April 1, 2002, 02:02
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WW2 scenario including the U.S
I was wondering if anyone was willing to make a scenario about WW2 but that would include America. At the beginning there could be a pop up message telling you that you have just been bombed by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. The object would be to retaliate against the Japan and help the Winston Churchill defeat Hitler and the Nazis. To make the game more interesting the Japanese might want to try to invade instead of just waiting to be bombed. I think this would make a great scn because the Activision scn on WW2 was easy to pass and didn't acknowledge the U.S or the Japanese. Anyways... let me know if anyone is willing to make this scn?
April 1, 2002, 07:55
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Iverson, Have you considered making your own scenario?
Its not necessarily straightforward but it is relatively simple. There are plenty of guides and threads to help you and if you get stuck on the SLIC there is always someone prepared to help.
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)
April 2, 2002, 01:25
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sorry to be such a pain but I want to get started in making my first scen and I was wondering the software needed to create animations for sprites or at least to read the spr.files because I can't tell which unit is which?
I was also wondering how to make a slc where there's only a certain advance you can get. And where can you edit what you get when you get a certain advance. I looked in advance and buildlist. I'm gonna try and create a scen with the U.s and I'm gonna experiment with the message and alert boxes. I'l try a little bit with the events.
Well i'm gonna try and get started but it's gonna be tough with school starting tommorrow and all those lame classes.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
April 2, 2002, 15:01
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Iverson, Can you be a bit more specific about advances. The scenarios which come with the game might be able to help a little. FE the Alexander scenario shows you how to limit the possible advances available.
Regarding unit animations, its not something I've done but check the previous threads. I know Pedrunn has been involved in a lot of previous discussiosn regarding sprites.
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)
April 2, 2002, 18:32
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Originally posted by iverson_nba_mvp
sorry to be such a pain but I want to get started in making my first scen and I was wondering the software needed to create animations for sprites or at least to read the spr.files because I can't tell which unit is which?
I was also wondering how to make a slc where there's only a certain advance you can get. And where can you edit what you get when you get a certain advance. I looked in advance and buildlist. I'm gonna try and create a scen with the U.s and I'm gonna experiment with the message and alert boxes. I'l try a little bit with the events.
Well i'm gonna try and get started but it's gonna be tough with school starting tommorrow and all those lame classes.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Firstly, welcome to the community.
1. Spirtes: you can tell what sprite is what by looking in newsprite.txt and the number next to the unit definition refers to what sprite number the unit is.
2. SLIC file. We'll need more info for that one. What exactly do you need the script to do? Do you mean that certain civs can only research certain advances?
- As for what advances you can research after an advance, it is called a "PrerequisiteAdvance" in the new advance.
- If you want to allow new units on an advance, in units.txt go to the unit and look at the "EnableAdvance" line. This is the same for buildings and wonders in buildings.txt and wonders.txt.
Hope this helps.
April 3, 2002, 00:20
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Thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to find a map on where to place my scn which will be hard because I'm going to have to exclude settlers because I have to use the World Map so I can show europe, america, and japan.
I'm really worried about how I'm going to place accurate cities on the map. It's going to take more research than I had expected. And to put the Japanese as a threat I'm going to give them a decent army because they don't have that many cities.
I'm looking for a slic that will not let any civ research past making weapons of mass destruction. I don't want it to be WW2 and for there to be nukes and fusion tanks. I'm gonna try and group units evenly among advances so that you don't get all the units in a couple of advances. I'll also try to get each civ to build units they posses (I'll look in the Activision WW2 scn for a slic similar to this) I'm still trying to figure out which units America, Britain, and Japan are going to have that no other civ can build.(unique unit)
Oh, before I forget, I was sucessful in getting the units replaced by using the newsprite, but I can't change the icon. I thought it was done using uniticon.txt but I get that "Unit_Alexander_icon not found" or something like that. I also tried to use units. txt and change the "warrior" icon to the Alexander one but i get the same thing.
Again thanx to Dale and Tigger for helping me and I'll try to keep you posted.
Last edited by iverson_nba_mvp; April 3, 2002 at 01:00.
April 3, 2002, 02:36
Local Time: 08:25
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Originally posted by iverson_nba_mvp
Thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to find a map on where to place my scn which will be hard because I'm going to have to exclude settlers because I have to use the World Map so I can show europe, america, and japan.
That's cool. Another way is to have two scenarios, Pacific and Europe.
I'm really worried about how I'm going to place accurate cities on the map. It's going to take more research than I had expected. And to put the Japanese as a threat I'm going to give them a decent army because they don't have that many cities.
You should be able to have two cities on Japan, a couple in Manchuria, and maybe an island or two in the Pacific. That's at least 5 cities I can think of.
