April 7, 2002, 23:02
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History of the Democracy Game
The history of the Apolyton Democracy Game starts here.
The format is narrative and is presented in chapters -- one on the game's formation, then another for each election cycle (one month realtime).
Much early history predates the author's involvement in the game and was reconstructed through semi-painstaking research. Any omissions or inaccuracies are strictly coincidental and may be corrected by posting to this thread for consideration.
Each chapter will be presented as straight bulletin board text, with an attached ZIP file in Smiley-free RTF format, dowloadable to the word processor of your choice.
Hope you enjoy...
07 April 2002
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
April 7, 2002, 23:07
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The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
Last edited by Marquis de Sodaq; April 8, 2002 at 11:03.
April 7, 2002, 23:18
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Thanks, Marquis!
-->> see Official history, below <<--
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; April 8, 2002 at 13:08.
April 7, 2002, 23:22
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Notes from the fuzzy edges of prehistory are scant, but traditional lore states that on or about 23 Jan 02, adamsj brought forth his conception of a Democratic Apolytonia, wherein the ppl would throw off their shackles of barbarism and anarchy, coming together in a harmonious world of shared ideas and community wisdom. The deity MarkG looked down upon this and saw that it was good, and on the third day, he caused to be created The Forum and bequested it to adamsj and any ppl who might follow him out of the wilderness.
The radical idea of Democracy was then communicated to the ppl for their consideration through the magic of Posting. The ppl learned of the idea and, looking about at their pathetic existence of hut-foraging and fishing, of living in fear of the raging hordes, they saw the It Was Good.
adamsj, true to the spirit of his noble idea, encouraged the participation of all an lo, many came forth from the wilderness.  Some ppl came forth from Civ3, and many from Civ2, both SP and MP. Still others came from Civfanatics.
Quoth adamsj, “Send us your curious  , your bored  and notorious  , your peacekeepers  , your troublemakers  yearning to breathe free. All we accept to this new way of life, to this new path -- to the Democratic Game!”
Ideas were tested through a newfangled concept called The Poll, a common thread through which all members of society could express their opinions  , and the Post, wherein individual citizens could have their voices heard, persuading other ppl  to align with their thoughts and ideas. The first of these polls revealed The Version, in which the combined wisdom of 21 ppl determined that the nation would play Civ2 MGE -- the architecture of the world as we know it today. The gods looked down and saw both the The Post and The Poll and said that they were good.
To attain the heady dream of adamsj and make it real, the ppl needed leaders, a select few who would hear the ppl’s will and impose it on a cruel and inhospitable world. And so it came to pass that on 06 Feb 02 were The Elections. Using The Poll, the ppl chose from among them a leadership to bring them forth from the darkness. And the will of the ppl was heard, and heard well.
The election of 4000 BC
February 2002
United Apolyton High Council
President - Marquis de Sodaq
Vice President - Shaka Naldur
Science Advisor - Gramphos
Foreign Advisor - adamsj
Military Advisor - shade
Trade Advisor - El Awrence
City Planner - kassiopeia
Imperial Expansion - Frank Johnson
Historian - Albert B
And thus began The Game...
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; April 9, 2002 at 14:08.
April 7, 2002, 23:27
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Chapter II -- The Early Years
The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
...and so it was that ppl found themselves united to a single purpose, to survive and thrive in an inhospitable world. They gathered among them their meager knowledge. Some of this was real, the rest mere rumor or lore.
They knew it to be a cruel world, where only a Deity could truly thrive. Barbarous tribes roamed the planet in raging hordes. And yet the size of the world was Normal, and rumored to contain other Civs, perhaps as many a six more, all striving to progress, to learn, to tame the wilderness. It was known that all would compete for fruits of the earth, which were sadly limited. The special benefits of plentiful game, of precious minerals, of fertile fields & des fruits de mer were there for the taking -- but only to the swift of knee, the wise of beard, the clever of mind and the strong of arm.
And so the President gathered the ppl and spake unto them, saying, “We need in this early time your talents, your knowledge and your lore. Give unto the nation what ye know, that we may all learn and prosper by it.”
And lo, it was revealed that the ppl had indeed some knowledge of the world, creating a technical library in the oral tradition. Of course there was irrigation and mining, and the ability to build crude roads through difficult terrain. These were expected. Exultant was the President then, when learned he that also among the ppl was found knowledge of the Alphabet, which he knew was the first step toward Writing. So too was contributed a Code of Laws, by which an orderly society and a glimmer of future organization might be imagined. And finally, there was Pottery, by which knowledge could be made vessels of clay for many uses.
President Marquis de Sodaq wept tears of joy at this good fortune, knowing the ideas of adamsj were already bearing the ripe fruit of knowlege, a powerful force in this difficult world. He said unto his ppl, “Let us now look about us at the land, to find a spot on which to build a great Capital, a village which, i promise you, will one day grow to house your children’s children’s children, providing all with safety and security. In it we shall build great Wonders and train our citizens unto a variety of skills. Let us find a position of great resource and call it our own!”
And the ppl looked about them, led by their two designated specialsts, called Settlers. They found the sea with its plentiful fish, the forest with its game, and the grasslands and plains. And they set themselves down among these things and built their meager homes. The greatest of these was reserved for their leaders, that they might gather in solitude to plan, to create their polls, and to discuss great strategems for the common good.
With the skills of their first Settler, the first city was founded. The city of Apolyton. To feed the city, the Fish were exploited. To protect it, a Warrior was trained.
And so went forth the second settler, to learn more of their world. In 3900 BC found he a crude Hut, and being of curious mind, he entered, finding there a skilled Archer, whose rare skills were enlisted to the common good of the ppl.
Years passed. Progress was steady, but necessarily slow. Small triumphs built on early successes. In 3750 BC was devised a respectful and holy method of interment, called Ceremonial Burial. While some sniggered at the seemingly unnecessary pomp, the wise men knew that it would lead to greater things.
The ppl were fruitful and multiplied in kind. Marquis de Sodaq smiled and knew the time had come to expand and, in 3700 BC was founded the nation’s second city, which he humbly named... Sodaq.
Soon was spotted another hut. Reached by a faithful Warriior in 3500 BC, bravely he entered and was astonished by the knowledge found therein. Indeed, what he found was the long-rumored and sacred Warrior Code, which would help the ppl of Apolyton tame the wilderness and fend off the barbarous hordes they were sure to encounter along the way.
For generations then, did wise men think, for they knew that their President was, in many ways, little more than a Despot, albeit an enlightened one who ruled by the ppl’s will. Still, it was thought that a better way might be devised, one which would allow greater flexibility in the disposition of resources, the arrows of research, the cost of government and, lo, the happiness of the ppl.
Long did they ponder, long did they study. The spoke among themselves, they implored the gods, they consulted the lore of their forebears. And so it was thought to create a Monarchy, refined from Depotism yet still malleable to the will of the ppl. In due course was the idea brought to the President, who knew at once that It Was Good. In the year of Oedo 3100 BC was it decreed and agreed by all that the office of the President should be so.
The idea was so novel that it caused a revolt among the ppl, whose world again would change. But, true to the prophesy of Oedo, the revolt was short-lived, and in 3050 BC, President Marquis de Sodaq :blush: was crowned the first King of United Apolyton.
History becomes sketchy at this poiint, as the ppl settled into their lives. Sciences were studied, fields were sowed and reaped, great harvests of fish were pulled from the seas. The government took polls, the ppl spoke, and progress was made.
In 2650 BC, a third city was founded -- Paha Sapa. The ppl wonder at its name.
By 2400 BC, another, called Fishy, was built -- named, no doubt, in tribute to their humble beginnings. About the same time, excited wise men called an a special session council meeting to announce that, after centuries of study and self-discipline, they had finally discovered the secrets of Bronze Working, a science that promised a greater defense for the homeland and all its cities. There was great rejoicing.
With a seer’s vision of the future, the President and High Council (after a suitable period of celebration), sent forth the wise men on another quest for knowledge. “We know by now that we live in a watery world, that in fact our great nation rests on but a modest island in a great sea. This knowledge should inform our studies and direct our minds,” said the esteemed science advisor, Gramphos. “Our cities grow and the ppl multiply. Let us create a body of scientific knowledge that will help us to go forth. Let the world make room for United Apolyton!” With both determination and resignation did the wise men return to their labors.
2150 BC -- Wise men discover Map Making. Specialists are set to work, designing and building the first crude boats, called triremes.
