
...it would be nice if the game came with quantitative documentation of relationships between various variables...such documentation needen't come with the game
Sure, I agree, good idea. I also concur that this info should not be included in the manual that comes in the Civ III box. I think breaking the game down into cold number-crunching in the manual would be a shame:
a) Because including it would destroy the initial 'magic' and 'mystery' of the game.
b) It might put those new to the genre off by making the game look like a glorified stat-juggling affair. Come to think of it, it would put me off, too.
So I think it would be best if Firaxis kept the bare-bones details of the game on their site, as has been already mentioned. Or in a file on the disk.
EDITED: Missed out an 'it'
[This message has been edited by JosefGiven (edited March 03, 2001).]