March 19, 2002, 16:54
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Argh... newbie questions, help!
I've checked the manual and I cannot figure out a couple of things..... I hope someone here can give me some instructions!
1) How do I connect and Alien Artifact to my Network Node? I brought it into the base that had one built, but nothing happened. Is there a command I have to give it? What command?
2) How do I turn off the Governor? I checked all the Settings, and it isn't in there (under Automation).
Thanks so much in advance!!
March 19, 2002, 17:11
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You can only connect one Alien Artifact to one Network Node (normally speaking). In order to cash in the AA you'll need to move it to another base with a virgin Net Node.
One of the SP's (Universal Translator?) I beleive will allow you to cash in a limitless amount of AA's.
If for some reason you forget during the course of the game if a net node has been used. Open up the base screen and look at the facilities. If the net node say (linked) you've already linked up an AA to it.
"Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson
“In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter
March 19, 2002, 17:32
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The linked notation on the base screen, for some ungodly reason, only appears at lLOWER monitor resolutions. You can however use the go to command when the artifact is active, and IIRC, the list of bases to go to will have some india as to wheter is has been linked or is linkable.
Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
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March 19, 2002, 17:47
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So then do I just walk the AA into the base, and the rest is taken care of automatically (assuming I have a fresh Network Node there)? Because I had a new Node, and when I brought the AA into the base, nothing happened. It just sat there and blinked.
March 19, 2002, 18:05
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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Try to put the artifact on hold (press H) in the base with the net node, it will then ask if you want to link it.
March 19, 2002, 18:07
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Posts: 9
Alright, I'll try that later.... thanks! Now, how do I deactivate the Governor? I love to micromanage everything, hehe.
March 19, 2002, 18:11
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If it is a vigin network node, just press enter, and a popup will come up asking what you want to do with your AA.
IIRC, it's at 1024x768 res, that the "linked" doesn't show up on the base display. Googlie posted the following technique in a thread, which I now use:
Select the facility from the base screen, and select "scrap and recyle." If the node is virgin, it will say something like: "Do you wish to scrap and recycle your NN for 40 ec." Select NO, of course.
If the NN is already linked the message will say something like: "This NN is already linked to an AA. It cannot be recycled. Do you wish to destroy it." Again of course select no.
Check your other bases for a vigin node, and move your AA there. Alternatively move your AA to a base without a NN. Build one, and when complete the AA will activate(even if on hold), and when you press enter you will be able to link it.
The reason I know all this so well, is because I am Gaia, in NU2, and have linked maybe 20 AAs so far. I am just building the UT next turn, so that should help. You just gotta love the Gaians. No FM, and +1 planet, so you just can help but "see the world".
edit: thanks, Blake. "H" is a better idea than enter, as you can do that without having to check the node, and not waste the AAs movement, if it already has been linked.
March 19, 2002, 18:18
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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I learnt that from playing IP games, the ever considerate Firaxis disabled the entering base link-popup in IP games, meaning I had to discover all sorts of new commands, like O for crawlers and H for artifacts. The H thing also helps when you transport an AA to a base.
March 19, 2002, 19:29
Local Time: 21:57
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Posts: 9
Thanks again for being so helpful. Now, how do I turn off that Governor???
And another thing, I'm playing my first game ever as Spartans. Is that a good choice for a newbie?
March 19, 2002, 20:07
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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I would never publicly admit to ever having turned a govoner ON, so I dont know how to turn one off. But I remember something about color bars on the base screen which you click on to turn govs on and off, it is highlighted when the gov is on so just click on it again to turn it off.
Most players would reccomend starting with the University or Peacekeepers, but there are a wide range of effective play styles for the Spartans so you shouldn't have any problems.
March 19, 2002, 21:26
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one-click stopping
Originally posted by Freelance
... how do I turn off that Governor???
In the Base Management Screen, at the top, in the middle, is the Governor button. If it is highlighted ( bright red), click it. It will de-light  ( dark red) and you're in charge! If you're still not sure, click one of the arrows on either side of that Governor button and a menu will drop down. The first item is "Governor is active." If that is not highlighted, there's no Governor.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't your thing.
March 19, 2002, 21:43
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Spartans are a decent choice but are a little more difficult than the uni or gaians for example.
On the governor thing, I seem to recall that the color of the base icon on the F4 screen seemed to change when a base accidentally had the governor enabled.
All I can say is ALWAYS turn off the governor!!
