March 29, 2002, 23:10
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Originally posted by Zylka
Would you like me to fill in all of the missing words and punctuation in your last post? I will, if you ask nicely
Little things for little minds.
March 29, 2002, 23:16
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Since you asked so nicely...
Originally posted by Ethelred
There was plenty of relevant stuff [sic]. Zylka's response was to call people newbies. [He] [s]pread it around to[o] [often]* when he was unable to rebut.
FG seems to have a grudge. This isn't the first time he has gone out of his out his way to attack me. Besides[,] I wasn't being touchy. FG is getting an education. It[']s not my fault that he refuses to learn how to flame with style and wit[,] or at least respond in a civil manner.
Soon I may give up [on] him. He may be [a] lost cause [of] a student.
*Or "to many [others]" - author's intent not clear
Have a nice day
March 29, 2002, 23:23
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Ethelred your an idiot. If you actually hang out on these boards just looking around for serouisly need to get a life.
Oh and as for your childish and incoherant posts. I dont think I need to reply.
March 29, 2002, 23:25
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Originally posted by Zylka
Can't believe I missed this gem
It's a fitting summation that people are laughing at you. Really though, do the two of you prance about together looking to defend firaxis against anything?
No kidding. These guys are hardcore asskissers. Willing to defend every flawed part of this game ; like somebody is paying them.
March 29, 2002, 23:33
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Well since Prince Precious is clearly unable to rebut I guess it is not suprising he has decended to this sort of childishness.
I made my point and without any rebuttal there is no sense in bothering with this thread anymore.
FG do learn try learning. You came into the thread for no reason but call people morons. You contributed nothing to it. Zylka at least some points. You only had a vocabulary shortage.
Good evening. See you on other threads.
March 29, 2002, 23:37
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Huh? I came in because everywhere you go the flames are not far behind. And its pissing me off. Zylkla makes a serouis thread and all you can do is makes insults.
Oh and you keep telling me "learn learning" crap. What the hell are you talking about?
Oh and you probably need to work a little harder in english class jr.
FG do learn try learning
March 29, 2002, 23:48
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The horse is riddled with maggots - let's close this chapter
March 30, 2002, 03:32
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No kidding. These guys are hardcore asskissers. Willing to defend every flawed part of this game ; like somebody is paying them.
No "asskissing" here. It's just that it appears to me that a lot of these types of posts seem to imply, or directly state, that I'm an imbecile for liking the game. I don't exactly take to that at all... Of course, I'm a fairly casual gamer, so I'm not too up in arms about the odd bug or exploitation... I've had this game for a fairly long time, and it's only crashed once, and after I was messing around with the rules and such...
On a different note:
LOL, you grew up in Parksville?! I almost feel sorry for you... hehe.
"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." -Albert Camus
March 30, 2002, 03:32
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Faded Glory earned himself 2 days off...
You would think that after a while, the message would get through.
Who want's to be next?
Keep on Civin'
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March 30, 2002, 03:53
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You know a discussion has reached the bottom when both sides starts to argue over spelling, grammar and potential insults...
March 30, 2002, 04:09
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One side did that.
Quit trying to pull me back in. I left since it was obvious that the debate had been evaded by its originator.
I NEVER argue over anyones spelling or grammer. I may ask for clarification. My spelling is awfull and I am not a hypocrite.
All right sometimes I take advantage of a mispelling if I can make a funny. It has to change to meaning of the word for me to do that.
I don't worry about potential insults either. There are enough real ones to go around for everyone.
March 30, 2002, 04:20
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Originally posted by faded glory
No kidding. These guys are hardcore asskissers. Willing to defend every flawed part of this game ; like somebody is paying them.
Like Firaxis, perhaps??
I've long ago thought Firaxis had shills on the forums defending their slapped together game, just as they likely find ways to pay off their flacks in the Computer Gaming world who incrediby give Civ III glowing (and asinine) reviews.
March 30, 2002, 04:29
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I've only read a little bit of the first page and all of this last page, and I only have one thing to say.......
Zylka, your avatars are great!
Ok, I guess I better actually add something useful to this thread.
No kidding. These guys are hardcore asskissers. Willing to defend every flawed part of this game ; like somebody is paying them.
