March 20, 2002, 11:05
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Is there an alternative to always razing cites?
How do you deal with this problem:
England has 20 cities, most above 10 citizens
England is very weak
You invade with 2 columns of 30 panzers
If install new governor,
- "5 resisters" -- so have to park 10 panzers for 2-3 turns.
- campaign will take longer and ww will hit faster
- do this for 4 cities and suddenly campaign bogged down as only about 16 units are at full strength and free to advance
- gain some future mobility on roads and slow counter attacks
If raze,
- gain freedom for column movement, keep on rolling and rolling
- less chance of WW
- take full advantage of blitz and follow with settlers
Question: is there a method of installing new governors without crippling campaign?
March 20, 2002, 11:37
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Every war effort needs support troops, in the case of Civ 3 this would be somthing like riflemen to occupy the conquered cities. This has been true in all successful wars and is much more realistic than the Civ2 method.
So, bring along some defensive units to protect the cities you conquer.
Also combat WW with happiness buildings/wonders. Don't start a war or go on the offensive until everything is in place. Then go knock the sh_t out of 'em .
Sorry....nothing to say!
March 20, 2002, 12:09
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My support troops are settler and workers.
March 20, 2002, 12:36
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Acooper-- thanks. Guess I will have to use my 50 reserve infanty for police action.
I haven't noticed wonders helping WW. TOE is essential though.
Infrastructure takes forever to build. I can never conduct a campaign until late indust or early mod era. The tech tree goes by so fast with 1.17 that I usually only have a few rifleman and then it is infanty. Thinking of playing a game with minimum of 8 turns per tech to see if this slows the pace a bit and allows more early units.
I may have to change my play a bit if using slower moving units as police. I have been leaving a rail improvement gap at the borders to limit the counter attack penetration, but this ends up hurting me more as it takes longer for foot units to get in place.
Bolleck-- workers don't help with campaign. All they are good for is sucker bait. When the AI captures them, their units are vulnerable to attack.
March 20, 2002, 13:06
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On the first turn, post a minimum garrison of one infantry in case of counter attack. Leave two panzers outside the city. Send the rest forward. The city will probably flip and then the two panzers can take it back the same turn. Once the roads are secure have no garrison at all. After all twenty squares in the city radius are in your cultural border, put the garrison back in. With panzers, that might be as soon as one or two turns. Once the resistance is quelled, rush build a temple or library (whatever is cheaper for your civ).
Whatever you do, do not leave a large garrison in a city in danger of flipping. You need two units for each citizen, plus additional troops for each square in enemy culture. So for a pop six city with 15 squares in enemy culture you are looking at maybe 30 or 40 troops to prevent a flip. With 30 or 40 troops you can take another five cities. The choice seems pretty simple.
Bringing settlers and razing is also a good option, especially for cities near the enemy capital.
March 20, 2002, 14:37
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BillChin-- makes sense. Forget to mention this is only the outer ring of cities, any city close to the capital has to go.
Well kind of, this time I am trying an experiment of garrisoning London to see the flip effect. First round always starve to accelerate process, all entertainers and turn on mood governor in city governor. This helps control some flipping. Problem is civ influence area is behind campaign.
Just trying to figure out if there is some way to save cities and a few improvements as faster method of keeping civB from globbing up the newly freed area of influence. Especially with historical memory of city influence it would seem like the ability to retain outer ring cities would help more than razing and build new culture memory. No problem with smaller cities, but is a problem when have 10+ cities.
March 20, 2002, 15:17
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didnt read other posts, sorry if this was said.
take the city, and if there are resistors, STARVE the city. stack like 6 units on it for a while. i'm a warmonger in despotism / communism, so i can kill people for the units / walls. if you starve the city to a 3 or so, the people come back as yours. works all the time.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
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March 20, 2002, 15:32
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But will 6 units hold 5 resisters? I thought there was a 2 units/resister guideline. Or was that guideline only pre 1.17?
March 20, 2002, 15:41
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it will if you starve it down to a 3
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
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March 20, 2002, 15:54
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[QUOTE] Originally posted by UberKruX
it will if you starve it down to a 3  [/QUO
Make sure that your culture is higher than the enemy. The AI is less prone to culture flip if you have more culture. If possible, try to get to the capital A.S.A.P., then raze it. This seems to decrease the chances of culture flip. As UberKruX said, starving the population is the best way to keep the city. Its harder to keep a large city and starve it down, thats why you should try to kill off some of the city's population with artillery if you really want the city.
"The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796
March 20, 2002, 21:27
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Also it seems that your culture determines how fast the resisters stop resisting...Or did you know that already.
