WOW, Civ III is really picking up the pace! But there is a question that I'm longing to know about, IS THERE A SPACE (Sci-fi) PORTION OF THE GAME??? I really would like to go into outer space and explore new planets, seek new life and new civilizations, boldly go were no civ games gone before... Dun duh dun, duh duh duh duh DUN.... hehehe, I'm getting ahead of myself.
DJ, the topic of space travel has been touched upon in a number of past threads...but there is no definative answer from Firaxis one way or the other. IMO, I've noticed that the majority of the folks here on the forum are hopeing that there won't be space travel involved in CIV3 or at least stopping it at satellite coverage of the home civ planet. As for as a SCIFI scenario (or other scenarios for that matter) being included in CIV3, that too is an unknown at this time. However, I believe the option of building your own scenario within CIV3 will be available.