Well. In the CSE (Candian Special Edition) of course the whole game unfolds in a much more elegant way.
To begin with, we get certain city improvements that other versions lack. Take for instance, the Hockey Arena. This can be built after the Ice tech is discovered. Makes 5 extra citizens happy. Of course it drains 20 gold per turn to the American civ (if there is one) after they discover Pro Sports. When is the Ice tech discovered? Good you asked. The Canadian civ starts with it. Then, for any other civ to research it they must have at least one Tundra square within their cultural borders. If the Russians discover it, the Canadian civ can cause them to go into disorder at any time by calling a *Canada Cup* or an *Olympics* and whooping their (and everybody else's) *sses in the only important event of any civilized society.
Then there is the culture model. Did I mention the Hockey Arena? It produces 8 culture per turn. The only problem is that any city taken over never forgets the civ it came from. Even if their original civ has been completely eliminated they may decide to flip *back* to be their own civ. They never go back to the original civ (they are now superior of course, and they don't really speak the same language anymore anyway).
As for units. Well. There really is no comparison. What with Crossbowman, Cruisers, Supersonic Bombers and all. Really there isn't much of a comparison with what you have to endure. Spearman defeats Tank?

Well, OK maybe. If they are Mohawk Warriors they hunt Tanks for dinner. In fact the Canadian civ really never needs to build any units other than Warrior and Canoe. Everything else is just for flavour.
Workers and tile improvements are interesting. Unless of course your workers come from BC. In that case they go on strike every turn. How's that you ask? Well. At the start of the turn, they go on stirke. You spend your turn negotiating a settlement and they go back to work. So before you end turn you restart the tile improvement. They go on strike again at the beginning of the next turn so you get to do it all over again.
The workers from the Maritimes.

They just stay there swinging that pick for hundreds of turns. They never strike. It just seems that they're paid by the government to keep on working, so that's what they do, they just keep on keeping on, forever. They don't want to lose their jobs by finishing. They're 30% of the workers.
If your lucky your worker is from Alberta or Saskatchewan or Manitoba. In that case, 1 worker one tile, one improvement, 1 turn, done. They're really the only ones who can get anything done. Unfortunately, they are only 20% of the workers.
What else? Well the space ship victory is a little different. You see, in reality... Hmmm. I don't know if you're ready for this yet. I better leave off for now. More later if you seem to be ready for it.