Yours in gaming,
March 20, 2002, 22:17
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My ideal is to take out an enemy civ so quickly there isn't time for any significant risk of culture flips, or at least to reduce the enemy to distant island possessions too far away to spur rebellion easily. In the latter case, using gold to rush build temples (or, if playing a scientific civ, libraries) to build up some culture, and leaving about three units for garrison duty generally holds the risk of flipping down to a level I consider acceptable (at least as long as the war zone isn't too far from my capital). And with a big conquered city, I need the culture to expand the city's borders whether I need it to help control the city or not.
In regard to garrisoning, for the duration of the war, in the industrial and modern eras, I usually use somewhere around two to four units per city. Mostly, these are either wounded units that need a place to rest anyhow or obsolete slow-moving units that wouldn't be worth a lot on the offensive. (As a result, garrison sizes depend a lot on how many such units I have.) Such forces aren't enough to put down the resistance quickly, but there's plenty of time for that after I've won the war.
Of course this assumes I don't go on the offensive that late in the game without a clearly superior if not overwhelming balance of force. If I found myself fighting for my life against a culturally superior enemy, razing any cities I managed to capture might look a lot more attractive.
March 20, 2002, 22:20
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It is not necessary to raze. I almost never lose a city to a flip, and even then the danger is evident. Once you understand how culture works, it is easy to avoid those nasty war crimes tribunals.
Try a game where you are not allowed to raze -- just for fun and challenge. Reload if you have to until you understand how it works. Generally, a rushed temple will prevent most flips in the short run, and cathedral will prevent most flips for the long run. But the temple must be built as soon as possible. Time is of the essence.
March 20, 2002, 23:13
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Originally posted by planetfall
But will 6 units hold 5 resisters? I thought there was a 2 units/resister guideline. Or was that guideline only pre 1.17?
Are you kidding???
With 1.17, I once had a town of '5' with NO resistors and NO Unhappy citizens flip - despite a garrison of TEN veteran and elite units!
Such is the absurdity of Culture Flipping.
March 20, 2002, 23:44
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I've been capturing size 13 and 14 cities without any flips here recently. One of the first ones I took out was the capitol maybe that helped, but yeah I usually rush buy a temple.
Also I just flipped a russian city on the other side of the water. The corner of my culture touched the corner of theirs...and they were right up against a Babylonian city and it's culture halfway surrounded them. Go figure.
Yours in gaming,
March 21, 2002, 11:14
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Thanks all for the ideas, I have been experimenting and this seems like the best strategy:
1. capture city quickly without bombardment
{lose a few more units but gain improvements}
2. set production to Temple or Library
3. Key I was forgetting, turn on city governor to manage moods
4. put 1 weak unit in city {warrior, spearman, horse, etc}
5. put 3-5 armor units within 1 turn stricking distance to retake the city
6. turn every citizen to entertainer
7. try to find cannon/artillery/gallery/etc you can disband into the resisting city
so you can hurry production
Using this method on 10 cities with resisters and some distance from FP and capital, only 1 turned. Cost 1 unit. Gain marketplace and Tsu.
Definitely more fun than just razing the cities. Get to see the city influence levels grow again. 1.17 definitely fixed the excessive flipping problem, now it is just another part of the game.
Does anyone see any problems with this strategy?
March 21, 2002, 11:32
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If the city has no culture there is no alternative(short of screwing around with the save file).
If the city has culture, but is in a crappy location, you can disband the city.
If the city has culture, will most likely flip, unless of course you stack your entire attacking force in it, you can park 2 attack units outside, leave none inside, and if it flips back take the city back. Replace losses as you get them.
If the city has culture, will most likely flip, and has self destructed, you can take it and sit there with a city that will never use its terrain, you can disband it and pass the unhappiness on to one of your good cities, or you can give it away to another ai.
razing is the easiest and most effective way(and parking 2 units outside the city to take it back if it flips isnt the most intuitive thing to do), if you take a city chances are you will have to rebuild everything anyways, infrastructure the ai pillaged instead of using its units to blunt your attack included.
March 21, 2002, 11:48
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Originally posted by Whoha
razing is the easiest and most effective way
I have no trouble conquering and holding very large enemy cities.
March 21, 2002, 13:18
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Originally posted by planetfall
Thanks all for the ideas, I have been experimenting and this seems like the best strategy:
1. capture city quickly without bombardment
{lose a few more units but gain improvements}
2. set production to Temple or Library
3. Key I was forgetting, turn on city governor to manage moods
4. put 1 weak unit in city {warrior, spearman, horse, etc}
5. put 3-5 armor units within 1 turn stricking distance to retake the city
6. turn every citizen to entertainer
7. try to find cannon/artillery/gallery/etc you can disband into the resisting city
so you can hurry production
Some comments for some of your points:
1. I prefer to bombard to lower my casualty count & especially if I don't end up capturing the city, it's pretty useful. It doesn't really help your flip factor since cultural buildings don't transfer, unless you hit the marketplace & you'll miss out on extra happiness. However, the AI will do more drafting if you park outside the city for a few turns. So.... either way...
