February 25, 2001, 01:03
Civ3 Futer Improvments
In Ctp2 I noticed the improvments in the futer made the game to hard to play and brang the game down. In civ2 the the game finishes at 2020, I was wondering if Firaxis will make civ3 continue longer, and if so how much longer. I think maybee it should continue to about 2120 and then finish.
On the other hand Firaxis could proberly make the game even better in the futer, by creating stuff like space trade routes, alien planets and space colinization. I'm not too sure, but if Firaxis do it right it could benifit to the game instad of bringing it down. When do you ppl think it should end and what should they add in the futer?
February 25, 2001, 01:39
Born Again Optimist
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"Future"? Maybe "futer" is an Australian spelling?
I think going further into the future could be really fun, but I doubt Firaxis will do too much if any of that. I hope I'm wrong...2200 would be a fine stopping point for me if the 2000-2200 era had anything interesting to add.
February 25, 2001, 05:15
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Wish I had something helpful to say.
Future is spelled 'futer' if (and only if) your name is really Bruce (or Michael) - can we call you Bruce to make it easier.
Sorry, just been...
February 25, 2001, 08:46
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I am afraid I don't like future technologies at all and hope Firaxis ends the game at the present.
February 25, 2001, 09:09
i hope Civ3 stops at 2050. the future is something maybe for SMAC 2 if it will ever come. at least i don't want to be obligued to play with future techs!
February 25, 2001, 09:28
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This has already been discussed a million times... You see, no update, no forum.
February 25, 2001, 20:26
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Umm, Brisbane is in Queensland, not NSW.
Unless "Brisbane" is a little outback "blink (and you'll miss it) town".
February 25, 2001, 23:09
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I think the game should end around 2050 but turns should become six month turns around 1950 allowing us conquerers to conquer the world (if we were a little late in getting started)and the empire builders to eliminate a few opponents who have the edge in the space race (or in research). Two hundred turns after 1950 is enough to finish the game and go through the modern era and a little of the future to.
Sulla-The last dictator of Rome before Caesar. He changed Rome and Rome sure as hell changed him.
February 26, 2001, 01:17
I know brisbane is in queensland, I just don't want to post my real address on the net.
February 26, 2001, 09:43
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I Civ1 the end was in 2100. Does anybody know why this was changed in Civ2?
Just wondering....
Who am I? What am I? Do we need Civ? Well....
February 26, 2001, 22:51
civ2 ends at 2020 on chieftain the last time I played it, which was today.
February 26, 2001, 23:35
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The game ended in Civ II based on the level you played at to increase the difficulity of the game.
I vote no to going to far into the future. I am looking forward to a SMAC II for future techs.
I would have to disagree with joseph that if we didn't fight in Vietnam we would have colonies on the Moon and Mars. Yes, we have the technology but do we have the will (we refers to the U.S.)?
The reason the U.S. went to the moon was to beat the Russians, with the end of the Cold War what reason or benefit is there to having colonies on the moon? It has been hard enough to earmark money to building a space station in orbit around the Earth, how much more would it cost to build colonies on the moon and Mars?
That does not mean that I don't support in Civ III a tech race that leads to sending colonies to Mars as a race against a rival power. Just in our history that I don't think we have the will to this point to go to Mars.
February 27, 2001, 01:53
In Civ 2 the game still ends in 2100 at the chieftain level of play. At the Emperor level it ends in 2020 I belived. But in reality 2020 is no longer in the future. It is tomorrow. To be exact 18 years 10 mos. and 2 days from now. In the last issue of Computer Gaming World they had the history of computer by years. It took a lone time for PCs to become a thing. In 2/1992 I bought a 486/50, and it was state of the arts. Now we have P-IV out at over a gig. In terms of computer we don't have a clue where computer will be in 2020. Let's face it, we are going into the future whether you like it or not. Another thing if not for the Vietnam war and social changes in this country, we would now have a moon colony and already sending men to Mars. In the late 70s or very early 80s a rocket scientist said we now had the knowlege to go to Alpha Centuri with a unman space craft using a Nuclear engine. He said at the time it would take about 30 years for a round trip. He said the space craft could go at around half light speed at maxium speed. Light travel at 5 trillion 445 billion 156 million miles per year. The total trip to AC one way is 16,335,468,000,000 miles.
