March 23, 2002, 03:21
Local Time: 15:55
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Have you read the forums extensively? Do you feel you are comfortable buying a game that is still in development?
I do not wish to discourage any civer from coming home, but...
There are significant and reasonable complaints about the game as it stands. $50 to me is nothing. However, I would not want a student to splurge on my word if that student did not fully understand what he/she was buying.
It is a great game, IMNSHO (inserted NS, not so) and it will get better.
Bottom line. If civ is the fix for you, then Civ3 is the fix.
If modding is what you like, then not yet. If you are a die hard fan of Civ2 or CTP(2) or SMAC, then maybe you should read more.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
March 23, 2002, 06:24
Local Time: 17:55
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Originally posted by D.K
hmmm, somehow i'd rather be under a bombing raid than an atom bomb - just my own personal preference but neither is tantalising
This could actually be an interesting thread on its own in the Off Topic forums. My two cents (and attempted thread jack  ) is that I'd definitely prefer to be nuked than firebombed. With nukes there's a good chance I'd be instantly vaporized, but with firebombs even if I do die, it would probably involve lots of painful burning and charring over a considerable period of time.
Sheesh, my English is really deteriorating. And my Chinese isn't that great either.
"lol internet" ~ AAHZ
March 23, 2002, 08:55
Local Time: 21:55
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I'm a fanatic CTP PBEMplayer and I loved CIV II before I got hooked playing against other humans.
But if we here have a game, where the AI is good, then I can easily get too tempated  - have to give it a try.
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
March 23, 2002, 09:12
Local Time: 16:55
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I'm glad that killing via bombing will be an option because it really sucks that a jet fighter can't take out a ground unit. It would give air power much more importance in the later game. Mind you, I do think there should be a good chance of failure, or at least have the ground unit able to defend itself somewhat.
Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
"It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."
March 23, 2002, 10:34
Local Time: 21:55
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I think artillery should cost more if they are to be able to kill units outright, and they should also have rankings, perhaps a kill can improve their rankings and make them more accurate (they appear to have a bit of a ranking when you look at them on the transports, but its not stated in the stats box otherwise.. does this already have a difference.. like should i build artillery in barracks?)
I also think if an artillery is going to be captured, it should get a chance to bombard the attacker first, with half damage/fire rate 1(this may destroy the attacker hopefully) .. they shuld be at disadvantage defending as the enemy could be charging and making it hard for a ranged weapon to hit a moving target, but I think this needs more thought.
I think armies should be improved, making them blitzkreig and able to pillage! and I would like to be able to choose the order of attack in an army, maybe being able to select which unit to attack.. my knight seems to attack before my cavalry (i'd think cav attacking first would be better )
March 23, 2002, 10:47
Local Time: 21:55
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I wish they'd include a scenario events like editor too.. Us C++ programmers can code dll drivers, so why not allow us to directly add scenario events the way quake code does. just allow access to the civ classes or the program control procedures to set events, it won't mean we can hack civs code .
This would allow scenarios to create good historic scenarios, making AI leaders behave like real historic figures or fictional ones.
You could make it so if the city of Constantinople was captured, it'd be renamed Istanbul and give the victor 1000 culture points and 2 scenario victory points.. possibly a great leader too.
Making it into a dll would actually make things easier to make as it should give much more capabilities, like proper logic functions to say - If city London, Warsaw , Paris and Washington captured then the Axis have won for example.
It would be a lot easier than making the normal pseudo script which are hard to program.
March 23, 2002, 13:26
Local Time: 15:55
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Originally posted by Admiral PJ
I think armies should be improved, making them blitzkreig and able to pillage!
Armies do blitz with 1.17f.
They don't pillage? I never noticed.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
March 23, 2002, 16:28
Local Time: 16:55
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No. they dont
I do not beleive armies can pillage. Even if you have a 2 calvary and 1 muskateer army. Even though the muskateer can pillage, the "army" status cancles that action
Why do people slaughter inocent Goats for no apparent reason??
