April 27, 2002, 12:12
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Ptah 73 - Sobek 73
In Ptah 73 the war was declared between Empire of Euphrattis and Khanate of Xingchang. In Sobek 73 Southern army took Athribis. As Murabi had thought the Great Khan of Xingchang accepted the loss and agreed with peace treaty in next month.
"So, the war is won. What to do next?" asked emperor in general council from his advisors and military leaders. "Our economy is not yet strong enough for full-scale war against Xingchangians. We need to move on step by step. But the general aim is clear: we must destroy the Khanate of Xingchang and take complete control over their continent. Then we have direct contact with Quinsay colony and there will be no land borders with anyone."
"I suggest that we capture the barbarian cities in Xingchang continent first. Later we can use these cities as military bases against the Khanate" proposed Plengor.
Menua agreed but added that capturing these cities can be done only with navy. So he as Grand Admiral must lead the operations. Plengor remarked that admiral's responsibility is only to hold the seas clean from enemy ships and provide transport for land army.
Emperor Murabi thought that it is better if Menua's position will strenghten as Plengor was already too powerful. He decided that Plengor will organize the capture of Istakhr and Jinjan cities and Menua will lead the operations against Khorasan and Shangtu. Also once firm contact with Quinsay colony is established, the colony will go under Menua's administration.
"All war plans must be ready in next month" concluded the emperor.
April 28, 2002, 06:35
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Amon 73
Plengor and Menua described their war plans. Standard military doctrine said that against a barbarian city there is needed 3 catapults, spearmen and 4 diplomats. As Xinchingians can be involved, an elephant unit is also neccessary. So, both Plengor and Menua asked 6 catapults, 2 spearmen, 8 diplomats and an elephant unit.
According the plan, warships transport Northern army to Istakhr. Army captures the city and moves then by land against Jinjan. Then two warships and a trading ship transport the first half of Southern army to Khorasan. The army captures the city while ships will transport the second part of the army to Shangtu. Emperor approved the plan and ordered to form neccessary units for the armies.
There was a conflict between Menua and Plengor over the commander of Southern army. Menua wanted to replace the current commander Toghrul with his own general. As Toghrul was the conqueror of Athribis and also very popular in his army, Emperor decided to support him.
April 29, 2002, 14:01
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Isis 72 - Ptah 72
Two new cities were built along the coast of Western Sea. Larsa in south and Nimrud in Eridu peninsula. Their main purpose is to provide bases for warships and protect strategical areas against Stygian landings.
In Thoth 72 the Northern army, which was gathered into Pilona, reported that it is ready for war. Emperor gave permission to start the planned operations. First units which were transported near Istakhr saw that the city is under siege by Xingchang army.
In Ptah 72 the chocking news came from western cities. 4 coastal cities, namely Borazjan, Nimrud, Samarra and Larsa, were attacked by previously unseen Stygian flying demons. All cities except Nimrud lost one garrisoning unit. In Nimrud the brave crew of warship managed to kill the demons.
Murabi called immediately Plengor, Menua and the commander of Coastal army, Saldin, to the palace for urgent war council. "Stygia has started a full-scale war against us" said emperor. "We need to work out the defence plan against these flying monsters."
"The best units what we have against them are archers" said Plengor.
"When warship is on sea then it can also fight very well with these beasts" added Menua.
"And yes, my Court Wizard has the Tempest Spell what Lord Vladimir gave to me" remembered Emperor. "The wizard said that it is effective against flying creatures."
It was decided that the Court Wizard with Tempest Spell will be sent to Samarra. One warship will stay in Nimrud and protect it. Second warship will go to Borazjan and patrol the sea just front of the city. Also around all the empire there will be gathered archers. Every coastal city in west must have 3 garrisoning archer units. "Hopefully these measures are enough" thought Murabi.
The Northern army was allowed to continue its operations. But Southern army was ordered to move back to Ashur and wait there the developments of events.
April 30, 2002, 08:45
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Sobek 72 - Re 71
"Stygia is the source of all evil things" thought Murabi. "Sea-monsters who attack our ships are coming from Stygia. The war wolves who breed in mountains are connected with this land. Also the dragons in far north. Happily I have managed to protect my people. The sea-monsters are killed and our ships now control the sea. Wolves have been killed too and my spearmen guard the mountains. Dragons have never attacked, what is good.
Now these flying demons. Do I manage to set up a sufficient defence against them? It will be hard. I wish that Vladimir will succeed with his quest and find a way to destroy these Stygians. Already 5 years I haven't heard anything about him. Is he dead? Or still travelling somewhere?"
In Sobek 72 Mehmet, the commander of Northern army, reported that he captured Istakhr and will proceed against Jinjan.
In Re 71 a trading ship from Quinsay reached to Amaia. Ship brought news from the governor of Quinsay. Everything was fine there. They had built a new city, named Izibia, to the northern part of island. They also discovered that in a continent south from Quinsay there is Kingdom of Praetoria. Bad news were that the barbarian city of Shangtu was fallen to Xingchangians.
May 2, 2002, 06:01
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Anubis 71 - Horus 71
In Anubis 71 Mehmet reported that Jinjan is captured too. So the operations of Northern army were ended successfully. Plengor ordered Mehmet to move the bulk of his army to Istakhr and map the inland borders of the Khanate of Xingchang.
Meanwhile the demons hadn't repeated their attacks and big archer garrisons were stationed along the coast. Seems that the danger has passed. Emperor decided that the Southern army can start the operation against Khorasan as soon as all coastal cities have 3 garrisoning archer units.
In Horus 71 there came both good and bad news to emperor's palace in Babylon. Good news were that craftsmen had designed a Siege Tower - powerful weapon against city defences. It will replace catapults in army and also makes sabotage operations by diplomats unneccessary during sieges.
The bad news were about new activity of demons. This time only Nimrud and Larsa were attacked. In Larsa demons were killed by archer garrison but in Nimrud they sank the warship in harbor.
May 2, 2002, 07:28
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I have been wondering for a few days whether I should intrude in your thread...
But I just had to!!!
So please go on, you definitely caught my imagination!!!
Actually, I'm waiting every day for the new developments in your adventure!!
So, keep on the good work, cause it's damn  !!!
May 3, 2002, 04:54
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Good to hear that people are actually reading it. So I'll certainly go on until the story will reach to the end.
May 3, 2002, 04:57
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Osiris 71 - Re 70
In Hathor 71 the demons attacked Borazjan, Nimrud and Samarra. Garrisons in Nimrud and Samarra managed to defend the cities but in Borazjan two archer units were killed. Emperor ordered to double the garrison of Borazjan.
Two months later, despite relentless attacks by demons, all cities were safely protected and emperor allowed Southern army to move against Khorasan. The fleet of two heavily loaded warships sailed out.
In Re 70 the warships returned and reported that the Southern army needs reinforcements. The diplomats hadn't managed to sabotage the city walls of Khorasan and army commander Toghrul had postponed the assault. Menua sent one warship back to reinforce the army with diplomats and elephant unit.
May 6, 2002, 04:10
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Anubis 70 - Hathor 70
In Osiris 70 the Court Wizard Visagin told to Emperor that Marsutan had appeared to him in a dream. Marsutan taught him a secret design of Heroic Arms. "When armed with these weapons, our knights and infantry would be much stronger" said the Court Wizard. Visagin taught the secret to emperor's craftsmen and Murabi ordered that the new weaponry must be produced everywhere around the empire. "With these weapons we can easily defend against Stygians and conquer the Khanate of Xingchang" said the emperor.
Next month the warship came back from south with news that the Southern army had captured Khorasan. Hearing this Emperor called Plengor and Menua to his palace. "We have now new powerful weapons: Heroic Infantry for defence and Heroic Knights and Siege Towers for attack. Also we have several strongpoints in Xingchang continent. Time has come for decisive war against Xingchangians. I give you one month for working out the war plans" said Murabi.
