hard might just do the trick. Remember, if she donīt say no itīs a yes!
Don`t go putting ideas into his head. I think hes the type that might follow them. And the Apolyton would have to defend itself in some court somewhere, for being the satanic forum that it is
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March 16, 2002, 18:16
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You live waaaaaay too close to me to be insulting me. I've lived nearly my entire life in philly. you don't want to mess with a city boy
After the 500th iteration of this thread, I feel I can insult you anytime I want, city-boy  .
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
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March 16, 2002, 19:18
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Re: Pop Quiz
Originally posted by Urban Ranger
How do you distinguish a genuine smile from a forced smile?
If it's on me, its not real
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
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March 16, 2002, 19:44
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Please tell me this isn't the same girl you've been obsessing over last time you were here.
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