June 1, 2002, 10:27
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Originally posted by Darius871
However, while the situation in Poland and Lithuania isn't dire in the least, it is far more stressing to the czar that hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of shields of Russian production were wasted when the loss of the cities caused the AI to step in.
I guess I just have to accept that as long as I'm losing cities I can't build anything. And this is the case because every time a city is lost, almost every city starts building a goddam silo. The only thing I can do is either not build anything, or build what the AI wants so that all it will have to build is the Raw Materials improvements and military units I had wanted.
There is a program that fixes this. it is called Lazy Civ an dmade by Xin Yu. I can't attach but it is in a thread in this forum or somewhere and I can email if necessary.
June 1, 2002, 14:00
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I've been in a lot of PBEM's and of course I've used lazy civ. It has never, ever, ever, ever, ever worked for me. Ever.
June 1, 2002, 14:28
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Lazy civ has been working for me. Are you sure you've been using it correctly?
Also, you might try making an edited copy of the rules.txt, where you make the prequisites of everything, all units and city improvements (except anything you want to build such as conscripts, divisions and artillery) set to 'no'. I'm not sure if it will work but prehaps the AI, won't change your production queue. Once you load the game, save it, then revert back to the real rules.txt. No guarantee this will work though.
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June 1, 2002, 14:30
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Now who's capable of defeats on a French level, eh?
Those were all expendable Austrian conscripts. As I recall, there were no crack Hungarian divisions stationed nearby...
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June 1, 2002, 14:37
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He's right, they were only infantry. But there were one or two divisions alongside the conscripts, and one piece of artillery.
As for the rules thing, I don't think that would work because I think the AI changes occur as the player after me loads his game, not after I save mine.
June 1, 2002, 21:11
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All Quiet...
June 2, 2002, 09:51
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sent to Scott!
The Allied High Command congratulates our Russian allies in their two stunning victories!
June 2, 2002, 12:13
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The advance into the heart of Russia continues. The Russian Baltic fleet, daring to foolishly venture to sea, has been totally annihilated by attacks from German submarines operating off of the coast northwest of the Gulf of Riga. The last remnants of the Russian Army in Poland have been annihilated.
June 2, 2002, 16:11
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Austrian troops renew their crawl towards Lemberg.
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June 3, 2002, 01:01
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June 3, 2002, 03:02
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Italy joins the war in May 1915.
Darius, make sure you have version 2 of Xin's Lazy Civ and start using it now for Italy. It's been working for me, either you are using it incorrectly or you are using a faulty version.
Re-elect Bush!
June 3, 2002, 03:12
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Trust me, I have the correct version. I even loaded and reloaded it to make sure it was a clean copy, and I have used it in other PBEM's than this to no avail. It's not a big deal however; once all the silos the AI built but I don't need are finished, it'll have nothing else to build but military units.
As for Italy, I must note that the AI has only messed with my production when I've lost cities, and I don't plan on losing a single Italian city, so there'll be no need.
June 3, 2002, 13:41
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MJ: is there anyway to fix this? I remember before when you were Russia it was giving you the same problem.
June 3, 2002, 14:17
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The only way I know of is using lazy civ... And I know its been working for me. In fact, its sorta worked against me in the process of learning how to use it. For example, I was building Hungarian conscripts in Split. Then I decided to change it to costal fortress (losing 50% of shields but oh well). Then I opened up lazy civ because I forgot to do it at the beginning of my turn. I click back on Split and it was producing Hungarian Conscripts (which against cost me 50% shields from that city). So I changed it back to coastal fortress (again with the penalty) and had hardly any shields at all. So I can assure you it works... so you must be using it incorrectly.
Also Darius, don't be so over-confident about Italy. I might get lucky and capture a city and in that case, it could screw your production queue and turn the tide on that front...
ANZAC, there is one alternative to avoiding the AI bug and lazyciv... We play a hotseat game instead of PBEM... Personally, I've been in favor of hotseats, but some people are afraid that since it hotseat is so easy to cheat with, people will.
