Ey everybody,
Is there a way to turn off the automatic deletion of some units for the human players ?
I agree it is a good way of forcing the AI to make new fresh units, but I hate to see all my production going up in the mist, just because I happen to be at a certain period in time.
OK, I agree that having musketeers and field gunners in 1970 is not really up to date or modern

, but hey, I am not 'that' far behind in the game. The AI is not having anything better than me (so prob he will be without ANY units now aswell, just like me).
And another thing. If this trigger is deleting obsolete units, why does it let me build them again afterwards ????? It just deleted all my musketeers and field gunners, but I can still build them now.
For one thing, I prefer to keep my old units. OK, spearmen in the 20th century would be tooo much, but musketeers ??? They are still usefull to fight with ! I prefer having them killed in a fight instead of seeing all my production points going up in the mist.
Hm ...