May 7, 2002, 07:05
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Seth 70
Plengor proposed the war plan: main blows against Xingchangians will be dealt by Northern army from Istakhr and by recently formed Eastern army from Amaia.
The first stage: Northern army captures Giza and Byblos; Eastern army captures Elephantine.
The second stage: both armies capture in co-operation Pi-Ramesses.
At the same time the Southern army simply protect Khorasan.
After the second stage our main forces are in Pi-Ramesses and further plans depend on enemy's strenghth and activity.
Both Northern and Eastern armies must have 6 infantry, 5 knights and 6 siege towers units.
Menua said that in his opinion the Southern army must play far greater role in the war. If Southern army captures Memphis then it is much harder for enemy to organise effective defence because of multiple fronts.
Emperor agreed with Menua and it was decided that Southern army will get 4 infantry, 2 knights and 3 siege towers units for the task.
May 8, 2002, 13:56
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Thoth 70 - Nephthys 69
In Amon 70 a trading ship arrives to Amaia. By orders of the governor of Quinsay the sailors had made a mapping expedition around huge Teutogoth continent south from Xingchang.
In next month Stygian Dread Horsemen landed near Larsa and attacked the city. They were easily defeated by city garrison. Warship was sent to pursue and sink the dragon boat what transported the descent. Two months later the second Stygian descent with Hell Fire unit landed in the same place. Emperor decided to send reinforcements to the region to counter the increased Stygian activity there.
In Nephthys 69 Stygians launched mass-attack with demons against Darius Kabir and Larsa. Darius Kabir was emptied and Larsa lost most of its garrison. It was clear that coastal defences must be upgraded as fast as possible.
May 9, 2002, 06:48
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Horus 69
In Horus 69 wizard Marsutan appeared suddenly to Babylon. Emperor greeted him gladly and seeing that he was alone, asked about Lord Vladimir. "Lord Vladimir is dead" answered Marsutan and told the tragic story of their second expedition.
"In Seth 77 our expedition sailed out from Ellipi with a trading ship and warship" told Marsutan. "Our goal was to reach to the city of Nippur as the old Hermit had advised. At first everything went well. There were no obstacles and they sailed fast. But in Amon 77 a sea-monster sank the trading ship with spearmen, elephant and catapult units near the city of Asyt. Terrible loss! Vladimir killed the monster and continued the travel with full speed.
Two months later they entered to Odense river but found out quickly that the ship wasn't able to sail along the river. The warship was sent back with both catapults units and Vladimir and Marsutan continued by walk. During their travel they saw Stygian Great Dragon and war wolves in nearby mountains.
After crossing the Lunde mountain ranges Vladimir's party reached again to sea near the city of Shuruppak in Hathor 76. The warship had sailed around the continent and waited them there. The city of Nippur was already close.
May 9, 2002, 09:37
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May 10, 2002, 00:52
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Marko, hurry up and finish Terry Brooks. And check your PMs!
Techumseh, how come I got an error when I click on the .wav?
Re-elect Bush!
May 10, 2002, 01:51
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I tried uploading the evil laugh wav from the scenario but it can't be accessed. I don't know why. But if Vladimir is dead at this point, the game will be tough to win.
May 10, 2002, 09:02
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But if Vladimir is dead at this point, the game will be tough to win.
 But sultan doesn't know it. He even considers Stygians as a minor threat. Marsutan thinks otherwise, but he has his own doubts...
May 10, 2002, 09:06
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They crossed the narrow sea and in Thoth 76 Vladimir enters to Nippur. The High Chamberlain of Nippur warns him of the journey to Kahun. "It is frought with peril, a long trek over dragon-infested mountains. It is certain death. But there is the ancient legend of a hidden way. No one alive knows the secret."
The next month Vladimir and Marsutan with one catapults unit started the trek. They decided not to enter the Dragon Waste area in mountains but go around it. Warship was sent back to explore the coastline in west.
