
What do you say that if in Civ III, the quality of the palace acts as a modifier on how the other civs relate to you diplomatically, or an "awe" modifier. In reality, Washington DC is designed to intimidate, out palaces/throne rooms should do the same thing.
I see your point, but in game terms palace/throne is only a way to show your empire achievements.
The game diplomatic engine should already keep in account your empire status when treating with you, looking at basic numbers not at their palace/throne reproduction.
I mean, don't confuse the thermometer with the temperature
Of course we can add a view of the palace/throne every time a diplomat come to speak (a still picture or a 3D view walkaround, you can dream here

), but this will only be for adding atmosphere and epic (see also "How to make Civ III more epic" thread).
Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant