Flubber, some excellent points and questions:
Originally posted by Flubber
I am interested but the key for me would be when this is to be played. That will determine if I can actually play or not.
Not sure what you mean by "when". The four MPIPer contestants will determine when they can best congregate to play/continue their game.
The actual timeframe when the first round will begin will be in early May, probably sometime after the premier of _Spiderman_ on 5/3

Factions depend on map size and setting parameters
Map size will be of the medium variety.
Settings will be along the lines of what I would term MPIP standard rules.
- No "early contact"
- No blind research
- No restart
- Map not visible
- Wet
- Hilly
- Pods scattered
- Numerous monoliths
- Every special map feature available
- Each faction will have easy access to one special feature
- Each faction will have similar resources available near to their initial base array
- Additional "Home Grown" special features will be present
(see copies of my original SlartiServices (tm) maps, if any copies still exist, i.e., _Tropical_Chiron_ as well as a couple of others)
Other settings will apply as I determine them in the next week or so.
Canadian (living in Calgary)
Won't hold _THAT_ against you.
The statements I wondered about were:
"Games will be hand accelerated on custom maps provided by Slartibartfast Services (tm).
Each player will receive a certain number of SMAC/X points to play with to create initial base array. "
I should have clarified.
SMAC/X points should be SMAC/X build points. Each unit/base improvement/tile improvement, etc. is assigned a value and players indicate which tiles they wish to place their initial bases.
Also players indicate:
A) base improvements contained in certain bases
B) units located in certain bases/on certain tiles
C) tile improvements upon certain tiles
SMAC/X research points will also be given to players and they will specify their initial tech tree based upon the number of points allotted. Each faction will have a varying number of SMAC/X Research points to spend.
Also seeing that the "top two" advance, I wonder what you are using as determinative. Is it Smax score or could 2 players go for a coop victory and thereby allow a faction with a low "score" to advance.
Should MPIPer contestants be able to play their game to conclusion in the time frame allotted, then the final two survivors will be awarded an advance-to-next-round.
Should more than two survive after physical (not game) time expire, than SMAC/X scoring points will be used to decide 1st and 2nd place.
I like the concept but have a few questions as to how it is all supposed to work.
So do I (i.e., like the concept).
I'll try to answer any questions as they arise during the preparation phase.
All contestants will be kept abreast via e-mail and forum posting as to the progress of their own and other games.
Hope this helps ... Ted S.