I'd definitely like to have these, and so do you!
These would be nice.
If I could get these right here, right now, please tell me.
1.) 'Rebellion' mechanics. A group of cities that are in civil disorder, edge-of-empire cities that are culturally 'segregated' from the rest of your empire's peoples. These cities would form an underground movement that would spawn units similar to the partisans in civ3, spawn terror attacks on your other cities, might even gain enough support to become a new civ.
2.) Random civ-shaping events, like earthquakes or citywide fires.
3.) More units. Everybody wants more units.
4.) Coup d' Etat mechanics. This would have the same effects as a rebellion, except that you get the smaller, less influencial parts of the nation in the process.
5.) Modern Barbarians.
Now here's some other stuff that I need help with. I need the following, any help would be appriciated.
1.) Leader head of Lenin.
2.) Unit animations that could pass for the following:
Special Operations troops.
Modern, Machine Gun armed Infantry.
Modern Attack Subs (The nuclear sub is obviously a 'boomer', a missile sub)
Recon Plane, like a U2 or SR71
B52 Bomber
A10 Warthog, or any attack plane
3.) Stuff that would make my cities look better. Look at the cities... they just look so fuc*in crappy.
Last edited by denas; March 27, 2002 at 12:30.