Yes, I find that blind optimism of the game to be sick. How can one possibly feel that this game has no flaws and must have it's greatness defended? On the other hand, I find the total denial of optimism sick, as well. How can one possibly feel that this game has no fun features and must be brought down? Zylka, FG, and Ethelred, you all fall under one of those two spectrums, and I think we all know under which particular one.  While, Zylka, you did mention a few nice aspects of Civ3 you mentioned them in a very sarcastic way, which deterriated the credibility of your post. Elthered, IIRC, it was you who had a reply for every one of Zylka's theses. Having a response of defense for Civ3 on every one of your replies to a theses, also, discredited your post. Neither one of you are right, neither one of you are wrong, both of you are right and wrong. So in all reality there won't be a concluding outcome on this discussion until both of you realize there is a spectrum in the middle about Civ3.
For myself I found myself leaning more towards 'Zylka's' spectrum during the early post-days of Civ3's release. Since then the relevance of caring about the game has diminished, and I'm now mostly in the 'middle' spectrum. However, nothing can ever change the most dissapointing game for me ever being Civ3. Now where the blame for that should fall is another issue.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
March 30, 2002, 05:44
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Originally posted by Reprisal
LOL, you grew up in Parksville?! I almost feel sorry for you... hehe.
Well there and Vancouver, the majority of my life in Calgary...
Parksville was a quaint little spot back when we lived there, I've heard it has had a mini tourist boom since then. So... um... do they still have the big beach?
Oh oh and the hovercraft! That thing was so cool
March 30, 2002, 06:10
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Elthered, IIRC, it was you who had a reply for every one of Zylka's theses.
Yes it was me. You apparently didn't read it. Naughty to critisize what you didn't read.
Having a response of defense for Civ3 on every one of your replies to a theses, also, discredited your post.
Since that is a utterlly false claim and since you are trying to or at least pretending to be evenhanded I suspect you didn't actually read the entire thing. Even Zylka noticed that I agreed with him on some.
Neither one of you are right,
How do you know since you said I defended Firaxis on all 66 points and I didn't. As far as I can tell I was correct on nearly all points. I think Zylka might have managed to show error in one. He only touched the first 33 of the remarks. So maybe I made more mistakes.
So in all reality there won't be a concluding outcome on this discussion until both of you realize there is a spectrum in the middle about Civ3.
Of course there is. I am a member of it. The group that plays and likes the game but knows it could use improvement.
Oddly Zylka seems to actually play the game so I guess he is in the self-flaggelation group.
However, nothing can ever change the most dissapointing game for me ever being Civ3.
I guess you haven't played a lot of games. Or were very carefull aobut which you bought.
Ever play Ascendency? It looks good. It sounds good. It sucks you in. Then it turns to garbage when you figure out the game itself is lousy. The developers listened to the fans. They developed a patch. The patch said "UP YOURS YOU WHINEY TWITS". All the patch did was make the all the AI civs into psychopathic idiots instead of reasonable idiots.
At least the game was bug free. If you don't count the lack of inteligence by the AI that was supposed to be so great.
I am sure I have bought more disapointing games. I did get a fair amount of use out of that one till I noticed it didn't improve on higher levels and that there was no tech to speed up movement to something remotely reasonable. I just forget about the disapointing ones. Like Alpha Centauri.
Actually I haven't given Alpha Centauri a chance to disapoint me. I was bugged by the idea of anyone calling the world they lived on Planet. I figured that was so stupid what other stupidities were going on. Like the living planet garbage. That sort of stuff was a bit too much of a strain on my willingness to suspend disbelief.
I hear the game itself is quite good. Still it has that intelligent planet nonsense. Planets don't breed so they can't evolve. Inteligence isn't going to spring out of nothing for no reason. Without competition there is no evolution. So the box is setting within reach but reading the manual is as far as I have ever gone with it.
But I don't go around complaining about it. Thats the first I have ever mentioned it here. Possibly the last.
March 30, 2002, 11:13
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You're accusing us of blind optimism when that's your signature??? Now that's hypocrisy. Also, I am not defending every part of the game. There clearly are many problems. But that doesn't mean it can't be a great game. No games are perfect. It was rushed to the shelves, but I would say firaxis has done a good job getting patches out quickly and fixing problems.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
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March 30, 2002, 11:41
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Originally posted by Tuberski
I haven't read this thread in three days....yet somehow I didn't miss anything relevant!
... just huge tons of fun.
This is becoming a huge thread.
Nevertheless, I'd like to mention that Zylka's made some good points that were also reflected in several different threads by many, many posters. The fact that so many react could suggest that Zylka's writing style (exagerate a bit to state your points better) is appopriate for creating large discussions.
Actually, in contrast to some, I don't believe Zylka hates this game. I think he likes playing it, but like many others - including me- has concluded that the game definitely needs some 'polishing' up before it really becomes good enough/great.
As I don't consider Zylka's avatar/posts/'penis and vagina' to be offensive (not at all, though he's been censored caused by some complaints of a few), I sometimes feel to step in the ring to take it up for him, but he manages just fine himself  .
Ok, I haven't been around that long, but I think that some people fail to understand his (sometimes) sweet humour.
Of course, no one ever likes an insult.
I shut up now, the forum's yours all again!
Let's have some more fireworks!!
March 30, 2002, 12:14
Local Time: 14:11
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Let's have some more fireworks!!
No thanks. I think I have come close enough for a while. The Merciless One may decide to give me a vacation even if he can't point to any particular post to do so. Just on general principles.
Of course, no one ever likes an insult.
Wrong. I do. I like funny ones. There was a severe shortage of style or humor in most of them on this thread though. A few maybe here or there. I think someday Zylka may develop the skill if he tries. Maybe. He has to learn that blunt trauma only impresses kids.
Go way the thread is dead. Don't mention me so I won't feel compelled to post. I wasn't here. You didn't read anything from me.
Emoticons are evil. Smilies are OK.
March 30, 2002, 12:55
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Originally posted by AJ Corp. The FAIR
As I don't consider Zylka's avatar/posts/'penis and vagina' to be offensive (not at all, though he's been censored caused by some complaints of a few), I sometimes feel to step in the ring to take it up for him, but he manages just fine himself .
Keep in mind that children also play computer games. I know younger kids who peruse this public forum. They don't need that, and it is off-topic, in any case.
March 30, 2002, 13:26
Local Time: 18:11
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The Aluminum resource is actually represented by an aluminum soda can, not a trash can.
[Obama] is either a troll or has no ****ing clue how government works - GePap
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March 30, 2002, 16:23
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Originally posted by AJ Corp. The FAIR
... just huge tons of fun.
Actually, in contrast to some, I don't believe Zylka hates this game. I think he likes playing it, but like many others - including me- has concluded that the game definitely needs some 'polishing' up before it really becomes good enough/great.
That's about it... I'm looking forward to multiplayer if they fix up the crucial mistakes which would make this game an infinite stalemate against another human mind. Otherwise, I'm relying on the community to fix the game's graphics - this is definitely the most subjective area which is hardest for firaxis to "fix". The game has potential, as for now it's collecting dust.
It has been fun, hasn't it?
March 30, 2002, 17:44
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Originally posted by AJ Corp. The FAIR
Nevertheless, I'd like to mention that Zylka's made some good points that were also reflected in several different threads by many, many posters. The fact that so many react could suggest that Zylka's writing style (exagerate a bit to state your points better) is appopriate for creating large discussions.
Exagerate a bit? Is that what it's called?
Exagerated "a bit" is also - speaking technically here - wrong. If bombers, for example, are merely "underpowered" as oppsed to "useless" it makes it much harder to get a constructive discussion going if one side continually overstates their position. It also doesn't help if the primary voice of one side is (donning some "Zylka camo" here, to help keep off the Ming-flak) a f*cking thickheaded worthless snob with an utterly patronizing attitude towards newbies who refuses to defend most of his words, and who's boundless insecurities* manifest themselves in (Eth cammo) "gutter language", personal attacks, and the inability to accept the "give and take" of constructive debate.
The "discussion" so far has been the origional statement, which, yes, had
good points - even if they were generally distorted ("exagerate a bit"). It also had some very dubious points, and a bunch of insults. The distortions and insults lead to more flames than constructive discussion. Then, when 3 posters with views that for the most part opposed those of Z.s actually addressed most points, then the sheetrock really hit the fan, and the "discussion" went completely to Mingapulco.
(Or maybe Z. is just a lazy SOB? Z.'s already said that many of the points were simply drawn from other discussions. When pressed to defend the points, which Z. seems to treat as rock-hard facts, Z. simply found it easier to lash out, rather than actually think. No malice, just taking the path of least resistance.)
