View Poll Results: How often would you participate in a GotM feature?
Every time, brilliant idea!
1 |
5.00% |
Almost every time
5 |
25.00% |
5 |
25.00% |
4 |
20.00% |
2 |
10.00% |
Rarely, maybe once or twice
1 |
5.00% |
Never, it's a stupid idea to begin with!
0 |
0% |
I have no idea, but I think it's a nice idea
1 |
5.00% |
I don't know, I'm not sure if I like the idea
1 |
5.00% |
I don't know if I would play, but I don't really like the idea
0 |
0% |
April 4, 2002, 18:08
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Game of the Month?
This is just a tentative idea, I haven't thought out the details or discussed it with anyone (Markos, Dan or others) yet, but I noticed the Game of the Month feature for Civ2/3 on CivFanatics and the Tournaments feature here on Apolyton and I figured that might be an interesting thing to do for CtP2 as well. However, this is only gonna work if there are actually more people interested in this, so hence this poll.
What is GotM? On CivFanatics it's explained in the following manner:
Every month we start a new game, save it in the very first turn and place it on this site. Then everyone can download this saved game and play it. Since everyone plays the same game in the GOTM, it allows a much more meaningful comparison of skills than the High Score Hall of Fame feature. You can compare your score with other people's and see how good you are. When you're done, submit your results back to us and we'll make a ranking of everyone who has participated. It's a very casual contest. Don't forget to discuss your progress and share your experience with other players in the Game of the Month forum. Discussion is a big part of the GOTM feature.
For examples, see the Civ3 sections of CivFanatics or Apolyton.
So, the big question is: do you like this idea and, if so, how often do you think you would participate if Apolyton and/or I would organise such a thing?
April 4, 2002, 21:37
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I wouldn't mind joining in this, but I am afraid it will be too difficult for me.
What I mean is this. I saw this GotM on other forums and read their explanations, but 95% of those games were on hard or impossible level, which is way over my capabilities.
So, if I may say: a good idea, but I propose you make two different ones then, a hard one and a more simple one.
April 4, 2002, 22:40
Local Time: 08:35
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I'm with Eagle on this one. I'm sure quite a few of us would enjoy the hard/impossible games, but for the new people to CTP2 we should also have an easier game, maybe the 2nd dificulty level.
After a while, as the new people get better, then they progress to the harder GOTM. BTW, just to monitor this, if someone is consistently getting the highest scores, they should automatically be promoted to the harder ones. Makes it unfair for the others.
April 5, 2002, 04:08
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I do like this this idea Locutus.Bring the GOTM on!!!!!!I want to see how bad I am at CTP2 compared to you guys.........
April 5, 2002, 05:12
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Originally posted by Eagle
I wouldn't mind joining in this, but I am afraid it will be too difficult for me.
What I mean is this. I saw this GotM on other forums and read their explanations, but 95% of those games were on hard or impossible level, which is way over my capabilities.
So, if I may say: a good idea, but I propose you make two different ones then, a hard one and a more simple one.
Well, don't worry, I can't win Cradle on Impossible level anymore either, so you're far from alone. I was originally thinking about having a lot of variety in the game: one month a Cradle game on Medium level, the next a MedMod game on Impossible. But I like your idea of having 2 different games on different levels as well, that could be interesting. Of course, that would probably only work out if there are enough people participating, 'cause if only 5 or 6 people are interested in such a tournament, I'm not sure if it's worth the effort to make two games. But if it turns out enough people are interested, I definitely think this is a good idea
April 5, 2002, 05:49
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Well, let's see what the reactions here are. How many people are interested in an easy version and how many in a difficult version.
I do suppose you'll find more people interested in the difficult one though.
April 5, 2002, 06:05
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Well, there's a lot of newbies and lurkers around here, so I think there will always* be some interest in an easy version (having an easy version certainly it makes it easier for new and unexperienced people to jump in), so I quite frankly care more about how many people would participate in total than how many would play with the hard or easy version. But if people don't mind to post it, it would of course by nice to know in which version they would be most interested...
April 5, 2002, 07:49
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Great idea! I would definately play a GOTM on any difficulty, id prefere it to be on cradle 1.3, because thats what i have installed right now, but i dont mind at all really. It would be very interesting to see how bad i really am.
April 5, 2002, 08:03
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Wrong thread, sorry.
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Last edited by Pedrunn; April 5, 2002 at 08:12.
