August 26, 2000, 14:15
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I'm a long time chess player and prefer stratgy games to blood and guts like Quake or Doom.
I've tried various Combat Flight Sims but find that I kill targets 1 plane/target. This makes it kind of hard on the manning charts.
My list contains:
Ceasar II
Silent Hunter
Fast Attack
Redstorm Rising (Sub Sim)
Sim City
Jane's 688(I)
CIV II MGE and 2.42 (CD Version)
Age of Rifles
Harpoon Classic CD and Harpoon II AE
Conquest of the New World Deluxe
Raptor: Call of the Shadow
August 29, 2000, 11:02
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I like the list of games that has been made by everyone, but I would add a small pre Civ 1 game called Conquest, that ran of one 3 1/2 disk, but was great it was because of that I bought civ 1 all those years ago.
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August 29, 2000, 21:42
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You played conquest! That was a great game. I have had it since 1994 and enjoyed it every time I played it.
Here's another few pre-civ games- Dig-dug and Cats
August 30, 2000, 00:12
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Originally posted by Ken Hinds on 08-26-2000 02:15 PM
I'm a long time chess player...
Ken, you might want to check this thread out:
Close game so far.
Frodo lives!
Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
August 30, 2000, 02:51
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Edit to remove post and repost in proper thread. Sory about that people. It wouldn't let me just delete the post.
[This message has been edited by Ken Hinds (edited August 30, 2000).]
September 1, 2000, 14:47
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I play dad's games his taste isn't too bad and it gets me out of coughing up for them.
My personal favourites are;
Might and Magic 6-8 (or as Dad's girlfriend always calls it Mice and Magic)
Dungeons and Dragons yep it got me hooked at an early age!
Daggerfall is good although I wouldn't try the second one it's pathetic!
I also quite like the sim games.
September 2, 2000, 04:38
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Wow..thinking back to the old days....The very first game I got addicted too was Police Quest 1.... Several friends and I spent hours solving that game.... My favorite games of course would be Legends of Zelda, Final fantasy and Civilization 2... Of all games tho, nothing compares to Civ2... Its just so addictive.... I've had age of empires, Warcraft, Romance of the three kingdoms but this game is always there, just waiting to be started up.... Nothing compares, Civ2 is the best...
September 2, 2000, 18:04
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Space Sims
X-Wing Alliance
Tie Fighter
Real Time Games
Star Wars Rebellion
Age of Empires
Turn Based
Civilization II MPG
Pente-An ancient game using pebbles.
"Adorare Christantine!!!"
Chrisonian Decree #1
September 2, 2000, 20:01
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Diablo 2
WC Series
AoE Series
C&C Series
September 7, 2000, 17:40
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I liked Railroad Tycoon 1+2 (I personally think the first is better because it was made by Sid Meier)
Just about all of the Sims, Descent Freespace and just about anything else
What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what its all about?
Contact me at
September 7, 2000, 18:58
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Damn double posts, will I never learn?
[This message has been edited by johnmcd (edited September 07, 2000).]
September 7, 2000, 18:59
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Well, there are a million old games but the one that made me want to play Civ was Populous (if you know what I mean) I downloaded it this weekend and it still rules! and its so small a programme I thought it couldn't be the full game.
Today I like Shogun, Counterstrike and Team Fortress Classic for Halflife. Also, Goldeneye and Legend of Zelda on the N64 are hard to beat and Metal Gear Solid is a quality title.
I also just got an X-Com collection and finally understand what all the fuss was about. How come no one else has mentioned them? Eh?
I can't wait for the next one, that'll rock!
September 12, 2000, 20:33
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 09-01-2000 02:47 PM
My personal favourites are;
Might and Magic 6-8 ...
Scouse Gits, take a peek at my homepage
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September 13, 2000, 00:15
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Already have done, Rib. A very nice page it is too - as long as you don't mind all those little green fellows squishing under your boots
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
September 13, 2000, 00:29
Caesar I,II,III.
Fallout2 - VERY good RPG.
and when i'm bored : GTA2.
September 13, 2000, 00:34
what am I? an idiot???
I forgot :
C&C series.
Sim City
RRT - but not for long, it gets boring IMO.
Colonization - great memories from a great game.
and of course Civ&SMAC
September 13, 2000, 06:23
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I don't play all that many different games, but here's a few I like, and play(ed) frequently (besides Civ2):
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty, This is probably the next best game I have. I'm still trying to get my hands on the first part, Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines,
Grand Theft Auto, just brilliant
Need for Speed II
Age of Empires
Transport Tycoon
Queen: The Eye; this one's nice, not really my kind of game, but hey, a Queen fan should have it.
