Hi all!
Besides making scenarios for Civ II I always wanted to have my own Internet site about Civ II. Now the time has come! I decided to stop worrying about it and just start building. I can always worry about itlater if there is a problem...
It is a humble beginning. Very plain and down to earth right now. However, once I master the skills of HTML, I have absoltely no idea whatsoever how it works, or get myself a Homepage builder, I have none, I will turn my site into one of the best sites about Civ II there are.
To begin I have put up my first scenario I made, "The Fall of the Kraeikian Empire" for those of you that don't know, on display and two of my maps I made a while ago.
Once my Byzantine Scenario is finished I will be uploading it there, too, along with a few other updates.
I hope to add many new features in the future and I hope you will all enjoy my homepage as it develops.
Before I forget it! The adress is
Hope to see you soon!