April 5, 2002, 08:05
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I may play but rarely. depending on the map, number of civs and of course the mod. But if we got a great number of players i would be more than willing to play. I love a dispute.
Idea three game level you would label yourself.
Begginer (easy)
Intermediate (intermediate/hard)
Expert (impossible)
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
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Last edited by Pedrunn; April 5, 2002 at 08:11.
April 5, 2002, 10:07
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Hmm, I think 2 games is enough, 3 games would be pushing it. I think one game should be very hard-impossible while the other should be medium-hard (depending on the mod as well).
April 5, 2002, 15:48
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That is a great idea. But first I would start small first a Cradle game on medium/hard than a MedPack2 game World Of War, GoodMod on Impossible. That should also allow us a more meaningfull comparision between mods, and another idea would be to allow players to test some additional slics like Frenzy for GoodMod.
At least we sould start this feature, it would be interesting how many people would participiate in the end.
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April 5, 2002, 17:06
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 Good idea, Just not sure when i'll find time just now
Still it will be fun and if you can manage it, it should be great fun for the new and old player alike.
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April 8, 2002, 20:15
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Hmm, the amount of enthousiasm is not overwhelming. Granted, the people who vote/post are enthousiastic alright, but only 10 have voted so far...
I guess I could have a little chat with Markos/Dan about running at least 1 game (we need their help if we want a webpage with the files/rankings/etc, like for the Civ3 GotM/Tournament features), but my case would be much stronger if more people voted...
April 8, 2002, 21:33
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April 9, 2002, 08:27
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 But wouldn't it seem a bit suspicious if 30+ people voted they would love this feature but only 10 would actually play?
April 9, 2002, 11:48
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Originally posted by Locutus
But wouldn't it seem a bit suspicious if 30+ people voted they would love this feature but only 10 would actually play?
Actually, no, as invariably more people say they will play than actually *do* play. The best of intentions trip over the real world.
I voted "sometimes" but for the next few months I think it would be "often." I enjoyed the OCC comparison games in Civ2.
Caveat: I don't think I'd be very interested in trying to maximize my score in the end game, as that gets excruciatingly boring. The beauty of the OCC was that games were pretty quick. I'd be more interested in "fastest" than "highest" for that reason ("fastest to the Dark Ages" for example; now *there's* a goal!)
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April 9, 2002, 16:07
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I'm new to CTP2, but I'd really like to see this done. It may help increase the game's fanbase...
April 9, 2002, 19:12
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Hermann, as you may have noticed, both CFC and 'Poly keep track of *both* score and game year, that seems like a good system to me as well. The CtP2 scoring system is not all that great so IMHO the end year is the more important statistic but some other people might value score more...
Hmm, 14 votes now. It's beginning to look a bit better already...
April 10, 2002, 15:54
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Dale, don't tell me you actually started to create DLs! 7 more people voted in 40 hours since you posted that suggestion
But we could still use a couple of extra votes if I want to be able to make a strong case...
Vote, people, vote!
April 10, 2002, 18:50
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Dale, don't tell me you actually started to create DLs! 7 more people voted in 40 hours since you posted that suggestion
Wasn't me!
April 16, 2002, 08:28
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Let's give this one more *bump* to see if we can get more votes. In a few days I'll take the issue to Markos and Dan.
April 16, 2002, 20:41
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Locutus, I've recently become active on the forums because I finally got the mods in and I really don't like Civ 3 (you may soon be able to find it cheap on E-Bay!!!), If there aren't enough people for two "divisions", I'd play on the expert one. You'll all need someone to finish last!!!
BTW, how long (ie, many days in the month) would the game last? I'm traveling all of the time on my job, and I don't have a laptop. And it would cut into my RtCW time when I'm home! :-) However, I would play as much as possible.
I'm also hoping to learn the code so I can jam the boards with poorly written scenarios!
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April 17, 2002, 02:59
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If I could fix my computer then I'd play.
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April 17, 2002, 20:16
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Originally posted by Aias
BTW, how long (ie, many days in the month) would the game last?
Well, I suppose if we call it GotM, we ought to make the games last for a month...  But nothings final yet, it will probably be renamed CtP2 Tournament anyways...
I'm also hoping to learn the code so I can jam the boards with poorly written scenarios!
Can't wait to see them!
April 20, 2002, 14:46
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Is this still happening guys? If so, when? Id certainly welcome some kind of competition, to see how good i really am.
April 20, 2002, 16:59
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Is this still happening guys?
Yes, soon. But something else will need to happen first. I can't go into details but just wait and see...
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