Originally posted by Ghengis Brom
1. How long does the average Civ II multiplayer game take to play?
depends on the type of game (duels or not, map size, etc.) duels can be very short (30 min to hours). diplo games can last for months. the more players there are, the longer the games take
2. What seems to cause the greatest amount of lag time during an MP game?
i seldom experience lag in the few games that i play (with 56k dialup). i believe that it depends mainly on the connection of the host.
3. What, if any, problems do you have coordinating play time with an opponent?
i do not engage in regular games. my schedule is such that i cannot reliably make a given time and therefor will not make a commitment that i may not be able to keep. i play what i term as one-night stands, play when available and continue if possible (and if practical, *glances in rah's general direction*)
4. How often do you actually get to finish an MP game?
depends on what you mean by finish. given my skill (or lack of) it's generally fairly obvious who will win (aka not me

). games lasting into the modern age seem fairly rare, except for diplo games.
i far prefer Civ2 MP (despite never winning) to civ3 SP, it's a lot more fun