Men, it's filling of Admiral out here
Satellite main limits is... usually you end game centuries before they become available!
In SMAC, factions other than human almost never build satellite, don't mention proper use it.
If game AI can keep up the game for so long, I think satellite should:

1) recon satelites-makes all of the AI's moves visable to the owner
This is a bit too much. I remember SMACX (I played only SMAC) has satellite that help visibility around (and defense of) city that launched it.
That's better, but don't model real use of satellites for Intelligence purpose.
My proposal: when you launch a satellite you must set witch city it will surveil (you can point to yours -for defense purpose - or enemy cities as well). Surveillance will extend on a large surrounding area (e.g. 5x5 squares). You can see enemy movement (only military units or any kind) inside surveilled area. I know real satellites surveil around their orbit, not in a fixed area: mine proposal is only a simplified model.
If you like more, you can set not only city, but any square on map as center of surveilled area. A view filter can show as "shadowed" any area under satellite control.

2) communications satelites-gives all units +50% mobility (through unit coordination and rapid response times)
You are speaking more about the GPS net here, because simple communication aren't so enhanced: +50% movement is acceptable for ground units, a bit too much for sea and air units, IMHO. Adding a square can be enough.

3)ASATs-satelite killers
SMAC has same units, and it use them instead of CIV 2 SDI city facility against nuclear missiles, as against other satellites (hope I remember right: as I mentioned AI never used them against me

Interesting topic, rank collegue

Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant