Usually on deity I build about 3-5 cities on a small map. Go look for iron or horses, and go for swordsmen or horsemen. I recommend playing as Egypt or Persia, or Aztecs, as their UU are ideal for early conquest. Build barracks in the cities you're building units in, then build about 10-15 units. All this should be done by 1000bc, then you go attack your nearest weak enemy, after getting their terrain maps (it's a good idea to avoid Greece, and perhaps Rome if you see they have iron at this early stage, because of their powerful defence units). Take over their cities at this early stage, although you might want to raze their capital if it has a wonder. Once your victim is down to a couple cities, go for peace. In the peace treaty, demand everything you can off of them (techs, etc). Every 20 turns the treaty will be 'renewed' and you can demand more off of them. Now you move onto your second victim, although now you will want to raze a lot of their cities and replace them with your own. I recommend you start building up your infrastructure after this too. Once you have 2 civs under your control, you should be raking in cash and techs, and easily able to keep up with the AIs.