I dare say this subject has been discussed to death in other threads, but since I have been unable to find any links in
excellent Related Threads topic, I'm going to open the point again!
I have been listening to a lot of music recently, and some of it has made me wonder what YOU the splendid people of Apolyton would like to listen to whilst slaving over a hot empire.
Myself, I think everything the composer John Williams puts his hand to turns to gold...Remember the Imperial March theme from Star Wars, anyone?

Not that the great man would lower himself to scripting tunes for a mere computer game, of course...
or would he?(No.)
For the record, this is a purely whimsical thread. I know there are more important things to worry about than Civ III's music, but it can be important for atmosphere...Let's just see what gets written, eh?
Josef Given