May 28, 2002, 12:02
Local Time: 16:42
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Posts: 27
Hehe. All the better for him to get to work, so I can take over when I have half an idea of what's going on. So far, though, it's funny.
Bigcash, aka the Man who can't beat Civ2 unless he's playing chieftain OR the man who was really disappointed by Civ3's lack of scenarios.
May 28, 2002, 12:47
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Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul
June 24, 2002, 12:55
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The Short Reign of Shaka Naldur
975 - 375 BC -- Part One
Elections were held for the second administration, with three ppl  running for President – LaFayette, MBloomIII, and Vice President Shaka Naldur. Shaka Naldur also promised to start work on some vaguely defined “building of wonderfulness” to increase the prestige  of our growing nation. Likewise, expansion was advocated, with a commitment to creating new cities on the nearby islands. But above all, he promised to listen to the wishes of the citizenry.  This ambitious approach impressed the ppl, who perhaps did not realize the amount of work such undertakings would require of them. The other candidates campaigned but little, perhaps feeling their reputations would stand them in good stead.
When the dust had settled, the ppl had spoken as with one voice. “We want Shaka Naldur!” exclaimed over 60% of them -- a veritable landslide.  MBloomIII narrowly won the runner-up position, for which he earned the post of Vice President  . La Fayette  finished a close third, but alas received squat for his efforts. A gracious loser, he seceded from active participation the Democracy Game community, choosing instead to retire to his estate and concentrate his considerable abilities on succession gaming. Alas, La Fayette, we hardly knew ye!
The ppl seemed most pleased overall with the previous administration, with most of the High Council returning through the magic of unopposed elections.  Only the Foreign Advisor post was contested, with the legendary adamsj being re-elected over his competition, Citizen Matticus. The High Council for the second term includes:
Science Advisor – Gramphos
Foreign Advisor -- adamsj
Military Advisor – shade
Trade Advisor – El Lawrence
City Planner – kassiopeia
Imperial Expansion Advisor – Frank Johnson
Historian – AlbertB (who won in his sleep)
Among his campaign promises, President Shaka Naldur had advocated the discovery of horseback riding to speed exploration, aid in contacting other civilizations, and search for huts. He also promised a balance between technology and military, and to build infrastructure such as roads and irrigation systems.
…and so came the month of March. Talking to the nation,  President Shaka Naldur thanked all the voters and announced the results of the early post-election polls. The ppl have urged continued exploration, which meant more contact with other civilizations, and clearly agree that Monarchy should remain our form of government. To ensure an adequate military presence, a long-term goal of Monotheism was tentatively established. The advanced development committee  among the Wise Men were duly informed and promised to point their researches in this direction.
At this point, the President retired to the palace and set about executing his, er, the ppl’s plans.  Triremes, manned by brave warriors, were sent out into the world.  Over the next 300 years, far did they travel and much did they learn. Reports were dispatched of their progress, and Shaka maintained a steady hand on the tiller of society’s progress. Speaking to the nation in 675 BC, a jubilant President Shaka informed the ppl that our explorations had indeed revealed much.
Our brave warriors succeeded in making First Contact with two strange and foreign civilizations, the Romans, led by Caesar  , and the Indians, followers of the quizzically calm and stoic Gandhi.  Working with Foreign Minister adamsj, Shaka managed to gain an exchange of knowledge with these strange ppl. First, he kept his campaign promise by gaining the advanced technology of Horseback Riding from the Romans in exchange of the little-used art of Writing.  From the Indians we negotiated the long-desired ability to do Iron Working in exchange for the technology of Trade.
Details of these advanced technologies were quickly disseminated to the Wise Men. After much discussion, it was decided that the course of greatest wisdom would be to begin immediate study of an advanced form of government – The Republic.
It was El Awrence who spoke next. “Behold, my friends, the results of our first trade route. We have begun the flow of fresh gold into our kingdom!”  And there was great rejoicing.  Indeed, most of the High Council immediately retired to their chambers, plotting how their departments would each spend this unexpected lucre.  A new respect for the previously-ignored trade ministry quickly grew. And the Wise Men too rejoiced, as their efforts at research were advanced through the constructive application of outside influences.