Everything went well and in Horus 75 the travellers reached to Kahun. When resting in the city Marsutan saw in a dream that their warship was sank by sea-monster. Nobody from the ship survived the disaster.
"Where is the isle of Mhyrr?" asked Vladimir. "I don't know but we need to go along the river as there is no other way" answered Marsutan. They waited until the catapult unit reaches to Kahun and in Hathor 75 continued the quest with boat.
The river ran into inland sea. In the middle of the sea they found an island with a big fortress. The Castle of Mhyrr. In Sobek 75 Vladimir entered to the castle. The Count of Mhyrr asked him to capture the Prince of Corsairs, Capitan Valasquez. The Count told that Valasquez preys on their commerce and kills their subjects. "He has dealings with the Stygians, that we know. His fleet is now active in the Gigian Sea, south of this continent."
May 11, 2002, 07:55
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In Amon 75 the knight and the wizard went south by walk. The boat was left to explore the inland sea. Near the barbarian city of Busiris they met merchants from south. Merchants told that Wraiths at Styx have appeared in south and that they must raise an army and prevent the capture of the Great Library at Tugalete. The library contains many ancient scrolls the Stygians desire for their evil scheme.
Vladimir decided that they go first to Tugalete and destroy Stygians there. Later they can deal with these pirates.
After passing dense forests travellers reached to the Gigian Sea. Tugalete was on another coast. They didn't have a ship and so they had to go around the sea. Vladimir and Marsutan moved west along the coast until in Hathor 74 the barbarian city of Baracaldak blocked their way. Vladimir captured the city and ordered the local craftsmen to build warship against corsairs.
Soon they discovered that there is no land route to Tugalete in west. It meant that they had to wait until the warship is built in Baracaldak. Meanwhile Vladimir and Marsutan planned to travel to east along the coast of the Gigian Sea.
May 12, 2002, 11:08
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In Amon 73 they entered to the city of Gigia in eastern shore of the sea. The wizard Dragnost of Gigia presented to Marsutan a Blitzen Spell to help them fight against Stygians. Travellers rested in the city and discussed the situation.
"Sad that the Hermit died before he could tell us what to do after visiting the Castle of Mhyrr" said Vladimir. "Seems that the Count of Mhyrr tries to use us for his own purposes like the sultan did. There are much better things to do than to hunt pirates. Like protecting the Great Library from Stygians as merchants advised."
"We don't have the wisdom to decide what we should do or not to do." answered Marsutan. "Only thing what we can do is to trust prophesies and hope that we are strong enough for our task. If the Hermit advised us to go to Mhyrr and the Count of Mhyrr asked our help against the corsairs then it must be the right thing for us to do."
"But the merchants near Mhyrr advised us to got to Tugalete and defend it. I think that there is already time for us to stop the travelling and start fighting!" said Vladimir.
"I understand you" told Marsutan "We have travelled already 10 years without finding what we are looking for. But I feel that the end is near. Is it good or bad I can't see. For the time being, we can do both: protect Tugalete and fight against Corsairs. You'll go now to Tugalete, I'll organise the governing and defences of Gigia and then follow you. During the time when we fight against Stygians the warship is built and sent against the Corsairs."
Vladimir was a halfway between Gigia and Tugalete when he heard that Stygians had just captured the city. The Great Library had fallen to the hands of Stygians! Vladimir turned his horse around and rode back to Gigia.
May 12, 2002, 13:38
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Originally posted by Marko
Vladimir was a halfway between Gigia and Tugalete when he heard that Stygians had just captured the city. The Great Library had fallen to the hands of Stygians! Vladimir turned his horse around and rode back to Gigia.
Oh oh.
May 13, 2002, 06:13
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Yes, Vladimir and Marsutan spent too much time wandering around...
Do they have any hope to defeat Stygians now?