[This message has been edited by joseph1944 (edited February 26, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by joseph1944 (edited February 26, 2001).]
February 27, 2001, 18:21
Starting in 1957 because of the Russian and because we were just getting the space thing as a nation. (most of the public starting notice space) we were very excited about what was being talked about in Washington concerding space. And they did talk about building a moon base as soon as we had a few trips under our belt. All of this was taking place before Johnson got us into the war in Nam. I was following the space race very closely in those days. The only thing that stop it was the Vietnam war and Social changed demanded by the Vietnam war protester and love generation. Unless you were alive in 1968 through 78-9 (and old enough to understand it)it hard to imagine what was going on here at that time. Yes you can read about it or have a college professor tell you in their opinion about it, but unless you lived it, you cannot realy understand it. It the same as all of us reading about 1400-1500, we know it happen but how it happen can be a whole new story. A night in 1968 I was watching TV, Robert Kenndy just won Calif. vote, I went to bed and a few min. later my Mother-in-law call and said turn on the TV, Kenndy had been shot. On another day a few month later we found out M.L. King was dead. It was wild. I was reminded today that King was kill before Kenndy. Also the game does in 2020, sorry.
[This message has been edited by joseph1944 (edited February 28, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by joseph1944 (edited February 28, 2001).]
February 27, 2001, 22:06
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Originally posted by tniem on 02-26-2001 10:35 PM
It has been hard enough to earmark money to building a space station in orbit around the Earth, how much more would it cost to build colonies on the moon and Mars?
I have significant distaste for the ISS. Science is in bad need of funding, but realistically there is only a limited amount it will get. Taking this into account, spending $100 bilion on one space station does not seem very prudent. Scientists usually support each other's efforts to get funding, but when most of the scientific community (including astronomers and space related scientists) appears to be against building ISS it should give the politicians some food for thought.
Moreover, the benefits of ISS are questionable to say the least. All of the experiments could be done much more cheaply on the shuttle and sattelites, other than those concerning the long term effects of weightlessness on the human body. This, however, has already been studied extensively on the late MIR and their previous SALYUT series of space stations, where cosmonauts have stayed over a year on end - much more than any single person will spend on the ISS.
Conclusion: ISS is an exercise in foreign and public relations, as well as a monumental waste of money.
February 27, 2001, 23:43
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Originally posted by alex639 on 02-25-2001 12:03 AM
In Ctp2 I noticed the improvments in the futer made the game to hard to play and brang the game down.
Not to pick on you too much, Alex, but it's brought, not brang. You've already seen 'futer' and 'proberly' corrected. Please try to use a spell checker in the future. Not doing it makes you appear less intelligent then you no doubt are. Believe me, I know how many typos you can make when you're typing fast and not really paying attention.
As for your topic, I don't know that I'd like to see too many future advances in CivIII. Certainly, I'd like to see a few more techs added on, carrying us past the current age into the future, but in my opinion, most people have pretty much finished the game by then, and there's no need to go further. The only exception that I can think of would be in a scenario-but you can edit the techs for that anyway.
February 28, 2001, 02:46
sorry, i really should improve my spelling. I am pretty bad at english at school.
March 1, 2001, 00:47
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On the other hand a MILITARY space station would be just about the ultimate weapon. It wouldn't even need nuclear weapons, really big rocks would do very nicely as weapons. In the game such a station would give it's owner virtually unlimited bombing power without the drawback of nuclear fallout. This might make a convenient end-point to the game. The first player to build his armed space station wins by virtue of his implied ability to pound any opponent back to the stone age.
"I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!
March 1, 2001, 08:43
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March 1, 2001, 12:43
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Originally posted by Roman on 03-01-2001 07:43 AM
The rocks would have to be very big indeed , lest they would burn up in the atmosphere on re-entry and do nothing. 
While I know the technology is possible (and would no doubt be effective), can you just imagine the 6000 year old Roman Emperor going to the 6000 year old American Emperor after they've been fighting for decades with jet planes and tanks and missles and saying, "Alright Abe Lincoln, if you don't give me 4000 gp, I'm going to throw a really big rock at you!"
If I were Abe, I'd probably have a hard time keeping a straight face.
March 2, 2001, 01:31
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