March 20, 2002, 01:51
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Originally posted by Flubber
... On the governor thing, I seem to recall that the color of the base icon on the F4 screen seemed to change when a base accidentally had the governor enabled...
All I can say is ALWAYS turn off the governor!!
Yep: Black = No Governor or No Priority, Green = Explore, White = Discover, Yellow = Build, Red = Conquer. If "multiple priorities" is enabled, the color will be the left-most active priority, in the same order as above. It will also have the word in color under the base name, or "Governor Off".
In the map window, if the Governor is off and you have production on (map preferences menu) you will see only what is being produced. If the Governor is on, you will see the priority and the production.
 Guess who uses Governors  .
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't your thing.
March 20, 2002, 14:08
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Originally posted by Freelance
And another thing, I'm playing my first game ever as Spartans. Is that a good choice for a newbie?
I've just started playing, too (~2 weeks).
Haven't played Spartans, but I figure they would be a good choice if you're playing at a medium or high difficulty during the early game, as the mind worms seem to get tougher as the difficulty goes up, even when they're young. (can someone confirm?)
Also, having a high Morale Bonus from the get-go also means you can explore unity pods without being too afraid of getting a Mind Worm infestation because you can probably handle yourself.
Spartans seems like a pretty straightforward choice. To me, it's like taking a "Fighter" in an RPG--not too much thinking involved as to what they're good at and how to use them.
I played Gaians recently, and WOW! That +2 Planet bonus really helps to build a sizable force for defending bases. Isles of the Deep are also superior to transport foils, as their carrying capacity goes up as they mature.
In that game I built one Scout, then never any military until the Usurpers started getting too big and had to be made extinct--er, for the good of Planet, of course.
I never had to build artillery units because I'd captured something like 8 Spore Launchers.
March 20, 2002, 17:02
Local Time: 21:57
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Posts: 9
Thanks again for the help, I beat the map last night as Spartans.... I did the "conquer everyone" strat (which the Spartans seemed suited to) and it wasn't hard at all. Now, I'll have to try it on the next difficulty, hehe. I had it on the easiest one.
March 20, 2002, 20:56
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I think that you can also turn the governor on and off by clicking on the "wrong" part of the base's line in the F4 screen (I believe that the base icon is the "wrong" part of the base's line). IIRC, it may also change the base's production if you accidentally "govern" the base that way; of course, it wouldn't remember whatever you had been producing before when subsequently you un-governor it. I don't recall if there is any consequence viz-a-viz production changing costs (nor do I recall if this method is a sneaky way to avoid that changing production cost); I was very thoroughly conditioned not to click there once I figured out how the governor was getting turned on.
March 21, 2002, 15:13
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Ok, I've played a few games now and I have another question:
Do you HAVE to have all the other Factions playing against you every game? Or is there some way to set the number of opponents? For instance, maybe I just want a 3-faction game (me and two others). I can't seem to find an option for this, is it impossible due to the fact it would not follow the storyline?
It gets kinda hectic playing against that many opponents every game..... if you cannot set opponents, I guess a work-around would be to set "do not restart defeated factions" on the options.... unless there is a better way??
March 21, 2002, 15:21
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Sorry. Always seven factions. Don't restart eliminated players only helps if the factions get eradicated in the first place.
March 21, 2002, 15:38
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You can start a random game, then scenario edit out some factions(keep your eyes closed, to everything else, or have a friend do it for you).
The game will be marked "cheated" but that really doesn't matter.
Alternatively, a friend can set up a scenario for you. You can set one up for yourself, but that takes out one of the most entertaining aspects of the game: the thrill of "exploration".
March 21, 2002, 19:18
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Hmm... no option for it then. Strange, I wonder why they did not add one like that? Does anyone remember Master of Magic (Microprose/Simtex)? One of my other favorite games of all time.  I liked their system for setting up games (skills available, opponents, starting spells), it was pretty much perfect.
But AC is still a great game.
March 22, 2002, 05:43
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Originally posted by Freelance
Hmm... no option for it then...
Actually, It's true that when you activate the Scenario Editor from within a game (Ctrl+K), you also uncover the whole map.
But if you also immediately hit the Y key, that will hide the map again, and you'll be able to eliminate one ore more factions using the menu only and without seeing any other detail. Hit Ctrl+K again to resume normal play.
Don't tell me that it's the Cheater brand on the score that is setting you off!
[SIZE=1] Does anyone remember Master of Magic (Microprose/Simtex)? One of my other favorite games of all time.
