F.A. Screen Problem & Local Solution
Thought I'd post in case you've got this and how I got the problem resolved.
The Foreign Advisor screen was not displaying all the leaders of civs I had made contact with. Their portrait was missing from the FA screen (even though I could see them listed on the Trade Advisor screen). Moving cursor over where they should be produced a blank circle, which when clicked would result in communication with a leader who was displayed in another portrait on the FA screen. This graphic problem occurred in all my games after I applied the 1.7f patch. (I have a GeForce 3 T200.)
So, after finishing my last game I deinstalled CIV III, reinstalled and re-applied the 1.7f patch. I previously had applied the patch over 1.6 and my existing install of CIV III.
This deinstall, reinstall, repatch straight to 1.7f fixed the problem.
Last edited by Howling Chip; April 2, 2002 at 03:01.