I liked the humor of SMAC at first. But in the end, it was exactly that sort of thing that made the game seem less grandiose and ageless than Civ II. (Well, that and the graphics.) The South Park ref already seems dated.
However, I do believe that adding "quotation" sound files to the technologies would be a great feature for Civ III. I believe some of the ideas for them made it into The List, in the Technology section. Things like a quotation from Socrates for Philosophy, or Ptolemy for Astronomy, that sort of thing. Remembering, of course, to make the quotations as culturally diverse as possible. Which may mean quoting Chief Seattle for Mysticism and Miyamoto Musashi for Warrior Code, or something like that.
(As long as the sound files can be customized. Imagine doing a Star Wars scenario, where every new tech you discover and every new city improvement you build played a snippet from one of the movies!)