My question is what is the map/world going to be like. How many terrains, what format of file (binary like CTP2) and is it going to be at all similar to CTP2 and also does Firaxis have any programs such as bmp2ctp2 to create user maps. The only reason I ask this is as I finish my bmp map for CTP2/CTP/convertable to civ2 what should I be prepared to allow... more terrains or the same... is it going to be useful in the new civ title? Just a few questions from the guy who loves to map.
Originally posted by OmniGod on 02-19-2001 10:38 PM
My question is what is the map/world going to be like. How many terrains, what format of file (binary like CTP2) and is it going to be at all similar to CTP2 and also does Firaxis have any programs such as bmp2ctp2 to create user maps. The only reason I ask this is as I finish my bmp map for CTP2/CTP/convertable to civ2 what should I be prepared to allow... more terrains or the same... is it going to be useful in the new civ title? Just a few questions from the guy who loves to map.
Omnigod is the best map designer ever!!! I am overjoyed he plans to convert his World Map to Civ2 and Civ3 format.
Unfortunately I don't know the answer to your question, Omnigod, but it would be worthwile asking Firaxis directly (mentioning how good a designer you are, of course).
I believe that Firaxis will have a new map editor or none at all, however the editor most likely will be 3d: but just go to the official Civ3 site and ask the question in the appropriate section- they may answer it for you.