Also during this period were built roads to connect all the cities of the nation’s home island, with surrounding lands cultivated to feed the ever-growing populace. Reports from the exploration of surrounding islands include notes on several proposed new city locations. Several new settlements have been established on nearby uninhabited islands. But now, Shaka feels, is the time for bold action.
The President posts a poll proposing a settlement on the same island as Rome and India, thus providing a military presence and a remote base for trade. The ppl vote overwhelmingly – 93 % -- in favor of this new city. Imperial Expansion Minister Frank Johnson asks for volunteers  among the ppl to boldly go where only our triremes have gone before – to seek out a new life amid the foreigners and there to settle under the flag of Apolytonia.
The ppl mull it over.  Finally, some volunteers come forth.  They are trained quickly onto the ways of diplomacy  and defense. While carrying the laurel wreath of peace, the brave settlers know that to live as strangers between two other civilizations will be a perilous life.  Indeed, their expedition is outfitted with  armaments. The President promises them a commitment to “rushbuilding” a state-of-the-art defensive system. The brave settlers know not whether to be encouraged or frightened at their prospects.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; July 1, 2002 at 15:11.
June 24, 2002, 13:13
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Very cool.
This cool just doesn't cut it.
This is about right...
Minister of WAR, not peace.
June 24, 2002, 13:25
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The Short Reign of Shaka Naldur
975 to 375 BC -- Part Two
Before departing on their perilous mission to foreign lands, the settlers thought it best  to seek an audience with the Wise Men, seeking any wisdom that might provide them guidance in troubled times. The advice the reap is “Go forth, brave Settlers! Just watch your backs!” They are not encouraged.  But then, before they leave, two of the Wise Men distribute gifts of good luck among the travelers.  From the first, each receives a tinderbox.
“In times of trouble, dear travelers, you will always need fire, to drive away the beasts of the forests, and to warm you against the chill nights. A stout tinderbox is the best of friends and a solver of problems in such troubled times. Learn to use it well” The settlers accepted these gratefully.
And there was more.  Another of the Wise Men came to them, giving each citizen a small bag containing dried leaves, sweet-smelling and slightly sticky.  “Behold, travelers! When the darkness is at its worst, when all appears lost, my friends, from these humble plants shall you take courage.  They will suffice to fuel your fires, of course.. But these leaves are not for kindling! Behold!”
With that, the wise man struck a spark and, drawing a flow of air across the rank leaves, started them smoldering.. “Breathe deep of these special fires  and your cares will fade, your fears become laughter,  and the night will be as day. “ A smile curled across the Wise Man’s lips.  “Use the herb sparingly, and speak of it to no man. Now go forth!”
And go forth they did, traveling across the sea to the northwest, where they found the city of Citadel.
By this time, President Shaka is a bit frustrated.  Having already kept his primary campaign promises and, getting little input from his ministers, his postings began to betray a bit of stress.  “Start new trade routes?” he asks. Then, “Ministers, now it is your turn.”  Then, “Just ask for whatever you want.” With no immediate response, Naldur begins to show the strain, threatening to take the lash to the High Council :banned: if they do not do some polls and suggest the proper courses of action for their areas of expertise.
Then, silence. Ominous silence from the Office of the President.  A day passes. Then two. As the ministerial responses begin to trickle in and plans for the next actions of the empire begin to form, so too the rumors have begun.
 “Where is the President?” begins one discussion. Soon, the conversation takes on a more paranoid tone. “His last post was…five days ago.” “”When will the vice take over?” “Who should I send the next orders?” “…hoping for our first military coup.” The library is mysteriously inundated with requests for the book “Revolution for Dummies.”  : Questions rage. The ppl are, understandably, alarmed.
Leaderless, the High Council flounders, its members talking amongst themselves,  each hoping desperately for a scrap of information that will unlock the door to their unknown future, a future that looks increasingly dark and treacherous.. Finally, amid the speculation, City Planner kassiopeia is heard, whispering fiercely to the rest of the High council, “Sssh! The Prez is back!”
Walking slowly, head down, his massive right hand massaging his furrowed brow, President Shaka Naldur approaches the podium at the head of the legislative chambers. The High Council looks to their beloved President expectantly.  The room falls silent.
