first off, this being my first post, don't ridicule me into oblivion if i repeat some things.
second, i've been a civ fan since civ 1 first came out and spent my senior year of college trying to see how high i could get past the ranking of "solomon the wise".
few things that have always been yacked about but never really fixed too well...
1. other civ's units walking around on my land, always been a hassle, produces much tedium, never does any good....solution have units check for culture borders sorta like an actual wall existed there. i know i get sick of having a few hundred useless units holding hands all the way around my borders just to keep AI units out, until they learn flight and start flying right over top.
2. add religion as a category similar to government. christian civs would be friendlier toward each other as would islamic civs toward other islamic civs, etc etc etc thus you have a certain favored government type as well as a certain favored religion type. the modern english would favor democracy/protestant, modern chinese would favor communist/buddhist, etc etc etc and this would lead to stickier diplomacy (discussed later).
3. to quiet disputes about learning tech spillovers (extra tech points being wasted once something is learned) put the different tech paths on sliders similar to the tax/science sliders...for example have a slider for military techs, religious techs, entertainment techs, etc etc etc. this would come in handy since a militaristic civ could put more research into military and less into religion....every few turns they come up with some new sort of weapon while rarely coming up with ideas on religion unless taking it from some conquered city.
4. expanded diplomacy, i get so tired of dealing with aztecs calling me puny when i'm researching future techs and they're still wokring on metallurgy. the united nations should not be a victory condition, the u.s.a built it but we didn't win anything for it, instead we should be able to use it to broker more diplomatic deals like reducing nukes or global warming, etc.
5. the advisors don't advise on anything, who uses them? i'm researching future tech 27 and the next closest guy is researching flight and my science advisor is all sad saying we cant keep up....i have nukes and my military advisor is all sad cuz someone has knights...what a crock, dump the advisors or fix em.
6. limited terraforming, make them workers do something other than wander around in circles in the late game....take a mountain down to hills, make a dessert viable, etc...the point of the game is to have fun and create utopia has pollution that i can fix or getting to alpha centauri means nothing if i can't terraform once there.
7. get rid of the extra production square just by having a city to remove ICS, 1 citizen=1 worked square, if that square gets polluted the citizen should automatically get back to working it once the polution is cleaned up (i hate micromanagement and often forget to put that worker back to work and often end up with starvation and i'm like what????).
8. put the vikings, spanish, etc back in and new ones in too...our world would not be what it is today without the contributions of some of these civs. i don't see any reason why you can't put like maybe 50 different civs in the game as CHOICES...let the player decide, of course someone will always be miffed that their fav civ got snubbed but if the player has more choices, there will be less chance of miffing someone off...heck while yer at it make some up
9. of course the editor...people always yakkin about the editor...personally i don't have too many problems with it, but maybe that's the problem

if i can go in and edit all that stuff so easily i can virtually land on alpha centauri before christ is even born, but i dont do that, but it should be easy to use, i have a phrase that i tell my employees...i try to make things so easy that even a monkey can do it
10. put them caravn type things back in, when i got people starvin and freezin to death up on the north pole (theres a city there only because of the resources around) i gotta have some way to help them people out....hate to have a useless city not growing or producing anything simply because i cant get any food to em. maybe ya don't even need a unit, just something in say the domestic advisor screen or trade screen (which should be expanded to include money and food to other civs ala "feed the starving children").
11. resources should be stockpiled, i hate seeing that my iron deposits dried up when i haven't built a single thing requiring iron and i hate waiting for some civ to learn fission (or trade it to them) so i can trade for uranium only to have it dry up before i can build a nuke.
12. more modern era things to do other than race to complete the space ship, more practical techs that allow me to build stuff rather than just have my cities idling by building wealth...the radio tech for example is useless currently, i wanna build radio towers and radio stations and radar stations and AWACS n stuff, television and movies would be nice too and the computers tech should allow a wonder like the internet.
13. big business, i'd like to see big businesses move in to cities (ala new york) the pop up at the begninning of yer turn (which there should be only one pop up listing all major events) would say something like "XYZ moved its base to Tenochtitlan" thereby giving Tenochtitlan some added culture or money per turn or something, maybe the pope could move out of the vatican to miami
my 2 golds worth