Originally posted by exeter0
One thing I didn't mention was that I install MM2 V2.0 'LARGE CIVS'... is there anything I need to do for a LARGE CIV's configuration?
I guess you want have again the ultra gigantic map feature again. GoodMod for MedPack2 Large Civ version uses the MM2L_const.txt (Yeah you were right that I meant this file), but it uses the standart map.txt. So you have to replace this file in the GM1_MM2L_gamefile.txt as you did it in the MM2L_gamefile.txt, so this should be all since the normal and the large civ version uses the same MM2_uniticon.txt.
Originally posted by exeter0
Diplomod.slc is not in the #include list either. Can I just add Diplomod.slc or doesn't GM MM2 support it?
Wes sorted all the slic code by authors, so he created for every author a slic file, you can find Dave's slic in the file:
That includes Diplomod, the withdraw script, the airunit script and a building due to conquest destruction code.
To be honest I prefer the plug in method, althought you end with a bunch of files in your directory. It is much easier to replace a script by a more up to date one.
Originally posted by exeter0
//#include "GM1_strategies.slc"
I disabled this in the MedPack version of GoodMod as it is not compartible with the MedPack setup.
Originally posted by exeter0
So in english, if you want crappy, unlogical, plain stupid AI diplomacy, use diplomacy.slc.
And I thought this file was good for no diplomacy, it makes the AI to reject everything. (Proposal, Counterproposal and Threat) So even just disabling this file in the original game would improve the diplomacy a lot.