Soon, the first sailors set forth away from the island of Apolytonia, bravely exploring uncharted waters with only the wisdom of Foreign Advisor adamsj, and Miltary Advisor shade to guide them. “Go forth,” quoth adamsj. “Remember always to stay within sight of land.” Shade advises, “Verily, it is said: Only fools doth go where brave men fear to sail.”
1700 BC -- Wise men discover Currency. It is found to be inedible, but still perhaps, someday useful.
1500 BC -- By this time, the island north of Apolytonia has been reached. A hut is discovered and entered. Inside are found nomads, more than eager to join the obviously advanced and intrepid explorers.
1400 BC -- The cities of Ten Zuiden and Walvis Baai are settled.on the North Island. Historian expresses his relief that a civilization without writing is a civilization that doesn't have to worry about spelling. The High Council rejoices at the news, knowing that in growth there is power. Trireme sets sail for explore the western island.
1350 BC -- The western island is found to be inhabited by an “advanced” tribe. Having seen the wonders of United Apolyton from afar, this tribe begs to join our democratic ways, promising eternal loyalty and devotion in return. After a suitable period of consideration, their city (called, oddly, “Riverton”) is welcomed into the nation.
1300 BC -- Wise men excitedly report that, inspired by our expansion to other islands, they have now mastered the advanced scientific concept of Trade! City Planner kassiopeia and Imperial Expansion Advisor Frank Johnson meet to discuss the ramifications and agree that the time has come to awaken Trade Advisor El Lawrence from hibernation. Historian Albert B falls asleep.
It is known and, in some quarters, feared, that the President’s first term of office is nearing its end. It has been a time of discovery and growth. United Apolyton is held in high esteem by all, yet there is, as always, trepidation in the face of change. “Fear not, my ppl,” says President de Sodaq. “Just as I was not truly known to you as we set upon this jouney of democracy, so too will be your future. I declare that the next election shall go forth as scheduled, and that a new leader shall emerge to lead you into an even greater future.”
975 BC -- In his “lame duck” turn as President, the Marquis adds one final triumph to his legacy. In this year, the wise men -- finally -- report that they have figured out what to do with the Alphabet skills they have toyed with for the past 3,000 years. Writing is discovered, promising a new era of knowledge and diplomacy.
Foreign Advisor adamsj immediately volunteers to remain in his present office, energized by the thought “finally having something to do.” Inspired, the rest of the High Council also agrees to a second term, if the new President will have them. In their excitement, they fail to notice AlbertB, perhaps the one council member who could benefit the most from this new technology, still asleep in his chamber.
Leaving that issue for his successor, President Marquis de Sodaq gathers his meager personal belongings, along with a few insignificant souvenirs of office (the leather chair, a case of wine left of from last year’s Day of Adams-J celebration, and some assorted campaign gifts from High Council members and right-minded citizens).
Making his final State of the Democracy speech, Sodaq notes the vast progress attained by United Apolyton. Growing from anarchic roots to now inhabit three islands, the population has exploded. The wise men have become better scientists with each discovery. The list of known sciences now includes:
Alphabet -- Bronze Working -- Ceremonial Burial -- Code of Laws -- Currency
Map Making -- Monarchy -- Pottery -- Trade -- Warrior Code -- Writing
Marquis de Sodaq thanks the ppl for their indulgence and expresses his wish that the next President continue to rule with the will of the ppl foremost in his mind, tempered to wisdom by the advice of the High Council. The Marquis rambles on about the joy of leadership and the need for humility amid the grandeur of his reign when vice President Shaka Naldur jabs him knowingly in the ribs.
The Marquis, realizing that his time has come and gone, accepts a stylus, dips it in a thick gooseberry paste, and signs his resignation papers, commenting wryly that “The stylus, perhaps one day, may be mightier indeed than the sword or pike.” The High Council bursts into laughter.
Town criers are dispatched to all cities, announcing the end of the Era de Sodaq and the opening of polls for the new election. The result is minor panic in the streets. Men search their souls for bravery in the face of the unknown. Women burst into tears, wailing in the streets. Dogs howl at the moon.
Historian AlbertB sleeps.:zzz:
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; April 9, 2002 at 17:23.
April 8, 2002, 10:30
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Glorious, Jrabbit.
