4000bc - Apolyton founded. Workers set about catching fish. The Marquis de Sodaq is elected as our first president.
3900bc - Our second settler tips the hut, finding an archer. The archer pokes about, then heads toward Apolyton to defend our fine city.
3750bc - Our wise men concoct a method of ceremonial burial.
3700bc - Sodaq founded. The Marquis is named marquis.
3500bc - Tipped hut gives Warrior Code.
3100bc - Our wise men organize a monarchy.
3050bc - Marquis de Sodaq crowned King de Sodaq

People rejoice, spontaneously bursting into song all across the land. Nubile young maidens flock to the palace in search of various "internships".
2650bc - Paha Sapa founded.
2400bc - Wise men discover bronze working. Fishy founded, fishermen set about catching fish.
2150bc - Wise men discover map making. What a bunch of geniuses. All are given a fine silk bookmark as an appreciation gift.
1700bc - Wise men discover currency. They just won't slow down! More gifts to wise men.
1500bc - Nomads found in hut on north island.
1400bc - Ten Zuiden and Walvis Baai settled. Fishermen get busy.
1350bc - Advanced tribe of Rivertown found on western island.
1300bc - Wise men discover trade! Wise men all given 100 shares of camel futures.
975bc - Wise men discover writing. President Sodaq steps down as leader of the Apolytonian people.

Women wail in the streets, men shout despondently.