Ok. You like huge threads? Flame wars are "tons of fun."? Well, yeah, then by those standards Z.'s the best thing since sliced girlscouts. OTOH, if someone wants to say, talk about Civ3, then there are some problems...
Z., is (Zylka cammo again) someone so f*cking thick headed that it's simply impossible to actually have a decent discussion if you should deign to disagree on anything more than minor points. I, and I suggest to E. that he does this too, will shift my responses and attempt to simply make corrections of his worst mistatments (and address them to others, not in response to Z.) and mock (as opposed to insult) when he, ah.... "exagerates" more than usual.
*Making the _assumption_ that Z. not just a total jerk, motivated wholly by malice.
P.S. - I can't wait to see Z.'s response to this. Yeah, I know, this P.S. may interfere with the natural development of Z.'s response, but I'm curious. Will it be a long, rambling, message chock full of insults and "gutter language"? Or something short, and to the point: An arrogant statement directly followed by a personal insult? Or will I really just be ignored, as (I wish it were really so!) Z. has previously stated is his intent? I generally have a pretty good guess about what the response will be, but I have no idea for this one. The response might even be - bizzare as it sounds - civil and without rancour. (Who wants to make a bet?)
March 30, 2002, 18:50
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After skimming through this thread, all I can say is that it seems impossible for people in this thread to have a reasonable argument without cussing and attacking eachother on every single fault. It seems to me that this thread has completely erupted in flames and just stands to prove that the "optimists" and "pessimists" cannot get along in a reasonable debate.
Est-ce que tu as vu une baleine avec un queue taché?
If you don't feel the slightist bit joyful seeing the Iraqis dancing in the street, then you are lost to the radical left. If you don't feel the slightest bit bad that we had to use force to do this, then you are lost to the radical right.
March 30, 2002, 19:10
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See you in week...
You just don't get it. You get restricted for personal insults, and then the first thing you do when you get back is start up all over again...
Not very smart.
Bye... Maybe this time you might actually learn something  But I doubt it...
Keep on Civin'
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
March 30, 2002, 19:45
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Anyone know what "sliced girlscouts" are?
March 30, 2002, 19:46
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Originally posted by Trevman
After skimming through this thread, all I can say is that it seems impossible for people in this thread to have a reasonable argument without cussing and attacking eachother on every single fault. It seems to me that this thread has completely erupted in flames and just stands to prove that the "optimists" and "pessimists" cannot get along in a reasonable debate.
IMHO, I've been civil about it. Maybe not E and Z, but I have.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
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March 30, 2002, 20:31
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Nice thread...
Tons of insults, stupid things etc... etc.... I fear the "huge thread" is gonna be closed... again.....
I don't conquer -
I obliterate
March 30, 2002, 21:07
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Re: HAHAHA too easy...
Hey Ming. I guess you missed this one, eh?
Originally posted by Zylka
I'm not responding because each time I do, you can't seem to get it through your thick f*cking heads how badly you've lost the argument . It's one thing to not realize how inept you have come off with the initial arguments, quite another to keep repeating them with faltering effect.
Looking back through this thread, the majority of posters "agree with most of what [I] have said", whilst two or three of you persist with attention seeking idiocy. I don't have all that much time to repeat superior responses to your pathetically structured ramblings. Your grammar needs serious attention, and I will not put up with sub-mediocrity any further.
Get an education, failures 
And this one:
Originally posted by Zylka
I stopped responding a while ago... remember, when I said I was sick and tired of patronizing worthless newbies?
Oops! Just what am I doing right now?
or a part from this one:
Originally posted by Zylka
What the f*ck else do you expect from me? That's it. I tried to offer truce, but I'm tired of patronizing worthless newbies such as yourself.
That's just going back to page 5.
I'm not saying you should not have banned Tarq. I am not saying you should ban Z. I will grant that Tarq's post almost begged for it.
All I want to point out is that from the entire thread, it might be difficult for Tarq and others to figure out which personal insults are grievous enough to warrant banning and which aren't.
BTW. I noticed from pages 5 through 8 that with these 3 exceptions, Z's posting seemed to be a bit more artful than many (or some) of his critics would give him credit for. Perhaps he is a bit practiced in where the boundaries are and how to elicit vehement responses. If that is the case, what would that make him and this entire thread?
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
March 30, 2002, 21:32
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Yes it was me. You apparently didn't read it. Naughty to critisize what you didn't read.
