As the cold winter in on the Jaca river receded blood flowed as if it was a vein. The river wasnt the originator of the blood but only the carrier. The battle many Miles upriver of the Jaca was so brutal and stomache turning not even words could describe it.
The warriors of the Danab tribe north many days travel away grew jealous of the wealth the Jaca tribe held. The jealousy became hate and the hate became death. For the Jaca people held many secrets and they fought with precision using swordsmen that held shields to block hits and sharp metal weapons that didnt break like stone axes used many years before.
Yet even with these advantages the Jaca tribe was defeated. Quantity has always destroyed quality.
Soon the Danab tribe camped outside the Jaca tribes outer laying cities. The city was defended with spearmen that were heavily armored and were undefeated in battles which involved them.
Deep inside the Jaca tribes territory a secret was held. Not as much a secret,a myth.
The myth was told by the the leader of the ancient Jaca tribe. Noone was around to still know it. But over 500 years earlier the priest and leader of the Jaca tribe told of a vision he had. The people would come under war in the distant future and be defeated in every battle they chanced to fight in. But a great warrior would rise above the people of the Jaca and lead them to victory. The priest soon later died of natural causes most likely from the frightening dream he had.
The tribe's people soon began to expand. Expand militarily and in territory. They defeated the Egyptians a decade passed and they fought the Babylonians. They soon found they could expand only so far before there empire surpassed the Great Sun mountains gaze.
They stopped expanding and held there. Not knowing what to do frightened to go any further in fear of the world to far from there Humble beginning.
So they stayed and built great wonders. Great wonders that time could never destroy. They had great rulers that would sometimes expand there great army and train more men. Then another Ruler would believe they should end there army since they were the only inhabitants in the Sun Mountains gaze.
Until the Danab came. Through the Great Desert they came. They unlike the Jaca they did not fear the world outside of there originating place.
So the Jaca invited there people to come and visit there wonders. But by doing this the jealousy was created and the war began. The people of the Danab were dedicated they came fast and furious with people from there cities. They had little to no armor on. They carried flint stone axes and attacked an outlying city of the Jaca. They Jaca had no idea they would be attacked and soon created an army to defeat this enemy.
They lost every battle for it was the myth. After they lost the first battle they did not believe it was the myth. But soon they did. There armies were slaughtered. As if a divine light came down on the earth and froze them in time for the enemy to slaughter. The end of the Jaca was soon to be and here is where the story only begins.
The soldiers gathered around the fire. Inside the great home city of Jaca with its mighty walls nothing could enter unless they allowed it. Great sounds of lightning and flashes that his the ground from the death filled sky startled the soldiers but did not make them run. They had seen this before and it was known to them that it was only natural for it to happen.
They heard the howls of the attackers outside the walls and heard thumping against the mighty Iron and wood doors. Then the smell of smoke filled the air. The enemy had thought of a new way to get in. burn and weaken the doors.
The men readied themselves. put on there helms of Iron. Ran there hands along there spears which they had carried since childhood. For it was the way of the people to do what there ancestors had done. The upper class owned the lands which the poor farmed. The Class which rented the land from the upper class were Soldiers. They were payed highly and worked for it.
Soon the door had burned enough to weaken so when the men outside of it rammed it with a battering ram it began to collapse. The spearmen gathered in formation in front of the door and put out there spears. In layers the spearmen were set up. When the man in the battle fell another came up in his place.
So the doors fell upon the earth. Archers on the walls fired down on the mad running men hunting them as if they were deer in the forest. Shooting with the aim of the gods. They struck many and many others ran. The spearmen covered in Leather and iron were only bruised by the attackers blood was not drawn. The attackers flooded into the city yet all fell. The defenders becoming tired but the battle had been won. They moved back to a small amount of tree's and worked through the night to chop them down and pull them up to the door. a block to stop any attacker from running in.
A young man lazily carried the trunk with 5 others to the door. Laying the trunk down and piling it upon others.
"What is your name boy" said an aging fighter with scars all over his face.
"My name is Layo" Replied the young man
"You are the reason the people have lost hope u know that" said the man
"I have fought in battles also, we have no way to attack and the myth says we will lose until we gain a great leader to lead us to the enemy, I have no need to rush" said Layo
"If u rush we may have time to eat our dinner before the sun comes up, haha" said the old man
"And what is your own name friend?"
"My name is Gregor" the old man replied.
"Well Gregor what do u feel about this war, How do u think it will end?" said a man in the back of the line of men going to get another trunk.
"It will end when I die cuz i dont feel like carrying all the weight for all u young kids" replied Gregor.
(Chuckles in the back of the line)
"With age, hate grows bolder and bolder" said Layo
Dont feel like typing anymore

getting tired

part 2 coming soon to a forum near u.