Keep it up.
Can we change the name of one of the Historians in our Civ game to Jrabbit? As a tribute to our first official (effective) historian?
April 8, 2002, 14:50
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This is actually quite interesting. Its almost like reading about yourself. Keep it up.
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
April 8, 2002, 17:26
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The Marquis rambles on about the joy of leadership and the need for humility amid the grandeur of his reign when vice President Shaka naldur jabs him knowingly in the ribs.
i´ll try to make a chronology for you,
if you any question just ask me
April 8, 2002, 17:56
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BOth of the first two chapters are in the 1st zip...and they dont have any format (just a "file)! You can open them in word or wordpad, but I would recommend turning them into rtfs and changing the attachment...
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 8, 2002, 19:22
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They were saved as RTFs, produced separately. I do have a combined file -- maybe that was attached accidentally. Thanks for the note, civman2k.
I also saw a bunch of spelling problems in Chapter 2 -- indicating that an incompetent office worker attached a pre-spellcheck version. Not to worry -- sacked him!
Ran into another fun problem -- The vB editor rejected my Chapter 2 edit for having too many smileys. Never ran across that before. As you'll now see, even after reducing the smile count noticeably, the software basically rejected all non-text edits. so the smileys appear as text. Grrr. May have to break text into smaller chapters. I've PM'd the admin for help, but thought you, the ppl, should know what's been going on.
Oh well, at least the basic writing is started. Just President Shaka's term to write, and I was actually on board for much of that, so it should be easier.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
April 9, 2002, 17:08
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Originally posted by -Jrabbit
Oh well, at least the basic writing is started. Just President Shaka's term to write, and I was actually on board for much of that, so it should be easier.
as i said if you have any questions or you need any save feel free to ask
April 9, 2002, 17:21
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Muchas gracias, President Shaka. I will probably not start writing your history until after resolving the minor Smiley crisis that arose in the posting of Chapter 2.
Surely the story of your glorious reign will be the most inspiring of all!
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
April 9, 2002, 18:09
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Location: of bribery.
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post it in paragraphs...if you can't climb the mountain, just go around it.
ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
shameless plug to my site: home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)
April 10, 2002, 08:37
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I was waiting to see if the Admins might have some insight  before moving forward. MarkG's learned response:
So yes, I'll be reposting the history of the Reign de Sodaq in pieces. New policy will be to Start a new thread for each chapter/month.
I'm at work today, going to see the McCartney tour tonight, and golf weather has arrived. So it will likely be a couple days before I get around to it. For now, I've just re-posted Chapter II with (I hope) all spelling errors corrected.
BTW, Shade, my wife noted an unidentified email with attachment at home last night. I'm thinking it may be the savegame you sent. Thx!
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
April 10, 2002, 09:33
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-Jrabbit, you should have your good buddy Ming 'Top:' the history thread once it is ready. If you are going to open a new one to allow more smilies  , will this one be declared obsolete? Whichever one becomes the official history book should be topped, IM-not-so-HO.
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
April 10, 2002, 09:49
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Good idea, Marquis. Already thought about it a bit.
1. I wanted to see the form factor and length before deciding on a place of residency for the history. As we go along, it looks like each month will cover successively fewer game years (obviously) but more discussion (since there are more polls now than ever B4). That means each month (if properly done) will require multiple posts.
2. I am sometimes annoyed by threads with too many "Top:" items getting in my way, so I wanted to get a sense of what other ppl thought.
Maybe we should have a separate thread for each President's history so that there would be room for comments and corrections. Then, once there are enought (end of this month?), collect all documents into a single closed thread (kinda like the GL)..
Thoughts, ppl?
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
April 10, 2002, 10:11
Local Time: 23:42
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Location: of bribery.
Posts: 2,196
Maybe we should have a separate thread for each President's history so that there would be room for comments and corrections. Then, once there are enought (end of this month?), collect all documents into a single closed thread (kinda like the GL)..
looks like the best possible solution there is.(it stays clean, correct and on top)
ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
shameless plug to my site: home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)
April 10, 2002, 12:39
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(le marquis wishing he'd had the High Council thread locked)
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
April 10, 2002, 19:43
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Chapter II -- The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
Part One
...and so it was that ppl found themselves united to a single purpose, to survive and thrive in an inhospitable world. They gathered among them their meager knowledge. Some of this was real, the rest mere rumor  or lore.
They knew it to be a cruel  world, where only a Deity could truly thrive. Barbarous tribes  roamed the planet in raging hordes  . And yet the size of the world was Normal, and rumored to contain other Civs, perhaps as many as six more, all striving to progress, to learn, to tame the wilderness. It was known that all would compete for fruits of the earth, which were sadly limited. The special benefits of plentiful game, of precious minerals, of fertile fields & des fruits de mer were there for the taking -- but only to the swift of knee  , the wise of beard  , the clever of mind  and the strong of arm.
And so their first President, Marquis de Sodaq, gathered the ppl and spake unto them, saying, “We need in this early time your talents, your knowledge and your lore. Give unto the nation what ye know, that we may all learn and prosper by it.”
And lo, it was revealed that the ppl had indeed some knowledge of the world, creating a technical library in the oral tradition  . Of course there was irrigation and mining, and the ability to build crude roads through difficult terrain. These were expected. Exultant was the President then,  when learned he that also among the ppl was found knowledge of the Alphabet, which he knew was the first step toward Writing.  So too was contributed a Code of Laws, by which an orderly society and a glimmer of future organization might be imagined.  And finally, there was Pottery, by which knowledge could be made vessels of clay for many uses.
President Marquis de Sodaq wept tears of joy at this good fortune, knowing the ideas of adamsj were already bearing the ripe fruit of knowlege, a powerful force in this difficult world. He said unto his ppl,  “Let us now look about us at the land, to find a spot on which to build a great Capital, a village which, I promise you, will one day grow to house your children’s children’s children, providing all with safety and security. In it we shall build great Wonders  and train our citizens unto a variety of skills. Let us find a position of great resource and call it our own!”

Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; April 10, 2002 at 19:52.
April 11, 2002, 00:21
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Chapter II -- The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
Part 2 -- The Years 4000 BC - 2400 BC
And the ppl looked about them, led by their two designated specialsts, called Settlers.  They found the sea with its plentiful fish, the forest with its game, and the grasslands and plains. And they set themselves down among these things  and built their meager homes. The greatest of these was reserved for their leaders  , that they might gather in solitude to plan, to create their polls, and to discuss great strategems for the common good.
With the skills of their first Settler, the first city was founded. The city of Apolyton. To feed the city, the Fish were exploited. To protect it, a Warrior was trained.
And so went forth the second settler, to learn more of their world. In 3900 BC found he a crude Hut, and being of curious mind,  he entered, finding there a skilled Archer,  whose rare skills were enlisted to the common good of the ppl.
Years passed. Progress was steady, but necessarily slow. Small triumphs built on early successes. In 3750 BC was devised a respectful and holy method of interment, called Ceremonial Burial. While some sniggered  at the seemingly unnecessary pomp, the wise men knew  that it would lead to greater things.
The ppl were fruitful and multiplied in kind.  Marquis de Sodaq smiled and knew the time had come to expand and, in 3700 BC was founded the nation’s second city, which he humbly named... Sodaq.
Soon was spotted another hut. Reached by a faithful Warrior in 3500 BC, bravely  he entered and was astonished  by the knowledge found therein. Indeed, what he found was the long-rumored and sacred Warrior Code, which would help the ppl of Apolyton tame the wilderness and fend off the barbarous hordes they were sure to encounter along the way.
For generations then, did wise men think,  for they knew that their President was, in many ways, little more than a Despot,  albeit an enlightened one who ruled by the ppl’s will. Still, it was thought that a better way might be devised,  one which would allow greater flexibility in the disposition of resources, the arrows of research, the cost of government  and, lo, the happiness of the ppl.
Long did they ponder, long did they study. The spoke among themselves,  they implored the gods,  they consulted the lore of their forebears  . And so it was thought to create a Monarchy, refined from Depotism yet still malleable to the will of the ppl. In due course was the idea  brought to the President, who knew at once that It Was Good.  In the year of Oedo 3100 BC was it decreed and agreed by all that the office of the President should be so.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
April 15, 2002, 12:45
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Posts: 13,220
Chapter II, Part 3
The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
The idea  of a Monarchy was so new, so radical, that it caused a revolt  among the ppl, whose world again would change. But, true to the prophesy of Oedo, the revolt was short-lived, and in 3050 BC, President Marquis de Sodaq  was crowned the first King of United Apolyton.