Yes, I did read the whole thing. I wasn't completely positive that it was you who made that reply, and I didn't want to assume without showing my assumption.
Since that is a utterlly false claim and since you are trying to or at least pretending to be evenhanded I suspect you didn't actually read the entire thing. Even Zylka noticed that I agreed with him on some.
Maybe you're right, it wasn't every one of your posts that you disagreed with Zylka, but one thing is for sure, it was a large abundance of them. Many of which, IMO, didn't deserve to de completely disagreed. The tone in which you replied to all of Zylka's these seemed as if you were trying to defend Firaxis for Civ3.
As far as I can tell I was correct on nearly all points.
Well, of course you'll feel that way; you're referring to your opinion. Then again that applies for all of us so no big deal.
I guess you haven't played a lot of games. Or were very carefull aobut which you bought.
I'll elaborate on this line:
Now where the blame for that should fall is another issue.
It's not neccasarily that Civ3 is a bad game or anything, in fact, Civ3 is a very good game compared to most others. However, when you have very high expectations for a game, and rightfully so when it's a sequel to the fantastic game of Civ2, like I had for the game Civ3 would be considered a dissapoint. Now that's not even to say that Civ3 is a worse game than Civ2, though, and not to say that Civ3 is a better game than Civ2. I could never go back to play Civ2 again (unless it is a boring summer day and I am looking to rekindle the old times  ) because of all the improvements Civ3 has made. On the same note, it's very hard to go to Civ3 coming from all of the great aspects of Civ2. Many of my complaints with Civ3 have been solved (actually more less deterred) by the Blitz mod, but still many things just don't feel "right". The excessive AI expansion is and always will be my biggest complaint with Civ3. Why exactly does the AI need to build a city on a single-tile desert island that is half way around the world from it's mainland? The corruption that the city will suffer will hinder it from being even marginally productive or useful. I should note that I don't particularly like the corruption model one bit. More inuitive ways could have been implemented to help solve ICS instead of having a ridiculous corruption model. To speak of the good apsects of Civ3, the improved pathfinding is the main reason why I can't ever go back to Civ2. Certain features with the interface are nice, while, others are also very limiting. Resources and culture, while, not completely refined, add a certain aspect of strategy to the game that is needed. The lack of extra "goodies" (i.e. casualty list, wonder movies) with Civ3 take away a lot of the fun when raising a civ, on the other hand, UUs add some extra flavor to the game. The abusrd lack of playtesting gameplay issues must be embarrassing for Firaxis. At least I hope it is the lack of playtesting that makes for an unbalanced gameplay (other possiblity would be severe ignorance of the game).  By now you should be able to understand my position with the game.
Actually I haven't given Alpha Centauri a chance to disapoint me.
Why do you word that sentence in such a biased way? I actually found SMAC to be a good game, but the whole fantasy/space scene restricted me to only playing a few games (not a big sci-fi fan). One of the main reasons why I like Civ (not SMAC) is because of my interest in history and SMAC doesn't fulfill that for me with it's sci-fi setting. I guess it's, also, a matter of relation too.
You're accusing us of blind optimism when that's your signature??? Now that's hypocrisy. Also, I am not defending every part of the game. There clearly are many problems. But that doesn't mean it can't be a great game. No games are perfect. It was rushed to the shelves, but I would say firaxis has done a good job getting patches out quickly and fixing problems.
When did I specifically point out any names, besides Ethelred, FG, and Zylka? Therefore, how could you include yourself as part of "us"? The only possiblity I could see is you making false implications that I included you as part of the "blind optimism" group.
I don't see why you referrenced to my signature when that is completely irrelevant to the situation.
Whoever said that you were defending every part of the game? Read right under your quote for more information.
First, read my reply to Ethelred for information concerning my point of view abot Civ3, then I'll speak of new information. I agree with everything you said from "No games are perfect..." and after. The only problems I've had with Firaxis since release are their lack of denial for the certain poor features of Civ3, their lack of fan interaction since that time, and the long waiting times between patches, however, I do have some understanding for my last problem.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
March 30, 2002, 23:58
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Re: Hmm
Originally posted by Zylka
Anyone know what "sliced girlscouts" are?
I hope not.
I do know what sliced sugar daddy is though.
I printed police photos for a book on the case. You do NOT want any specifics.
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