Shaka Naldur speaks: 
“As some of you may be aware, in recent days I have faced some crises of a personal nature. It is most unfortunate that I have not been able to continue my governance at the same pace we maintained but a week prior. Worse yet, Vice President MBloomIII has been sent on a delicate foreign trade mission at this same time. Thus, the United Minds of Apolyton have been effectively leaderless during this time.” He draws a breath. “For this I must apologize to you, and to the ppl.”
“And lo, that is not all, for, try as I might, I cannot will my personal problems to bide their time. Indeed, it is troubling to me that, as the man with the greatest power in all Apolytonia, perhaps in all the world, I can be brought low by such seeming trifles. And so I come to you tonight with a heavy heart.”
The President paused. He drew forth a great silver quill and a scroll of papyrus. “In the short time of our nation’s existence, we have grown quickly. We have managed well. But, truth be told, we could not predict the course of future events. And thus, the events of today must be as they will be.”
Science advisor Gramphos stepped forward. “Speak not to us in riddles, o great one!” he implored.  “We know not whereof you speak, and seek only the succor of your leaderly wisdom. Speak plainly to us!”
Shaka Naldur gave a wan smile and nodded his head. “Very well, sir. For you are right. The ppl elected us and deserve our best service. I must say, however, with great regret, that I no longer have such service to give.” The Council froze. “Speak plainly, you say? Very well. Now hear this –

“As President of the United Minds of Apolyton, I, Shaka Naldur, can no longer execute my oath of office. Effective immediately, I must, with great regret, renounce my oath of office and secede the Presidency to my trusted Vice President, MBloomIII.” With that, President Shaka Naldur dipped his pen in the pot of gooseberry ink, flourished his signature onto the scroll. The High Council gasped as one.
“I am leaving a written compendium of our goals and plans for MBloomIII. When he returns, the nation will return to normal. But for now, I must away!”
And with that, Citizen Shaka Naldur set his resignation scroll on the Council’s conference table, picked up his hat, and strode briskly out of the room, leaving behind a sense of apprehension and doubt.
Thus ended the glorious yet tragic reign of Shaka Naldur, second President of Apolytonia.
For the first time in over 3,000 years, the nation was without a leader.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; July 1, 2002 at 15:10.
June 24, 2002, 13:43
Local Time: 17:42
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Location: of the Pleistocene
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Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul
June 24, 2002, 14:02
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For those who like this sort of thing, here's the traditional RTF format version (smilie-free) of the Chapter on Shaka Naldur.
MBloomIII is next...
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
June 24, 2002, 19:01
Local Time: 16:42
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
June 25, 2002, 05:04
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Location: up shyte creek without a paddle
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Our historians work is fantastic.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
June 25, 2002, 07:59
Local Time: 22:42
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Great but need more!
Play the Demo Games!!
Running for Foreign Minister in the 3rd Civ2 Single Human Play game!!
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June 26, 2002, 17:05
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Originally posted by James Adams
Great but need more!
and there are ppl who don't believe that Civ can be a real addiction
We want more....*makes sure some gold (I got left from my job as trade-advisor) ends up in the historians hands, there's a little note attached:" plz continue...this note will selfdestruct in 5 seconds...5....4....3....2...."*
ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
shameless plug to my site: home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)
July 1, 2002, 15:15
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The Reign of MBloomIII
375 BC to 200 AD -- Part One
...and so it came to pass that the beloved  President of the Ppl Shaka Naldur, was forced to retire  from his life of public service. Vice President MBloomIII, having been out of town on a diplomatic mission, returned with his retinue and was astonished  at the news. Immediately, the ppl demanded a speech.
“My fellow Apolytonians,” said the new Prez, desperately trying to assimilate the situation. “I’m honoured to be your third president... Thank you for the support. Now let’s get started.”
In fact, MBloom took a short respite  to learn more of our situation. He instructed  the Ministers to go forth and take some polls to learn more of what our ppl want, pledging to act with the interests of the ppl foremost in his mind.
Now aware of the fragility of the ppl’s elective government, Military Advisor Shade  suggested that perhaps the High Council should have access to the savegame files, the better to maintain continuity of leadership, and to aid the Ministers in developing plans for their various departmental missions. A poll was posted and over 70% of the ppl were in agreement.