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June 3, 2002, 14:39
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I really don't mind about hotseat game. But we've already started in this
Breakthrough on Western Front!!!!
Nothing is quiet anymore on the Western Front. In light of the plight of our Russian allies, moving ahead of schdule,the Allied High Command launched an offensive via the Ardennes and Alsace, aiming at hitting the Ruhr and Saar industrial complexes. Supreme Allied Commander Joffre commented on how well the progress was going. One cavalry division managed to reach the outskirts of Strassburg, but pulled back due to lack of reinforcements. The reinforcements are still puring in and many German MG nests, conscripts, and artillery brigades were destroyed or captured in the offensive. All Allied attention is being moved to counter the Hun and win the war!
June 3, 2002, 14:54
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You can make a hotseat game out of a .net game by saving as a scenario and then starting the scenario as a .hot game with however many players are in the .net game.
I don't know why anybody would be against that; if someone is willing to cheat in a .hot game they are probably cheating in a .net game as well, so what's the difference?
June 3, 2002, 15:13
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I agree Darius. I'm all for a hotseat game. You can cheat in .net , but its easier to cheat in hotseat, but I still understand your reasoning.
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June 3, 2002, 15:42
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I for one would really appreciate a .hot game *tallies up how Russia would factor in against Germany*
June 3, 2002, 18:10
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Volkischer Beobachter
The foolhardy Allied counteroffensive has been thwarted and their invasion forces destroyed, with the last remnants fleeing across the wastes of No-Man's Land back into their own trenches. With the failure of the Allied offensive and the restoration of the trench line on the western front, the Supreme Command's strategy of holding the bulk of its western front forces in a theater reserve to counter any offensive and to plug any gaps in the trenches has been vindicated.
June 3, 2002, 19:12
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All right, on my turn I'll make the transfer.
June 4, 2002, 01:39
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Don't bother. I haven't taken any Russian cities this turn (and I somehow doubt that my Austro-Hungarian colleague will either *glares*). That should allow you to build enough to get around this switching problem anyway.
June 4, 2002, 01:41
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But that'll only last a few turns and then it'll start again, so that won't solve the problem.
June 4, 2002, 04:00
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Well I'm sorry big bad mr Kaiser.  You want to donate some technologies, 1000 gold and about 10 artillery divisions to the Empire?  Sure couldn't hurt...
Re-elect Bush!
June 4, 2002, 15:37
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I turned it into the hotseat game and it worked perfectly, except that the events file didn't engage. Is there something I have to do with the events file and/or sreich.bat to make this work, MC?
June 4, 2002, 17:28
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Events should work... how do you know they weren't working? I guess you could try running delevent.exe on the game.
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June 4, 2002, 23:29
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how do you know they weren't working?
The usual:
June 4, 2002, 23:52
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What is that delevent.exe file in the folder and how do you use it?
June 5, 2002, 00:41
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Firstly, I don't know how you started the hotseat game. When I started it I only got the choice to be Aus-Hun. I assume that means the last person to go in the pbem gets to be the single human player in the hotseat conversion. If thats the case, this won't work at all. So I need to know how you started the game, and if you were able to select all the human civs for play. On a side note, when I did the conversion I did not get an events error. So I'm not sure why we are getting different results.
Anyway, here is the delevents.exe if you don't already have it. Just drag the .hot save file over it and the saved events for the game will be erased, and next time you open the game the events will be reloaded.
If you have trouble, give ANZAC your password and let him have a shot at it.
Re-elect Bush!
June 5, 2002, 00:42
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almost forgot
Re-elect Bush!
June 5, 2002, 14:42
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The way you make the conversion is to load the .net file normally (not load a saved multiplayer game, but load a saved game). then you save that as a scenario. Finally, you start a hotseat game with the Begin Scenario option, selecting the scenario you just created. Then you choose 5 players, and you make sure that the 5 civs you choose for the 5 players are of course in order.
It's kinda hard to describe in words, but it does work. But delevents didn't do anything, the events file still doesn't work. I have a working .hot file but the events just aren't engaging. It's beyond me.
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