Thanks Sir Ralph,
I own only Call To Power2 at present(I got it when it first came out), but of course like all civ fans i'd buy any and all civ-like games(anyone know where i can pick up Imperialism2?). Its just that after being stung by Activision over a year ago(with CTP2), i decided to be more caustious when buying a new game. And for myself i'm glad i decided to hold off on Civ3(I need MP).
I know this poll is going to be a foregone conclusion depending on where it is posted, but i was kinda intrested in how much of a foregone conclusion
I cant believe that it's now looking like the ball has been dropped(and IMHO clear punted into orbit!) two consecutive times by the respective teams(ah....the simple pleasure of a sport metaphor), and with probablly the ONLY game in the world that needs (still) to be done well(would it really have hurt to wait till both games were at least 90% finished???).
I just found when i went to my local HMV that they were selling CTP2 for £5 and i thought that as i now play it alot(with Mods Craddle/Med Mod-sorry to hear you had problems) and it just gets better all the time(a very active Mod Community), if people were feeling a bit ripped off over Civ3(not everyone i know), then they might like to know there is a very cheap alternative.
I guess i might be leaving myself open to the 'CTP2 sucks - Civ3 rules' stuff(or the other way round!), but thats cool......people are entitled to their opinions.I've got CTP2(Modded)rules!!!!(i can't comment on Civ3 as i haven't played it)
Maybe some other company will see there is a gap at the momment in the 'epic guide mankind thru history in multiplayer turn based gaming' market
Anyone want to set-up a games company.....oh better make that a publisher as well
EDIT: CivIII 15 - CTPII 9 well, not quite as pro Civ3 as i thought it would be(but then not many voted), still maybe some kind of message comes out of this. If Civ3 has alienated alot of the 'civ' fans then what's its long-term future? Let's hope Fireaxis continues to support the game and we all continue to make a positive contribution to that process.