And a long time ago: Civilization, and even longer ago I played Commander Keen  a lot.
[This message has been edited by Mercator (edited September 13, 2000).]
September 13, 2000, 14:11
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Best games I ever played just to name a few...
Sim City
X-Com UFO Defence
Civilization II
Worms Armageddon
Just getting into Railroad Tycoon II
September 14, 2000, 07:07
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Back on the c64:
Legacy of the ancients
Bards tale
Archon II: adept
Battletech: the crescent hawk's inception
early pc days (the 8086 I bought at a garage sale):
Fairy Godmom
Moraff's world
Later on:
Master Of Orion, this is even more addicting than Civ! I don't think of it as much when away from it, but while playing, I can't make myself stop.
X wing
Jill of the jungle
Diablo (I finally took time from civ2 to load it)
Transport Tycoon
September 14, 2000, 18:24
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Transport Tycoon DLX
SimCity 3000
All the X-COM games, which I bought in a compilation pack for only £15 last week.
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Star Trek Armada
Settlers 2
SimCity 2000
UFO: Enemy Unknown (again)
The Settlers
Perfect Dark
September 15, 2000, 09:05
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I've always wanted to get my two cents in on this.
Here goes . . .
Present PC:
Civ II (Of course)
Carmageddon-utterly tasteless, but a blast!
Hardball 5-been on the hard drive for a long time.
Seven Kingdoms-it grows on you after awhile.
Colonization-arrgh! Didn't you hate those horsemen
sitting on your property!
C&C series
Civil War Generals II
Sim City 2000
Alien vs. Predator-creepy, man.
Old PC:
Wolfenstein 3D-I loved killing those Nazis.
Dracula Unleashed-interactive movie game.
Playstation & others:
MLB 2001
Tomorrow Never Dies-loved the sniper mode.
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
Dead or Alive
Games that stood a chance, if only . . .
Lords of the Realm II
Railroad Tycoon II
Conquest of the New World Deluxe
Seven Kingdoms II
(funny how these are all sequels or update editions)
Old Sega games;
NBA Jam (Oh my! He's on fire!)
Mortal Kombat
Most disappointing or worst game of all time:
X-Com: UFO Defense
I'll never hear the end on that last one. But it breaks the cardinal rule about any game I buy.
September 15, 2000, 14:07
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I`m afraid I`m going to have to step in here. What`s so bad about UFO: Enemy Unknown? (It`s the same game incase you were wondering).
September 17, 2000, 03:00
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Originally posted by Paul Hanson on 09-15-2000 02:07 PM
I`m afraid I`m going to have to step in here. What`s so bad about UFO: Enemy Unknown? (It`s the same game incase you were wondering).
Ummm, I've tried playing this game, and playing this game and . . . I just can't get past the first half of the thing. I get smoked by the aliens every time. It got so frustrating I nearly pulled the computer out of the wall. The game just got to me, I guess. I liked the concept, the eerie tone of the game, but it was nearly impossible to beat. My cardinal rule is that if you're not having fun playing the game, then it's not worth it. Believe me, I'd like to play UFO:Enemy Unknown, but not at the price of pulling my hair out. I've even searched the net for any, I mean any, guidebooks or faqs to make the game easier--even cheat codes. I'm really not saying it's the worst game, just the most disappointing. Perhaps I need to try some of the sequels, but I don't like to play sequels until I've played and beaten the original.
September 17, 2000, 06:58
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weird, its a great game. What difficulty level were you playing it at?
September 17, 2000, 08:11
Let's see, there's:
Civ II (of course  )
SimCity 3000
SimCity 2000
Age of Empires I
SimAnt (don't ask  )
Computer RPGs (like the King's Quest series) are also addictive...
September 17, 2000, 09:03
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Sim Ant rules! it was my favourite game after I'd finished with Populous!
September 17, 2000, 14:27
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Maybe, I wouldn't know, it was the third strategy game I'd played (Chess and Populous the others)and I was very little, and I loved ants.
Its was cool.
September 17, 2000, 18:02
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Longfistking: If you think Enemy Unknown is tough, you should try X-COM Apocalypse. Damn, that one is a real *****...
Anyway, if you find that you keep getting toasted on it, the best advice I can offer is to research heavy plasma guns a soon as possible. And during a combat, keep saving the game. If your men die, load the game again and keep trying various methods until you pull through.
September 18, 2000, 00:12
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-Civilization II
-Final Fantasy, VII and VIII
-Freespace I and II
-Total Annihilation
-Baldur´s Gate
-Warcraft II
-Master of Orion II
-ST Armada
-Perfect Dark
-Chrono Trigger
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