Originally posted by chegitz guevara
Consider how organized crime works. That's pure, untrammeled capitalism, freed from any laws or regulations. (Ironically enough, because they are illegal, i.e., outlaws, outside the law). It's not about whether someone is evil or not, because many mafiosos were impecable moralista and family men, who donated larges sums of money to the community. It's what you have to do to stay in business and continue to succeed.
I disagree with you about organized crime. It has laws and regulations in a sense. They aren't codified in law books, but rather customs which are enforced by anyone willing and able to do so. It is not anarchy, but feudalism which exists to allow a greater long term profitability than anarchy would allow. Stealing everything from the productive elements of society is self-destructive, which barons and mafia dons alike have been aware of for millenia. Organized crime exists to regulate property rights and to ensure that no one does so much damage to the productive elements of society that the criminal class itself becomes endangered.