A rethoric question?
You know, last weeks, after I deleted that piece of **** that is CivIII, and as AC is wonderful but for MultiPlayer olnly, I got back to play... MoM!
March 22, 2002, 10:38
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Yes, but the AI in MoM is pretty bad also.
March 22, 2002, 12:45
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Yet, I found out that I could not remember how win just "any" starting position on Impossible, I had to scale it down to Hard.
I must had forgotten how to play...
...and of course the AI is no challenge, but the fabric of the game is more instersting in itself, all those different monsters with different capabilities, spells, and above all Tactical TURN Combat...
AC allows you to draw more complex drawind with a wide number of colours, MoM offer you a huge palette full of nuances. Tha drawings can olny be simpler, but you just enjoy all the "iridescence"...
I can easily spend 12 hours on it with happy heart.
I don't know why, Age of Wonders reminded me a bit of that feeling, but didn't make it in my classics olympus...
March 22, 2002, 21:55
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In reply to the rookies and in solicitation of the trancendent out there, I'd just like to say I settled on Colonel Santiago as my favorite faction to play when the Spartans kept coming and coming...
I'm not too good with the Gaians or Lal at Thinker. I'm weakest as Miriam. I've never played SMAX.
But here's my point: play as the Spartans, get Command Nexus and hopefully, Citizen's Defense; build Nodes, forests (farms in rolling and rainy or moist), and most importantly, go for Police State, Green, and Knowledge. Use AAA Police Sentinels and put armor on the Chaos Tacticals! The best part is seeing Yang's or Morgan's Needlejets eaten up by your scrambling Air Defense.
There's so much more. Alpha Centauri rules!
Sorry for no smilies, no signature, etc. I haven't quite grasped what to do to do those things.
March 23, 2002, 11:26
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Originally posted by billybaruch1
and put armor on the Chaos Tacticals!
Great to have you with us billybaruch1!
Glad to see you are enjoying the game.
All good ideas, there, except the armour on tacticals. We have discussed it here many times before. A recent discussion was had at CGN in the following thread:
March 23, 2002, 12:03
Local Time: 21:57
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True True Big C!
At the risk of Moderators censure, I would encourage anyone with a passing interest in all things SMAC-X to make a stop once in awhile at
My home is still 'Poly but they got a lotta good things goin' on over there.
"Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson
“In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter
March 24, 2002, 00:01
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Glad to be here!
So you're saying air defense is based on weapon and not armor? I've been playing this game for two years and in the early days my defenders would scramble and lose. When I put on the plasma or silksteel my defenders would scramble and win. I've had 3 of the enemy's interceptors lose in one turn to one armored interceptor sent out to defend a penetrator. On a separate issue, I've also had an armored tactical in a base defeat an attacking infantry. Are you saying the armor made no difference? I'm not saying you're wrong. To the contrary, maybe I'm an old dog learning a new trick here. I'll experiment. Thanks.
March 24, 2002, 00:39
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Originally posted by billybaruch1
On a separate issue, I've also had an armored tactical in a base defeat an attacking infantry. Are you saying the armor made no difference? I'm not saying you're wrong. To the contrary, maybe I'm an old dog learning a new trick here. I'll experiment. Thanks.
Armor allows extra defense in the case you described. A air unit caught in base attacked by a ground unit defend with armor value.
An air unit aloft over a stack of units defends with weapon value for a tactical air unit and with armor for a penetrator type unit. Note these aloft units may only be attacked by units with air superiority. (although you can damage/destroy them with self destructing units.)
A chopper lands every turn and can be attacked by any ground unit. It then defends against ground units with armor.
And unbeknownst to me air units on ground defend at 1:1 odds vs psi attack.
"Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson
“In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter
March 24, 2002, 01:19
Local Time: 16:57
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Posts: 48
"An air unit aloft over a stack of units defends with weapon value for a tactical air unit and with armor for a penetrator type unit."
That's what I'm thinking of: if you send out (or the air defense scrambles) an unarmored interceptor to defend a former, or other unit, against the enemy's bomber (needlejet) or multiple bombers, you might lose the air defense unit. If you ALWAYS use big-time armor on your air defense, you'll be much happier when they are in the air or in the base, in my opinion.
Also, choppers are worthless unless you get them to base each turn, in which cases, they can be quite devastating, to say the least. Choppers (and penetrators) count as police, while interceptors do not.
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