I'm looking for a slic that will not let any civ research past making weapons of mass destruction. I don't want it to be WW2 and for there to be nukes and fusion tanks. I'm gonna try and group units evenly among advances so that you don't get all the units in a couple of advances. I'll also try to get each civ to build units they posses (I'll look in the Activision WW2 scn for a slic similar to this) I'm still trying to figure out which units America, Britain, and Japan are going to have that no other civ can build.(unique unit)
Here's a quiet suggestion (and bit of advertising for my new MOD  ). Have you had a look at the World At War MOD? It's got a specific WAW_advance.txt that only allows techs from powered flight to nuclear reactions. It might pay to take a look at the tech tree in there for ideas.
Also, WAW_units.txt shows how to implement units for specific civs (the easiest way is just to say "okay, only democracies can build these units, communists these units" and then force the AI's to particular governments.). As for making civ-specific units, Cradle MOD has a SLIC file (it's a MOD_ script) that stops units being build except for the correct civ. Dave can give you a better explanation for that one.
Oh, before I forget, I was sucessful in getting the units replaced by using the newsprite, but I can't change the icon. I thought it was done using uniticon.txt but I get that "Unit_Alexander_icon not found" or something like that. I also tried to use units. txt and change the "warrior" icon to the Alexander one but i get the same thing.
In uniticon.txt you need the new ICON_UNIT_BLAH_BLAH line. The actual link to the graphics files are in there (can't remember which specific command is which thing in the game).
Again thanx to Dale and Tigger for helping me and I'll try to keep you posted. [/QUOTE]
NP. Glad to be of help.
April 8, 2002, 01:04
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I changed my mind about my scen and i decided to make it about the D-Day invasion. Dale's mod "World at War" was of great help.
I've already made a General Eisenhower and I've made everybody have their own infantry(like the WW2 scn). I'm also working on making paratroopers for each country. I think it's too complicated to put a different tank for each country, so I'm just going to let everybody choose which tank they want to build making the better ones longer to build. I've also made everybody unable to research techs and build wonders (I also made everybody a Democracy except Germany that has communism).
I made it just for fun but i'm stuck trying to make the Germans hate everybody, everybody hating them, and the allies liking themselves. I used some stuff i found in the activision WW2 scn and i'm almost done. I only get this error everytime i load that says there's a problem in the script. I think the problem is that it says " ID_WW_Blank" in the part before it says "turn max". I found ww_blank in the english, gamedata, scn_str.txt. I don't know how to put that in my scn. I've tried a bunch of different combinations but it still won't work .
If anyone knows how to help me out and how to make that work please HELP!!!!!!
April 9, 2002, 09:36
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Could you post the exact error message your getting, the SLIC file that's giving you the error and all the text files from the english folder which you changed for the scenario? If we have all those things I'm sure we can point out the error easily enough...
April 10, 2002, 00:49
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I modified the waw_gl_str but only to rename some units and has nothing to do with the error i'm getting. I also renamed some civs in the civ_str but that's all i modified.
the slic i'm getting a error in is in the scenario.slc because i got the part of the ww2 scn.slc that says player 1,2,3,4,5 and the parts that of the german regard and i cut and paste it in my scenario.slc. I copied it from the part that says:
"//Make everybody hate the germans" to the part that says
"LogRegardEvent(5,4, 1000, 0, ID_WW_Blank, turnMax);
Here's the exact error message i'm getting:
"C:\PROGRAMFILES\ACTIVISION\CALLtoPOWER2\scenario\W W2D-DayInvasion\scen0000\default\gamedata\scenario.slc :12:syntax error"
i think it has something to do with id_ww_blank. I found it in the ww2 english gamedata folder in the scen_str.txt but i don't know where to put it in my english gamedata folder.
If it's not too much to ask i also tried getting my unit to have automatic veteran status and for those in his army and i also get some kind of error.
April 10, 2002, 09:49
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You can place the WW_BLANK string anywhere in the english folder, it doesn't really matter where (scen_str.txt is usually a good place for scenario specific strings  ).
The SLIC error you're getting has nothing to do with the WW_BLANK thing, a 'syntax error' is an error in the way you wrote the code down, you might have forgetten a ';' or '{' somewhere or misspelled a name or something, in the vicinity of line 12 of the scenario.slc file. It's usually something really simple and silly (but that makes it all the harder to track it down, if you're not too experienced). If you can't find any obvious error yourself, post the file or mail it to me, I (as well as Dale and some others around here) should be able to find the error in less than 2 minutes...
April 10, 2002, 09:53
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Originally posted by iverson_nba_mvp
If it's not too much to ask i also tried getting my unit to have automatic veteran status and for those in his army and i also get some kind of error.
Well, again, post the code and post the exact error you're getting and we'll gladly see if we can figure out what's going wrong.
April 10, 2002, 22:11
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-Locutus: here's the scenario.slc form my scenario that is giving me problems.
If there are any problems in the script, main,......I'm using all the WaW files from Dale's mod.
Thankx for all the help.
April 10, 2002, 23:15
Local Time: 08:25
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Try the attached file. I've added two very important lines for your script:
HandleEvent(BeginTurn) 'BeginGameRegard' pre {
This basically says, "At the beginning of the turn, do this before anything else."
This basically says, "We only want this to run on the first turn, and only once, so disable it for the rest of the game."
Hope this helps.