March 23, 2002, 18:44
Local Time: 21:55
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You can always edit the army in editor to make it pillage I guess, but its better to standardise things and have it in a official patch ..
yes my army did do a double attack on the greeks with my light cavalry army, I had thought i had edited that in but it is a feature of 17f which is welcome.
Also good would be to have more changing in resources, like each era having its own set of 2 luxury resources that come , like tea coming in the industrial era.
All resources like game food etc should change.. we don't hunt for game much now, and gold isn't used much now either.
I suppose the non tradeable resources don't matter much, they work ok..
March 24, 2002, 18:25
Local Time: 21:55
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Actually, I don't think that giving some ground and naval units a 2x defense vs. air units flag is going to much good this time, considering that air units rarely-if ever, attack these units directly!! What is needed is a SPECIFIC Anti-Air flag which gives these units a seperate attack and defense strength against air units!
The defaults for AA capability should be 1/2x normal AS and
2x normal DS(vs bombardment). This could then be edited like normal AS and DS.
Anyway, just a thought. I'm certainly open to suggestions!
March 25, 2002, 00:41
Local Time: 16:55
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Originally said by Notyoueither:
There are significant and reasonable complaints about the game as it stands. $50 to me is nothing. However, I would not want a student to splurge on my word if that student did not fully understand what he/she was buying.
Muwahahaha... i got a crazy bargain on my game. exactly a week after Civilization 3 hit shelves at my local futureshop... they took $5 off... i got mine for $44.99.... CANADIAN! muwahhahaa... thats like $10 American
Heh, just jokin on that last part... but the deal was real. I dunno if its just my futureshop, but they tend to reduce prices on games they expect to sell well.
What I want to see for 1.18 (cont'd) is a tighter code on "Prefered governments" as stated in the editor. I dunno, but the Communism of America seems so... off. It would be sweet if shunned government makes that nation refuse to switch to that government 9times out of 10......
Advisor: Sir, no one likes you, switch to communism so we may better support the war.
Lincoln: Screw you buddy. America is the land of the free!
(10 turns later, America falls to the rampaging Iroquois due to a demolished industrial system.)
Oh... and on that note, Republics and Democracy's should have more ways of dealing with war weariness. Like... go into a War Propaganda mode (like all of the pro-war advertising posters during WW2)...would double normal entertainment costs, but reduced war weariness. Oh... and war weariness should never affect a country that is the victim of the war... ya know, the country being attacked first.
Heck... going into Anarchy and switching to communism, the attacking nation might as well have won and installed a new government. that isn't right at all.
March 25, 2002, 04:13
Local Time: 15:55
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 21,300
Armies can't pillage! That's great. I guess it must be the greater level of discipline...
Seargent: All right ma'am were here for the goods.
Farm Wife: We have nothing of value, leave us alone.
1st soldier: Hey, looky that sarge, is that a grain silo?
Farm Wife: No, no, we must eat! Please, leave us what little food we have left!
2nd soldier: Hey, she's pretty. What's that girls name?
Farm Wife: Please, please, leave our daugthers alone!
Seargent: Just give us the sheep ma'am, and we'll be on our way.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
March 25, 2002, 05:02
Local Time: 22:55
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War weariness should affect the victims of an ennemy attack, but only when the opposing site wants peace and when the war lasts really long...
March 25, 2002, 05:40
Local Time: 23:55
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Originally posted by Ninot
Oh... and on that note, Republics and Democracy's should have more ways of dealing with war weariness. Like... go into a War Propaganda mode (like all of the pro-war advertising posters during WW2)...would double normal entertainment costs, but reduced war weariness. Oh... and war weariness should never affect a country that is the victim of the war... ya know, the country being attacked first.
Hmm, how about making this effect go to NATIONALISM war mode.
Yes, I do think that in NATIONALSIM you should have lower war warriness.
Unfortunately you'll be unable to build temples or other non-war related buildings, but if that's a DEFENSIVE war...
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