Some thoughts on Mp, clture flipping and revolting
Here are some ideas about MP/culture flipping/revolts that have been floating around my mind for a few days. Please add in any more suggestions.
Military Police
This should be optional. Normally having military units in a city would have no effect on happiness, however, if you wish, you can impose martial law on the city, resulting in corruption and waste being worsened by one level there (up to a maximum of catastrophic), but allowing all units in the city up to your govt MP limit to quell unhappiness. If you want to go over the limit, you can, but each extra unit that is used results in 1 extra unhappy citizen somewhere in you civ, and another increase in corruption. Obviously, civs in Anarchy cannot use MP.
Culture Flipping
This should work exactly as it does now, except it should ONLY occur if another civ has more culture in the city than you do. In addition, citizens should generate cultue: happy citizens generate 1, content citizens nothing and unhappy citizens should take away 1. If they are not of your nationality, they have opposite effects but on their own culture in the city (culture representing the ‘influence’ that a civ has in the city).
Culture flipping should not be the kind of thing that happens the turn after you take a city. That comes under the heading of revolts. Culture flipping represents the garrison being overwhelmed by another civ’s culture as well as the population.
This is the new version of the ‘city flipping right after I conquered it’ syndrome. This can be suppressed by military units.
Okay, the basic idea is this (deep breath…)
Resistors, instead of being just citizens that don’t work and screw your city administration, are the equivalent of partisans. They have half the stats of the current draft unit the city’s former owner has (when you get infantry they become full riflemen). They have conscript morale and can appear even after a city is conquered, if you move too many troops out of the city, or if the pop gets to unhappy (instead of having the ‘double unhappiness’ thing, citizens that get too pissed will become resistors). Every turn you can order your troops to attack the resistors or leave them alone. If you order an attack, the resistors get any bonuses from city size (but not walls), and every resistor unit you kill quells 1 resistor. Wheeled units fighting resistors get a 25% or 50% penalty. Any resistors still alive at the end the turn then attack your troops, with the same modifiers applying. If the resistors go down to HP, they have a chance to retreat no matter who they’re fighting. If they fail, they are quelled. Any damage resistors take from your attacks is healed at the usual rate of units in cities. If resistors win any combats, they will advance to regulars automatically, then advance in morale normally. If they are able to kill all your units in the city, they take it over and it ‘flips’ back to their civ (you get a message saying ‘City X has been taken over by the Civ Y resistance’). If you have resistors from several different nations then the one with the most resistors takes it over and there is a possibility that resistors from other nations will become resistors against the new rule as well. If you have resistors of your own nationality, the city remains nominally yours but you cannot do anything with it (it produces nothing for you and you can’t give it away), it will produce it’s own garrison and the only way to get it back is by force, and you may then have to face the resistance again.
Any further ideas?