May 13, 2002, 19:53
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Theorectically, yes. The quest must be completed before the Sygians discover Summoning. There is normally enough time at Prince level, but when the Great Library is captured by the Stygians they soon find an ancient scroll explaining Sorcery. This is the final step before Summoning. So you have only until the Stygian wizards finish what they're working on now, plus Summoning, which will certainly be next. Your time is very short now. A year at most. Then....
Last edited by techumseh; May 13, 2002 at 20:03.
May 15, 2002, 04:33
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Then I have been even lucky. The Great Library was captured in Re 72 but Marsutan is telling the story about his travel to sultan in Horus 69 (when he returned to Babylon). The Summoning must happen every moment by now.
May 15, 2002, 04:34
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In Anubis 72 Vladimir reached to Gigia and found Marsutan in black thoughts. He had already heard about the fall of Tugalete.
"I afraid that Stygians found an ancient scrolls about The Chamber of Black Arts from The Great Library" said Marsutan. "If they did, then there is little hope remained for our world."
"When the warship will be completed?" asked the knight.
"After 15 months by my estimation" answered the wizard sadly.
"15 months! We can't wait so long! I'll go north and convince the rulers of the barbarian cities Busiris, Pithom and Edfu to join with us" said Vladimir.
"I can't come with you. The warship in Gigia is too important. There is a danger that Stygia will attack the city and one of us must stay and defend it."
"Call me when Stygians appear" said the knight and rode to north.
In Seth 72 he reached to the barbarian city of Pithom. The City Council decided to join with Vladimir's cause.
In Anubis 71 a messenger from Marsutan reached to Pithom and told to Vladimir that Stygians are approaching to the barbarian city of Baiona south-west from Gigia.
Just when Vladimir was leaving the city to travel back to Gigia, he was suddenly attacked by many flying demons. The knight managed to kill 3 demons but the fourth killed him. The Quest of Lord Vladimir was ended.
May 16, 2002, 12:28
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Marsutan felt the death of the Knight immediately. "Things are turned very bad. The Stygians are winning. I have to complete The Quest alone. But am I enough strong for it? The Quest was Vladimir's destiny. My destiny was to help him. Now when he is gone, do we have any hope at all?"
In Osiris 71 the warship was completed at last in Gigia. Marsutan sent it to find the corsairs. He himself decided to remain to the city and protect it in case of Stygian assault. After four months Stygians captured Balona. "Their next target is without doubt Gigia. Time is running very short" thought Marsutan. Fortunately Stygians stopped their offensive and didn't attack Gigia.
The warship hunted corsairs almost a year without any results. And in Anubis 70 she met her doom near Tugalete. Stygians attacked and destroyed the ship with their Blitzen Spell there. But in the same month second warship was completed and sent to sea in Barachaldak.
May 17, 2002, 19:34
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The second warship was a bit luckier than the first. In Horus 70 she found the Corsair ship and attacked it. A fierce battle follows and Corsairs prevailed. They won the battle and sank the warship. Heared this, Marsutan understood that there is nothing to lose now. He took the Blitzen Spell and traveled himself along the coast toward the battle-place.
In Osiris 70 Marsutan found the Corsairs and attacked them with Blitzen Spell. He managed to destroy their fleet and capture Capitan Valasquez. Valasques told that the Stygians enchanted him. But he remembered that far to the north of the Land of Euphrattis is the Sea of Illusion. "Hidden within is the Seer of Illbab. He knows many secrets you desire" said Valasques. He also gave to Marsutan the knowledge of Heroic Arms.
"This Sea of Illusion sounds familiar" thought Marsutan. "I must have heared about it before. Ah yes! The sultan of Euphrattis told me that he sent an expedition to far north and they found a strange Sea from there. It was so close! Had I only paid more attention!"
"Now I need to get back to Euphrattis very fast. For best safety I'll move by walk as much north as possible and trading ship from Gigia will follow me along the coast." Deciding this, Marsutan began his travel back to Euphrattis.
In Nephthys 69 he reached to the land of Illubabori. There he learned a new Expelling Spell. With the help of Illubabori's wise men the spell was able to transport him immediately to Babylon.