With this safeguard in place, President MBloomIII addressed the masses, calling for firm direction from the High Council in matters such as city improvements, defense, and utilization of workers. Former President Marquis de Sodaq offered guidance,  noting that specific “next moves” should be combined with general preferences in each area, with the President responsible for responding to the unexpected (such as barbarian attacks) as best he could. Gameplay would stop when a point was reached at which decisions needed to be made, but the ppl’s voice had not yet been heard. MBloomIII thanks the Marquis for sharing in his wisdom by appointing him  as Vice President for the remainder of the term.
Having received reports from the High Council, MBloomIII set about his first round of gameplay, starting in 350 BC. With an empire of ten  far-flung cities, worker deployment was altered to slow growth (which might otherwise encourage revolution in the provinces), and increased the emphasis on trade and production.  In a further effort to maintain order, taxes were dropped to 10% and luxuries increased from zero to 20%. This permitted the re-deployment of several warriors as units of exploration while encouraging a general atmosphere of contentment.
By 325 BC, a warrior exploring in the southeast meets an Egyptian settler. Emissaries speak  and an exchange of technologies is agreed. Apolytonian wise men and city Planner Kassiopeia are overjoyed  to learn the arts of Construction and Masonry. To cement the relationship, MBloomIII decides to make a gift of Monarchy to Egypt and is rewarded with a worshipful attitude that enables an exchange of world maps.  We learn that the Egyptians have four cities on a substantial continent to our south, extending all the way to the polar region. We also learn that they are in the midst of constructing Marco Polo’s Embassy as a headquarters for their diplomatic corps. Trade Advisor El Lawrence immediately suggests a trade mission.
Exploration continued for the next 100 years, with trade caravans being built and new cities being discovered on the Roman/Indian continent. One explorer, on the Egyptian continent, bravely and confidently enters a hut in 225 BC, only to be surrounded by barbarian horsemen. The nation mourns this tragic loss.  The Indians, at odds with the Romans, respectfully ask that we form an alliance with them against their enemy. MBloomIII respectfully  declines.
Seeing that diplomatic relations will be increasingly important as our world expands, Diplomats are trained, the first one boarding a trireme off New Castellon in 175 BC. Soon thereafter, our first Marketplace  is built, in the capital city of Sodaq. Rivertown produces a Settler, which is put to work building roads to connect the growing empire of Apolytonia.
In 100 BC, rumors on the street are heard.  They speak of another large project, a “colossal” statue alleged to be under construction, this time in the legendary land of Carthage.  The ppl wonder aloud,  “If Apolytonia is really as wonderful as our leaders suggest, why do we not think to construct such wonders of the world?” MBloomIII also wonders, and calls a High Council session  to discuss matters.
In a bold stroke, Military Advisor Shade  recommends the construction of what is called a “strategic city” on the Roman-Indian continent. While it is clear that such an action may well e considered  inflammatory, it is hoped that such an outpost city will help us better monitor the unstable relations between these civs while perhaps enabling greater use  of our trade caravans. The expedition set up to found this proposed city is to contain diplomats and a defensive phalanx. Diplomats establish embassies with India and Egypt by 75 BC, and report that the Egyptians have established the world’s first “University.”
In 50 BC, a caravan is completed in Walvis Beii and our  task force departs Apolyton by trireme in order to establish a new city amid the Indians and Romans. Our high priests bless the mission as best they can.
Wise men report that they have discovered a new form of government, one in which the ppl would actual elect their representatives directly.  They call this novel concept The Republic and return to their studies, this time working toward a new religious idea that they tentatively call “Polytheism.”
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; July 3, 2002 at 08:59.
July 1, 2002, 15:23
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The Reign of MBloomIII
375 BC to 200 AD -- Part Two
By the year 1 AD, our landing party was in sight of Rome, approaching the southern Indian continent. Native activity around the proposed build site delays our planned andfall until 60 AD, with our new city, called Citadel, being established by 80 AD. Several Roman military units patrol the city radius.  They do not seem pleased with our presence, so defenses are hurriedly built. The Romans ask for us to join their campaign against India. Determined to remain neutral, MBloomIII respectfully declines  and negotiations end. In 120 AD, continuing Roman movement within the Citadel city limits results in the rushed training of another phalanx unit.  24-hour defensive watches are established.