April 12, 2002, 00:26
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Dale: thankx for the scenario.slc. I didn't get a syntax error message. The only problem is that i got the turn max error.
I tried erasing it from the slc and it seemed to work, because the game started and all. Then, i noticed that the slc wasn't even working. I mean the my friends didn't even like me and didn't want to give me alliances let alone peace treaties. And the germans wanted cease-fires with everyone. I tried to increase the loss in regard from -1000 to -9999. That also didn't work.
I'm lost and i tried about fifty different things and none of them seemed to work. I even tried putting a turnMax. I copied it exactly alike from the Actv WW2 scn.
"turnMax = 83 ;" and i copied and pasted the turnlength from that scn to mine but it still didn't work I got this message.
"symbol turnMax undefined" and
"turnMax used in assignment in unknown type"
I don't know what to do next. I revised the whole ww2 scenario slice and i didn't find a clue as how they made it so that everyone hates the Germans for the remainder of the scenario.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Is the turnMax located somewhere else or is it just that i'm stupid and I can't find it? (i think it's that one)
April 12, 2002, 00:36
Local Time: 08:25
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Sorry about that. Two additions to the slic:
int_t turnMax; // Defines the variable turnMax
turnMax = XXX; // Assigns a value to turnMax (see below)
With the assign statement (turnMax = XXX; ) you will need to modify the XXX part to however many turns are in the game. IE: if you have 1000 turns in the scenario, then change XXX to 999.
Hope this helps.
April 12, 2002, 22:48
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-Dale, the modifications you made on the slc stopped the crashing of the game but i don't think the slc is working. The germans love everybody and the allies hate me.
If you want here's my scenario so far. I've looked at everything and i can't figure out what's wrong. Don't laugh at my scenario it's still a work in progress.
April 12, 2002, 22:58
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Here it is:
April 12, 2002, 23:18
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April 15, 2002, 23:51
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I've been getting these error messages on my scen.slc because i've tried to make one of my units veteran. i placed the following lines in my slc:
"unit_t archerUnit;" because i replaced my archer's name in the gl_str.txt but it's still practically the same unit except for increased stats.
"// Refresh Veteran effect for Generals
i also put in "include "WAW_func.slc"
In the WAW_func.slc i erased everything but this:
// Turns units near Generals into Veteran and all other units non Veteran
void_f VeteranEffect ()
int_t i;
int_t j;
unit_t tmpUnit;
int_t tmpNum;
int_t numUnits;
int_t tmpPlayer;
for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
if (IsPlayerAlive(i)) {
player[0] = i;
tmpPlayer = player[0];
numUnits = player[0].units;
// Make all units non veteran
for (j = 0; j < numUnits; j = j + 1) {
GetUnitByIndex(tmpPlayer, j, tmpUnit);
ToggleVeteran(tmpUnit, 0);
// Make all Units veterans who share the location of the Generals
if (archerUnit.valid) {
tmpNum = GetUnitsAtLocation(archerUnit.location);
for (i = 0; i < tmpNum; i = i + 1) {
GetUnitFromCell(archerUnit.location, i, tmpUnit);
ToggleVeteran(tmpUnit, 1);
the error i get is that archerUnit is undefined. If anyone knows what i need to change please let me know.
April 16, 2002, 00:38
Local Time: 08:25
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Firstly, here's the fixed up scenario.slc from ages ago where everyone will be agro for 1000 turns.
I'm looking at the other problem you mentioned and should have an answer for you soon.
April 16, 2002, 01:21
Local Time: 08:25
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In your units.txt, what is the internal name of the leader unit? IE UNIT_LEADER.
April 16, 2002, 07:53
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the error i get is that archerUnit is undefined. If anyone knows what i need to change please let me know.
I can't access your files right now but where did you place the line 'unit_t archerUnit;'? And do you also assign a value to archerUnit somewhere? In the code you posted the unit never actually contains a value, it's an empty variable, and you can't get the location from a unit that doesn't exist ('cause that's what an empty unit variable represents)...
April 16, 2002, 08:03
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No need to worry mate. I've re-written his code a fair bit to get the leader/veteren units working. I have the whole code finished except for the units.txt name of the unit (UNIT_LEADER or whatever it is). That's the only thing I need to finish it up.
April 16, 2002, 08:18
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Oh, okay.
April 16, 2002, 19:23
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the internal name of the unit in the unit.txt is Unit_ARCHER.
April 16, 2002, 20:09
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Here's your leader script. It'll look for any archers and veteren every unit in that cell. Read through the attached file and you'll see I've labelled what goes into scenario.slc and what goes into WAW_mod.slc. If you copy and paste those lines into those files, it should work.
Of course the standard disclaimer applys: not tested, not guarenteed.
April 16, 2002, 20:36
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Sorry, forgot to attach the file.
April 17, 2002, 00:20
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Where exactly do the lines for the scenario.slc go? i tried putting them at the start and they won't work.Where do they go?
April 17, 2002, 01:21
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when i don't get a message that i have a "syntax error" i get one that there is no function for Veteran Effect.
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