3,6. I think once you set your governor on, you can't turn all your citizens to entertainers - he'll change them back. This is pretty dangerous cause he can't deal with resistors becoming unhappy citizens & disordering the city, which doubles the flipping chance.
4. I often save conscript defenders for the city. To push the city's pop/unit ratio, I put in some outdated units too. I don't mind so much about losing conscripts & ancient swordsmen. This scares the AI a little, I think, cause I'm not sure if it sometimes considers the number of units in the city rather than the quality. If they do attack, they have to use extra attackers to get it, even if they probably win.
It's kind of cool calling on my swordsmen in the modern era to be my fun police. Ooh, who can be so upset when those guys with cool-looking swords are around!
Keeping cities isn't always useful under most govt types since it could be so far away to be very productive. So a settler for a new city would be just as good, in most cases. However, when I'm running communism, they're more valuable since they could be my next best city in time. So, it's a bit govt dependent too.
I don't see flipping as much with 1.17 & keep most of my cities. But it could also be because I try to at least keep even on culture & then I have few problems. Being superior in culture & military over a civ should be an easy victory.
March 21, 2002, 14:20
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It seems from the responses here that some people are having problem and some are not. (I myself rarely lose a city) I wonder if this has to do with gameplay styles and willingness to play the game as Civ3 and not try to play as Civ2. I've noticed that most of the people who complain about losing cities are also the ones who complain about other elements of the game that are different from Civ2.
Civ 3 is a very different game than Civ2. To wage a sucessful war you need to garrison troops in the occupied city. You need to be sure that your culture is strong. It also help to build temples, etc. quickly to hold that city.
Civ3 needs to be played like Civ3 and not Civ2 or SMAC. It's a different game.
Sorry....nothing to say!
March 21, 2002, 15:07
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"I have no trouble conquering and holding very large enemy cities."
Im sorry i dont have any cookies for you. Please go back and reread my post, instead of taking parts of it out of context. Mouse click for mouse click, razing IS the easiest and most effective. However I posted the second most optimal strat that lets you hold such a large city, proving that I have no difficulty whatsoever, playing whatever strat I want, even one that shoots me in the foot(like giving the civ im about to wipe out every resource for 20 turns so i can fight a few modern units).
I also noticed how you stated very large enemy cities. So can I take this to mean that you can not deal with self-destructed cities? hah, victory
March 21, 2002, 15:26
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Originally posted by Whoha
I also noticed how you stated very large enemy cities. So can I take this to mean that you can not deal with self-destructed cities? hah, victory
Of course razing is easy. So is murder, plunder, or destruction. Razing is easy. Ruling is hard.
March 21, 2002, 19:36
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no... clicking your mouse in a different way is most certainly not difficult.
March 21, 2002, 19:49
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Originally posted by Whoha
no... clicking your mouse in a different way is most certainly not difficult.
March 21, 2002, 20:02
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There are certainly many ways to play Civ. That is for sure. And they are all "valid." In actual fact, razing might turn out to be the generalized "best" play. That would be sad. But that just means that "good" plays with a handicap, as it does in real life anyway. No good deed goes unpunished, as they say. So the good guy just has to be a little smarter and work a little harder.
Once I saw an army raze an American city. It left a huge hole in the world where there had once been a great city. I couldn't change the past, but I destroyed that army and made allies with the Americans which lasted the entire game.
March 21, 2002, 20:28
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Originally posted by Zachriel
Razing is easy. Ruling is hard.
No good deed goes unpunished, as they say. So the good guy just has to be a little smarter and work a little harder.
Aren't both of those the truth. In more than just the game.
Yours in gaming,
March 21, 2002, 21:15
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In my current game (1.16f patch), 25 years (five turns) ago, I took out all eleven of China's cities on the main continent in a single turn. (The battle was modern armor vs. infantry, with my cavalry mopping up obsolete units.) I've had two culture flips since then and had to retake the cities (unfortunately, China has an island right off the mainland), but consider what I have in return (not counting libraries and a couple temples I've built myself).
Note that I'm putting coal plants in parentheses since my Hoover Dam makes them essentially irrelevant. Also, since I built the Pyramids and captured the Art of War, I have granaries and barracks in all my cities whether I would have captured them or not.
Shanghai, made my new capital by a great leader:
-- Size 19 (after producing a settler to transfer surplus population)
-- Marketplace, Aqueduct, Factory, Bank, Courthouse, Hospital, Police Station, Smith's Trading Company, (Coal Plant)
-- Size 17 (will stabilize at 16 once it grows enough to feed itself).
-- Marketplace, Courthouse, Factory, Bank, Hospital, Police Station, Great Library, Art of War
-- Size 16
-- Aqueduct, Bank, Hospital, Police Station
-- Size 15
-- Marketplace, Aqueduct, Bank, Factory, Hospital
-- Size 13
-- Marketplace, Courthouse, Bank, Hospital
Canton (one of the cities that flipped)
-- Size 18
-- Marketplace, Courthouse, Bank, Hospital, Coastal Fortress, Magellan's Voyage, Copernicus's Observatory
-- Size 13
-- Courthouse, Aqueduct, Bank, Factory, Hospital, Harbor, (Coal Plant)
-- Size 11
-- Bank, Hospital, Harbor, Police Station
Anyang (the other one that flipped)
-- Size 10
-- Aqueduct, Harbor
-- Size 9
-- Aqueduct, Courthouse, Marketplace, Harbor
-- Size 6 (will shrink to 5 before expanding to feed itself)
-- Aqueduct, Harbor
There can be definite advantages to keeping cities instead of razing them, especially if you can come up with the power for a blitzkreig that doesn't give the AI time to draft a lot of people and make its cities unhappy. It would take centuries to bring replacement cities up to the same level some of my Chinese conquests are at, unless I would be willing to spend a lot of gold I don't want to take away from research (and which I'd have significantly less of without income from the captured cities' marketplaces and banks).
P.S. After gobbling up mainland China, I ate England for dessert. Their cities weren't as valuable, but none flipped on me, and none ever will now that I've used a newly built troop transport to capture their island city of Oxford.
March 22, 2002, 00:44
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pangea, or have you edited the building giving wonders to give to all cities?
March 22, 2002, 01:00
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the ACooper-meister
Civ3 needs to be played like Civ3 and not Civ2 or SMAC. It's a different game.
Right on!
"You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon
March 22, 2002, 11:39
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Hey, great responses. Thanks.
ACooper It seems from the responses here that some people are having problem and some are not. (I myself rarely lose a city)
Rather I think people are still overreacting from the flips in original version up to 1.16.
My "problem" was not with flipping but with the campaign stalling by not bringing along police units and wasting panzers for police action.
chiefpaco 1. I prefer to bombard to lower my casualty count & especially if I don't end up capturing the city, it's
pretty useful.
I used to always bombard, and would not invade until city was down to 1-3 citizen size. Problems with that were: 1) slow, 2) AI has time to reinforce, 3) tedious, and mainly 4) lose all the city improvement goodies.
What do you mean don't take the city? I don't know the appropriate military term for units, but not taking the city is not usually a problem. For example, last campaign, French had about 6 cities clustered to the south, smallest was size 10. There were 3 more cities about 13 tiles to north in mountain terrain. I used to try to block horsemen and calvary by moving a solid wall of armor. This time I tried something different which was very effective. Precampaign my boarder line was [sea][city][3 tiles][city][3tiles][city][2 tiles][lake].
I allocated 60 panzers to the south. {The other 60 were in the north for the English}.
I had 6 stacks of 10 panzers each. {brigade?}
3 stacks went south, and 3 went north. When AI moved units out of cities, they were primary target and cities were secondary targets. With this much armor the AI tried to stack 12-15 defenders, no problem. One city in south and one in north did not fall on first attempt, simply pulled a few panzers from one unit to take care of the job. I lost a couple panzers attacking units fortified in the mountains, but with infrastructure capable pumping out 10 new armor each turn, no problem.
3,6. I think once you set your governor on, you can't turn all your citizens to entertainers - he'll change them back. This is pretty dangerous
Never had that happen. Maybe I didn't explain well enough. My steps are: 1) all citizens to entertainers, 2) turn on mood governor, 3) complete turn, 4) next turn: repeat steps 1..3 until no resisters are left. You are right if on the second turn you do not reassign workers, governor will give citizens productive tasks.
Forget to mention: another useful strategy is to change production to settler, combo of starving, reducing citizen base, and camping police does work to reduce flip probability.
4. It's kind of cool calling on my swordsmen in the modern era to be my fun police.
My philosophy is police are the highest value unit available in one turn. What is really fun to see is to have a couple cities production up where they can pump out knights in one turn.
Seeing police dressed up as knights in the modern era is hilarious.
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