Meanwhile, our exploring warriors in the south have encountered an American explorer. He demands we give them  the secret of Trade. Our emissary respectfully  declines, and the Americans declare war on Apolytonia.  The American explorer departs before we can “reason” with him. MBloomIII redirects our warrior there toward other explorations, as the Americans are clearly insane. In 180 AD, they sail past a huge city called Washington.
By 200 AD, the new city of Ormond was established south of Nova Hispania, making 15 Apolytonian cities in all. One of them, Balsindia, successfully repels a barbarian attack  on horseback.  Reports arrive noting that our ships have encountered the Babylonian civilization. located far, far away.
By this time, the ppl have developed a certain nationalistic pride. Concerned citiizens submit their ideas for an official flag, and a poll is posted featuring 14 varied designs. The civic-minded, creative citizens who particpated included Mercator, ixnay37, Kassiopeia, ColdWizard, and steelehc. The winner, by a single vote,  becomes The Official Flag of Apolytonia, designed by ColdWizard.  Long may she fly!
Taking time to consider what he calls “the big picture,” the President again calls a meeting of the High Council. Maps of all known parts of the world are shared with the group. A concerned citizens’ group  informs the Council that, overall, despite their best efforts, the Apolytonian nation was barely above average.  Scientific research was going slowly, and there never seemed to be enough settlers to found all the cities that Imperial Expansion Advisor Frank Johnson was suggesting.  It was also noted that Apolytonia was the only civilization in the known world that did not have a “Wonder of the World.”  Foreign Minister adamsj requested that embassies be established with all known civs.  MBloomIII responded that, while this was a worthy goal, the ppl seemed to want everything all at once -- a strong military, diplomatic relations, trade, and Wonders. “Quite simply,” said the Prez, “it is not all possible.”
The ministers suggest another round of city and worker adjustments to encourage more contentment  among the ppl, including the rehoming of units that were far from their bases. It is also agreed that the nation would benefit from having a Wonder.  More caravan construction was ordered.
MBloomII continued his  speech. “The time has come, my friends, for this President to retire.  For while I feel the nation has been well served by my leadership, the ppl deserve an elected leader. Candidates are needed for all High Council positions as well. The polls will open by week’s end!”
And with that, President MBloomIII packed up his meager belongings and retired  to his modest  estate on the outskirts of the capital. There, he continued his service to Apolyton by establishing and coaching of the nation’s first football team. The MBloomIII Era was over.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; July 3, 2002 at 09:32.
July 1, 2002, 21:03
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ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
shameless plug to my site: home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)
July 2, 2002, 01:17
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Shade -- Ah, those were the days!
Records are admittedly hazy from 675 - 375 BC and from 200 - 400 AD. I'll do the best I can. Any corrections in the interest of accuracy would be greatly appreciated.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
Last edited by -Jrabbit; July 2, 2002 at 08:06.
July 2, 2002, 04:32
Local Time: 22:42
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Location: Southampton, England, Uk.
Posts: 574
Great, but these history is a thousand years ago we need more update history!
Play the Demo Games!!
Running for Foreign Minister in the 3rd Civ2 Single Human Play game!!
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July 2, 2002, 05:59
Local Time: 08:42
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Yes the people seem to remember a time of ministers going missing
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
July 2, 2002, 06:06
Local Time: 22:42
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Location: Southampton, England, Uk.
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Hydey, as I said before, "I am sorry, I was away for exams and revision!"
Play the Demo Games!!
Running for Foreign Minister in the 3rd Civ2 Single Human Play game!!
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July 2, 2002, 06:13
Local Time: 08:42
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Sorry James I had forgotten about you i was refering to others who never returned.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
July 2, 2002, 07:06
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Location: Southampton, England, Uk.
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Originally posted by Hydey
Sorry James I had forgotten about you i was refering to others who never returned.
OH!OK! that all right, then!
Play the Demo Games!!
Running for Foreign Minister in the 3rd Civ2 Single Human Play game!!
Vote for the experience, Vote for me!!
July 5, 2002, 08:40
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Originally posted by -Jrabbit
The Reign of MBloomIII
For those who wants read off line, please post a rtf file to be downloaded, as the former chapters.
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