May 18, 2002, 10:11
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Horus 69
So ended the story about The Quest. But The Quest itself was not finished yet. "Lord Vladimir is dead and there is only little hope remained for us" said wizard Marsutan. "Still I must not give up the Quest. I have to go to the Sea of Illusion and I need a warship and two heroic infantry units with me."
"You will get them" said emperor. "But are you sure that the Stygians are so great danger for us? They are very aggressive and attack our cities but there is nothing what my armies can't handle. Thank to you we have now Heroic Arms and once the army is upgraded with the new weapons nobody can challenge us!"
"Don't underestimate Stygians. They are backed by far greater forces you can imagine. If we don't stop them, they will open The Gates of Hell and destroy the world as we know it" answered the wizard.
"How you plan to stop them?"
"I don't know yet. But it was prophesied to Vladimir that there is a solution. I hope to find the answer from The Sea of Illusion."
May 19, 2002, 17:18
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Osiris 69 - Thoth 69
In Seth 69 Marsutan left from Nineveh with warship and two infantry units. The third expedition of the long quest had begun.
At the same time intensive fighting with Stygians around southern cities continued. Stygian descent conquered Dariush Kabir a month before Marsutan's departure. It was the first time during Murabi's rule when a city was lost to enemy. Emperor was furious. In Menua's advice he appointed Nebut as military governor of Ergili region and gave him the task of liberating Dariush Kabir.
For Nebut it was a chance for restoring his good name after his mistakes eleven years ago when he was the commander of the Southern army. Whole Eastern army (2 knights, infantry, 2 catapults and 2 archers) was given under his command for the operation. Menua sent a warship from Eastern fleet to the area too.
The Battle of Dariush Kabir was fierce. Warships sank one Stygian Dragon boat after another. When two damaged warships tried to leave from the battle-area then they were attacked by many flying demons. It was incredible bravery of sailors combined with a pure luck that saved both ships at last.
In land an infantry unit what was moving toward the city met suddenly Stygian Hell Fire unit and was destroyed. The Stygian unit was trapped and killed in next month. And in Thoth 69 Dariush Kabir was liberated by swift assault of knights.
May 21, 2002, 18:43
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Ptah 69 - Amon 69
Emperor was very satisfied with the fast victory achieved by Nebut. At first he wanted to appoint Nebut as a commander of Eastern army but Plengor was very strongly against it. He pointed out that Nebut lost one heroic infantry unit during the battle - a loss what shouldn't happen.
So Murabi decided to form Ergili province from Ergili, Dariush Kabir, Larsa and Athribis cities and appointed Nebut as the governor of the province. All military units in the region were left under Nebut's command and the Eastern army was to be re-formed in Amaia.
But in Amon 69 terrible news came from eastern part of the Empire. Previously unseen Stygian creature Lucifer descended from Northern mountains and attacked Samaria. All the city garrison was destroyed and the city was occupied by Stygian Ghost Riders. Later the Lucifer, who moved with incredible speed, attacked cities of Tyre and Nineveh killing all their garrisons.
May 23, 2002, 14:35
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Amon 69
The emperor called Plengor and Menua to his palace for urgent War Council. "What to do against this new Stygian assault?" was his main question.
"I don't know" answered Plengor. "Our best unit for defence is heroic infantry. But if the reports are true then they have no chance against Lucifer. We can only hope that he will go away."
"But we can and we must liberate Samaria from these ghost riders" said emperor. "Where are our armies?"
"Coastal army is entrenched along the Western Sea. The bulk of Northern army is in Istakhr, few units are in Pilona. Southern army is in Khorasan. Eastern army has only a catapult unit now because all its units were sent to Ergili province.
Northern army is the only available force but we need to transport it back to Pilona" concluded Plengor.
"Warship is now returning from the battle of Dariush Kabir. After 3 months it will be ready for transporting the army over" said Menua.
"In future it is neccessary to form a reserv army for such cases" said emperor. "But now the Northern army must liberate the city of Samaria."
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