History becomes sketchy at this point, as the ppl settled  into their lives. Sciences were studied,  fields were sowed and reaped, great harvests of fish were pulled from the seas. The government took polls, the ppl spoke, and progress was made.
After a suitable initial period of exploration, le Marquis thought it wise  to create room for future growth. And thus, in 2650 BC, a third city of United Apolyton is founded -- Paha Sapa. The ppl wonder at its name.
By 2400 BC, another nascent city was built. This one was called Fishy -- named, no doubt, in tribute  to the nation's humble origins. About the same time, excited wise men  called an a special session of the High Council to announce that, after centuries of study and self-discipline  , they had finally discovered the secrets of Bronze Working, a technology that promised  a greater defense for the homeland and all its cities. There was great rejoicing.
With a seer’s vision of the future,  the President and High Council (after a suitable period of  celebration), decided to send forth the wise men on another quest for knowledge. The esteemed Minister of Science, Gramphos, addressed them.

“We know now that we live in a watery world," he said. "In fact, our great nation rests on but a modest island in a great sea. This knowledge should inform our studies and direct our minds. Our cities grow and the ppl multiply.  Let us create a body of scientific knowledge that will help us to go forth.  Let the world make room for United Apolyton!”
With both determination  and resignation  did the wise men return to their labors. Inspired by the thoughts of Gramphos, by 2150 BC the wise men discover  a concept they called Map Making. With this came the idea for large boats, adaptable to the arts of exploration, of transportation, and of war.. Plans are drawn. Specialists are set to work,  designing and building the first of these crude boats.
"What shall we call these floating carts?" the workers wondered.
And lo, from the wise men  came a ready answer. "They shall be called Triremes."

"What means this word Trireme?" asked one of the workers.
Smiling down at the worker, the head wise man  said, "It is from the language of the ancient Romans. It is a word of two parts. First is 'Tri' meaning 'Three,' and 'Remus' meaning 'Oar.' As you see, our design has three banks of oars on each side, to be manned by many manly men. Truly, we shall rule the waves!"
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; May 9, 2002 at 17:01.
May 6, 2002, 18:23
Local Time: 17:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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(reminding myself to get to work)
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
May 6, 2002, 19:34
Local Time: 17:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of the Pleistocene
Posts: 4,788
Yes, get to it!
Seriously, I look forward to seeing more of the narrative history of the Apolytonian Democratic Civ history...
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul
May 7, 2002, 08:14
Local Time: 22:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Southampton, England, Uk.
Posts: 574
We need to have a more update history, or we will not learn from the past of this forum and Apolytonia!
Play the Demo Games!!
Running for Foreign Minister in the 3rd Civ2 Single Human Play game!!
Vote for the experience, Vote for me!!
May 7, 2002, 09:16
Local Time: 17:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 13,220
A good history text is a matter of time...
Patience, Grasshopper. Patience.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
May 8, 2002, 04:55
Local Time: 22:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Southampton, England, Uk.
Posts: 574
Sorry but we need a brief history soon and often, but long stories histories at your leisure, -Jrabbit!
Play the Demo Games!!
Running for Foreign Minister in the 3rd Civ2 Single Human Play game!!
Vote for the experience, Vote for me!!
May 8, 2002, 07:42
Local Time: 17:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 13,220
I consider our normal thread-chat sufficient to provide brief history, adamsj.
It's tough enough to find time for this as it is.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
May 8, 2002, 15:04
Local Time: 23:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2000
Location: Castellón, Spain
Posts: 3,571
when the second term??
May 8, 2002, 17:14
Local Time: 17:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: location, location
Posts: 13,220
I need to affix smilies to February's remaining bits first.
After that, it's all about you, Shaka...
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
May 9, 2002, 05:34
Local Time: 22:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Southampton, England, Uk.
Posts: 574
Originally posted by -Jrabbit
I consider our normal thread-chat sufficient to provide brief history, adamsj.
It's tough enough to find time for this as it is.
It is if you are here now, but for later members not!
Play the Demo Games!!
Running for Foreign Minister in the 3rd Civ2 Single Human Play game!!
Vote for the experience, Vote for me!!
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